about me

the name is naihara, but you can call me anything you want. i am a minor. pronouns are she/her.

before you follow

unlabeled acc, use harshwords (quite often), and i really like to type in caps. i use emoji A LOT, mostly tweets are in bahasa and broken eng. sering pake gue-lo & aku-kamu.

do not follow

jametphobic, religionphobic, homophobic, won't interact with me, can't respect my & my moots opinion, like ship wars, heavy nsfw acc, can't tell the difference between fiction and real life.


ISAGI YOICHI. animanga, manhwa, mlbb, ciggarates after sex, taylor swift, hivi, genshin impact, project sekai, romance comedy fiction book

please do not hesitate to tell me, if i ever did something wrong

Pub: 04 Aug 2022 12:06 UTC
Edit: 26 Mar 2023 07:36 UTC
Views: 456