The concept of a "Doom expanded universe" mainly exists out of "every other series has it to", so it always felt like trend chasing.
Doom's setting had its benefits from lack of a story and weird presentation, as seen even in its longevity.
A noticeable problem within "Doom lore" is that modders that messed with wall textures for years or reused Realm667 assets were more invested in the setting and premise than lore youtubers.
Doom lore already showed its cracks when they made cybernetic demons a UAC creation, retconning one of the very few lore bits in the classic games.
It would've been easier if id admitted that the new games were reboots like MG's Wolfenstein.
The Marauder's actual fault is that he doesn't really come off as a "Vergil" and while that can be attributed with why the Dark Lord flopped, i can say this should be expected ever since the former soldiers stopped being hitscan.
Platforming is actually one of the best additions in the new games and i can't believe people even suck at it.
It's the upgrade menus that are more out of place because that's taking a page from a Ubisoft design doc.
One of Doom 3's biggest problems is how low the enemy variety is, that not even some cool designs could fix.
More people should've complain about the BFG edition and other later version of 3 for being worse and removing shit for no reason.
Classic Doom unironically always had an interesting and even unique aesthetic and Eternal didn't explore it as much as it could have.
Even its Hell is more versatile/unique than 64's.
While the new games do have some cool designs, they still show certain trends you'd expect in a modern fantasy/sci-fi game.
The Praetor Suit's helmet should have been white and not green.
The Night Sentinel would have worked better for a Quake game, but with that and how much Doom borrowed from Quake, i can't expect a proper Quake revival or Q5.
The Slayer is less originated from the comic and more to do with that one Death Battle episode, a few copypastas and some inside jokes from people that just didn't like that Master Chief was more popular.
Besides the dialogue, the comic's version of Doomguy is still closer to the ingame marine than either the 3 marine or Slayer.
I fear the Slayer reaches a level of "MCU Thor cannot lose a QTE sequence on this SE game" status.
Despite the "HEAVY METAL VIOLENCE", modern Doom games aren't that edgy (In fact, they seem "stratetic" about it) and are nowhere on the same level as Berserk or Shin Megami Tensei as some people made them to be.
Anyone who says "Doom 2016 is about capitalism/climate crysis" is a fucking idiot and Doom doesn't need a "counter culture plot" because nothing beats the actual attitude old id had when they made the engines open source.
Stuff like the phrase "BUT DOOM IS ETERNAL" and Isabelle crossovers caused bigger memory black holes than Brutal Doom.
More people should've made fun of BD for its bugs and balance like /vr/ did.
Also, avoid Doom equivalents of Luulubuu.
There should be other Doom mod award ceremonies besides the Cacowords, to actually prove the community is larger and isn't entirely defined or depended by some people.
The big fuck up "Doom Boomers" are doing right now is not educating new fans on the stuff about Doom fan culture that matters more because Doom is only "eternal" because there was WORK behind it.
Same goes for repeated rumors and myths or at least corrections on statements being shared second hand.
Sandy Petersen may have horrible memory problems but the one true scumbag of id is Tim Willits.
Even then, the creation of the series isn't entirely owed to the 2 John's.
Not enough people complained when John Romero admitted not being able to share Doom assets because of ZeniMax being restrictive.
Not even the big "Doomtubers" reported this.
Old and new Doom fans technically live on different planets, so it's not surprising if some of the latter have "those traits" present in modern nerd spaces.
They wouldn't even think of making fanports of 64 before the official one came.
A Doom movie should be animated, making it live action wont work unless you make it feel like the 3DO shots and maybe use claymation for some of the model props.
Urdak should've been a surprise and pretend to be a "Heaven" in disguise.
The most "Christian" Doom ever was is a phone game with a holy water gun.
One major fault of 2016's multiplayer was the 2 weapon limit and the statement "Doom is supposed to be singleplayer unlike Quake" is a meme and ignores Doom's history with deathmatch.
One problem with "Doom lore" is establishing rules that weren't there.
I even expect this is why some demons rely too much on a chittin aesthetic, meaning experimentation or surrealism isn't that possible with trying to include "logic" in Hell.
One fuck up by John Carmack is not releasing the source codes of the mobile spin-offs, which is why they're almost lost media.
Also, we went from modder controversies of uncredited assets to content like fanart being used as reaction images without proper credit.
Was thinking of saying something about the classic Doomguy design and how there's technically 2 (Cover vs sprites) but i also feel like saying there were always examples of fan content mixing up how people remember the games.
Like even besides Brutal Doom, GZDoom also made people misremember certain traits about vanilla Doom and other stuff like where does "Doomguy" actually come from or how, with varying side effects/results, the fans and public "expanded" Doom.

Pub: 19 Dec 2021 10:42 UTC
Views: 124