Something Different

The chimes ring as the front door to Thanks a Latte is opened, and Yui lets herself inside. As usual, only a few other patrons dot the cozy little café. The only other company was some pieces of furniture and plants scattered about to liven up the place, as well as a lone pinball machine in the back. It wasn't exactly a hotspot in the evenings, but that's why Yui picked it over any other place when she wanted a snack. That and the fact the owner didn't care about the trouble she or anyone else inside was up to beyond the café's walls. However, the woman in question is nowhere in sight. Only the faint sound of metal being screwed with reveals her presence.

Yui's eyes are drawn to a slice of cheesecake topped with some kind of jam, the last slice on display. Although the chances of someone appearing to deprive her of the treat are low, the delinquent speeds as she fishes the change out of her pocket and loudly slams it down on the counter. One old man with floppy, mottled black and white ears jumps slightly, but for the most part, it seems the patrons are too well acquainted with her disturbances to be bothered.

"Come on out! I'm starving!"

After a moment, a short woman with grey hair and clearly foreign features comes out of the back. She glowers at Yui who only points to her chosen dessert.

"You know this is a café, right? Not going to get anything to drink?"

The barista raises an eyebrow as she counts up the change and plates the cheesecake. She already knew the answer, of course. The coffee always seemed to be an afterthought for Yui. She told herself that it must be due to the requirements of the delinquent's Quirk, but she knew that the girl probably didn't even register that the snacks she came in for weren't the shop's main product.

Yui shrugs and her nostrils flare as she looks to the side, slightly annoyed at the question.

"That's all I got, Nocti."

Helene stares blankly at Yui. Most of the regulars were aware of her vigilante activity — quite a few had benefited from it after all — but she still wasn't fond of having her identity blurted out so casually.

"Is it really that hard to not call me that in public?"

The delinquent blinks a few times and does a double-take, looking around the shop before giving the barista a look of feigned concern.

"You mess around with the wrong stuff back there and screw up your eyes? Place's a ghost town. Besides, not my fault your name's all funny soundin'."

To drive her point home, Yui starts loudly trying to pronounce Helene's last name, her accent causing it to sound more like "rasengan" than anything. After a few attempts, Helene waves dismissively and urges her to stop.

"Whatever. Why are you here anyway?"

The question causes Yui to frown and her brows to furrow as she glances at the slice of cheesecake which Helene had kept out of her reach so far.

"Hell kinda question is that? I wanted somethin' to eat."

She swipes at the plate to snatch it away, only for Helene to yank it away. A red ribbon shoots out from the back of her hand and chases it down, yet with each attempt a wall of light manifests to cut its path. Although she doesn't move past the counter, Yui's expression grows more and more bitter each time she's denied it. She snarls and slams her palm on the counter again.

"My money no good here now!?"

The smattering of other clients glance at the escalating situation, but Helene only sighs. For as much of a pain the delinquent could be, the girl wasn't usually this easy to set off. It all but confirmed her suspicions.

"You always come here when something's bothering you. You might as well spill the beans."

Yui gives a token protest and grits her teeth. It wasn't like she only came here when she felt like shit. Being angry just so happened to also make her hungry, and she'd been a bit angrier than usual for the past year. Plus, though she wouldn't say it to munchkin's face, she liked the place. She and Nocti hadn't exactly started off on the right foot, but it was still one of the few places of its type that she actually felt comfortable in. All her other hangouts were of the 'do not enter' variety or otherwise out of the way of anyone who might give her a funny look just for showing up.

"Yeah. Fine. I'm at a fuckin' school for people that would usually be trying to beat my ass and I ain't happy about it. Not that any of those punks would have a chance."

That and one of those kids had hit on her after feeling her up. Even worse, he bought cat food for her. She still needed to pay him back or she'd lose her mind thinking about owing him.

Dammit. Why couldn't he just be a normal sleazebag? Instead, he had to try and butter me up.

Helene loudly sighs as her barriers drop and she slides the cheesecake over to Yui.

"Well, whatever you've been doing obviously hasn't been working out for you. Maybe try learning a bit, or just doing something — anything —different. Oh, and if you're going to come stomping in her all the time, you might as well get a job."

The delinquent scoffs and grabs her plate as she makes her toward the pinball machine, apparently deeming that it deserved her money more than a drink from the café. She hurriedly shoves forkfuls of cheesecake into her mouth as she pushes the coin into the machine and it whirrs to life.

As the lights flash and electrical noises from the cabinet mix with the dings and clacks of the metal ball being shot around, Yui gets lost in her thoughts.

It seemed that everyone, or at least the two people who cared to comment, knew what she should be doing. But it wasn't easy for her to just go along with things. It never had been. It was always what she wanted, her way. How the hell was she supposed to be a Hero her way? She didn't work well with others and she doubted anyone wanted to work with her. Not that it mattered. Just the idea of being a sidekick working for some asshole's agency made her skin crawl and strands of red thread unintentionally mix with her white hair.

Besides, why should she help anyone? No one had been there for her when she was dumb enough to want handouts. No one saved the scrawny little girl who could only make some shitty string. Sure, some people felt bad, but it was just useless pity. It was always easier to look the over way to spare themselves heartache. Even if she got lucky, some niceness to rid themselves of guilt wasn't enough. The only person she could really depend on was herself.

But that dumb kid shouldn't have had to. She should've had a Hero. Maybe...

Yui suddenly shakes her head violently, pushing the thought away. That dumb little girl wouldn't have wanted her either.


The delinquent whips around to see a familiar face. She isn't sure how much time has passed, but the few others who were at the café when she entered are gone while Helene seems to have gone back to work on whatever project she interrupted. The only person in sight is her classmate, Inigo Myoga, who stands in the shop's doorway waving at her with a dumb smile and his dragon at his side.

Inigo quickly closes the distance between them as Yui tries to collect herself. There probably wasn't any time she'd have really wanted to see him, but now was definitely not it.

"Wow! I love what you did with your hair! I always thought you'd look nice with some length."

At first, she doesn't understand what he means, but then she senses the extra weight and feels the sweat on her skin.

Shit. Shouldn't have gotten so worked up. 'Least he's not talking about the smell.

"Uh, thanks."

She glances back at the cabinet and fishes in her jacket for another coin. Unfortunately, she was truly out of funds now. With a sigh, she turns back to Inigo.

"You want something?"

He grins and shoots a finger gun at her.

"Just your number!"

Yui silently glowers at Inigo and he quickly laughs it off. He looks at her in a way she isn't sure how to interpret. It's as if he has something to say besides attempts at hitting on her. Whatever it is, it doesn't yet leave his mouth.

"Actually, I was wondering if you wanted to talk. It doesn't have to be about you...anything on your mind is fine."

The most natural answer was a simple "no" or better yet, she could just leave right now. Yet, something nags at her to not be so hasty. To try something different from the usual. She also needed to pay him back, and entertaining his request was easier than getting the money together.

She drags herself over to a nearby chair and flops into it, reclining and using the table to rest her feet.

"Then let's talk."

Pub: 12 Apr 2023 12:31 UTC
Views: 586