euphoria sequel


"And we're here!" Yakko exclaimed as he got out of the car, and Wakko and Dot followed. The three thanked Scratchansniff for dropping them off and they started towards the entrance of the mall.

Wakko was visibly excited, they couldn't stop imagining themself twirling in skirts and dresses. They were so excited that at one point during the car ride, they were stimming hard enough to veer the car off the road for a few seconds, but it got back on track right after.

The day after Wakko came out to Yakko and Dot, they had asked if the three could go over to Dr. Scratchansniff's office to tell him as well, since he was the only other one they genuinely trusted outside of their siblings. They knew he cared about the trio, even if they drove him up the walls at every appointment. He still made an effort to help them as much as he could. When the siblings arrived at Scratchy's office, he was surprised, to say the least, since they usually make a fuss about going to appointments or are very late to them. As a result, he was confused when they showed up, especially on a day they weren't scheduled for. After they explained why they came and told him about Wakko's identity, they were happy to know that he supported Wakko greatly. They let him know that they wanted to go to the mall later that day, but since Scratchy was booked until that Saturday, he promised them that he would take them then instead, and they agreed to his promise.

It was four days later, and as he promised, Scratchansniff took the Warners to the mall. It's been years since they were at a mall, since they were 90's cartoons, so once they were inside, all the new, trendy clothing intrigued them. Especially Wakko.

As Wakko scanned the inside of the building, they saw all these different stores that interested them. They saw clothing stores, shoe stores, restaurants, jewelry stores, and more. They even saw a store dedicated to food-themed coats.

"So, ya see anything so far, Wak?" Yakko asked.

Wakko shook their head in response. "No, but 'm sure I'll find something soon enough, just gotta look harder!" they said confidently. They looked around once more before

Pub: 29 Aug 2022 11:51 UTC
Edit: 16 Sep 2022 12:00 UTC
Views: 70