Hi i am flint 👍
they/he (pref for they online)
transmasc lesbian guy 🤯🤯 aroacespec tme

Use of art for icons or banners OK WITH CREDIT👍

please dm me if ive done anything problematic!
Project sekai takes over most of my brain rn
LOVE YURI talk to me about yuri manga reccos.. ><><
Other fandoms i dip my toes in:

  • Bocchi the rock
  • mygo / bandori
  • limbus company (i NEED TO START PLAYING AGAJN)
  • breaking bad.


  • I actively use he/him on mafuyu asahina and hc him as some sorta tmasc!!
  • I use she/they for mizuki akiyama
  • I use different prns than canon ones for characters bc we have fun blasting the trangendahh beam
  • I might not reply quickly because of social anxiety but please know that I super appreciate the replies!!!!

Basic dni criteria
no SHTWT EDTWT or any kind of problematic subtwt
no proship

Prsk specific dni
If you hc or USE any masc prns for mizuki akiyama
If you ship toya with any of the tenmas or are "neutral" about it

Pub: 25 Apr 2023 17:14 UTC
Edit: 24 Oct 2023 12:25 UTC
Views: 2341