I promise ill make this better trust

count : 27

OOO. dont even ask, never for trade
michiko emmawoods

OO1. words
soil glade yipiee branded discs desolated otd stormy wiggly disband barf chu-chu purrfect directions

OO2. stranger things
schnapp wolfhard elmax argyle mikewheeler

OO3. misc
trashmouth supergirlygamer

OO4. names

OO5. splatoon
splatcast agentfour octovalley

this is a collection, not a hoard. all urls are in use and are decorated or will be very soon. this is to keep track of my urls, and trade. i dont need anything reset, this url is very much in use!
Pub: 30 Oct 2021 02:37 UTC
Edit: 12 Mar 2025 14:22 UTC
Views: 3300
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