Implement unit grouping (Wraith, Valkyrie, Mutalisk, Devourer, Scout, Corsair).
Minimize issues where units are difficult to load into transporters and cannot unload properly during bomb drops.
Adjust priority for pushing allied units (allow melee/magic units to pass through and move ahead of allied ranged units to prevent units from circling aimlessly).
0. StarCraft 2
Terran: Ghost population reduced to 2; Cyclone +2 bonus damage to armored units with weapon upgrade.
Protoss: Maintain Overcharge on Shield Battery (also usable for energy recharge).
Zerg: Hatchery cost reduced to 300; Queen cost reduced to 150.
Fix tooltip errors for StarCraft 2 units (e.g., Cyclone attack damage, Nexus energy recharge, Hydralisk “Lurker Den” morph information).
1. StarCraft 1 Terran
Attack speed +8% with range upgrade (same as StarCraft 2 Marine).
Stimpack research time reduced to 57 seconds (aligned with v1.9 DPS).
Lockdown duration: 20 seconds.
Cast delay: 0.5 seconds; cooldown: 3 seconds; range: 8.
Changed to "Unarmored" with 60 HP.
Mana upgrade cost reduced to 50/50. Healing mechanics aligned with v1.9.
Optical Flare research time: 57 seconds; duration: 30 seconds; mana: 75; cooldown: 3 seconds.
HP: 350; build time: 24 seconds.
Enable mine stacking mechanic; mine activation range increased from 2.75 to 3 (same as Brood War).
Added bonus damage: +3 to large units and mechanical in Tank Mode; +5 in Siege Mode.
Adjusted attack cooldown: Tank Mode (1.58 → 1.45), Siege Mode (2.7 → 2.85).
Air attack range: 6 → 9 (with upgrade).
Cost reduced to 100/25; movement speed increased to 4.4; unloading speed increased by 30%.
Science Vessel
Defensive Matrix mana cost reduced from 100 to 75; shield reduced to 200.
Irradiate damage reduced from 289.9 to 269.8.
EMP destroys force fields; EMP radius increased from 1.875 to 2.
Implement slight delay in movement upon missile launch (same as Brood War).
Adjust splash range to match Brood War (v1.9 splash was exaggerated to 80x the original size).
Added +350 bonus damage to buildings.
Full damage radius: 4 → 5.
Ghost nuke targeting range: 12 → 13.5 (14.5 with sight upgrade).
Drop time reduced to 12 seconds.
Nuclear Silo cost: 50/50; build time: 36 → 18.
Barracks: Build time reduced to 51 (same as v1.7).
Engineering Bay: Build time reduced to 25 (same as v1.9).
Comsat Station: Cost 25/25; build time: 11.
Armory: Build time reduced to 39.
Unlock level 2 Bio-Upgrades with Armory or Science Facility construction.
2. StarCraft 1 Zerg
Unload speed increased by 10%.
Attack speed increased by 5% with range upgrade.
Burrow speed increased from 1.42 to 1.25; HP set to 135.
Enable overlapping mechanics.
HP reduced to 25.
Broodling spell cast delay: 0.5 seconds.
Parasite duration: 1 minute.
Ensnare duration reduced from 21 to 15 seconds.
Added +20 bonus damage to buildings.
Range reduced from 10 to 9; movement speed reduced from 2.27 to 2 (Brood War original: 1.86).
Morph cost reduced from 150/50 to 100/50.
Attack cooldown set to 4.28.
Strengthened Acid Spores: attack speed reduction (12.5% → 19%); movement speed reduction (0% → 10%).
HP increased from 400 to 450.
Attack cooldown reduced by 5% with speed and armor upgrades (0.65 → 0.585 with upgrades).
Reduced unit size (similar to Brood War).
Increased movement speed from 3.15 to 3.55.
Plague spell cast delay: 0.5 seconds.
Dark Swarm duration reduced by 20% (32 seconds → 25.7 seconds).
Production cycle increased from 10 to 10.7.
Defensive Structures
Spore Colony: Cost reduced to 50 minerals; range: 8.
Sunken Colony: Range: 7; anti-light armor damage reduced from 25 to 22.5; HP set to 325.
Spire Cost reduced to 175/125; HP increased from 600 to 800.
Nydus Canal
Transport speed increased by 33%.
Build time for connected canals increased from 10.7 to 14.
3. StarCraft 1 Protoss
HP: 65/100.
+2 bonus shield damage after leg speed upgrade.
Projectile speed increased by 30% (same attack cooldown and DPS).
Upgrade build time set to 57 seconds (same as pre-v1.11).
High Templar
Psionic Storm cast delay: 0.3 seconds.
+32 bonus shield damage (4x8).
Hallucination pre-installed; mana cost: 100 (reduced to 50 with upgrades).
Movement speed increased to 2.82 (same as StarCraft 2 High Templar).
Dark Templar
Movement speed increased to 4.04 (Dragoon speed: 4.11).
Worker assassination warning removed.
HP: 350/10; Unarmored.
Adjust splash radius to match StarCraft 2 Archon values.
Attack cooldown: 0.83 (same as Brood War Archon).
+5 bonus damage to large units.
Dark Archon
Feedback range increased to 12.
Maelstrom pre-installed (duration: 4 seconds; 8 seconds with upgrades).
Loading range set to 2.
Speed upgrade build time: 71 seconds.
Automatic scarab production (cost: 10 minerals).
Base scarab damage: 100; +10 bonus to shields (110 total).
Upgrade (build time: 71 seconds): +25 damage; +25 bonus to shields (160 total).
Increased unload attack delay (0.36 → 0.43 seconds).
Vision upgrade increases sight range from 13 to 14.
Ground attack: 10 damage; +5 bonus to light armor.
Speed upgrade cost: 100/100.
Added "Aerial Detector" upgrade (cost: 50/50): grants detection in vision range for 9 seconds (36-second cooldown).
Cost of interceptor capacity upgrade: 100/100; upgrade time: 57 seconds.
Slightly increased splash radius.
Disruption Web pre-installed (duration: 4 seconds; 12.8 seconds with upgrade).
Stasis Field duration reduced by 20% (33 seconds → 26.4 seconds).
Pylon: HP reduced to 150/300 (StarCraft 2 Pylon: 200/200).
Assimilator: HP reduced from 450/450 to 300/450.
Observatory: Cost: 25/50; HP set to 200/200.
Stargate: Cost reduced to 150/100; Fleet Beacon: Cost reduced to 250/150; Arbiter Tribunal: Cost reduced to 200/150.
Shield Battery
Automatically charges nearby units when shields are depleted.
Initial charge reduced from 100 to 75.
Add Adun as an unlock condition for level 2 ground unit upgrades.