How to accept the transfer request? a guide on how to accept the transfer request from me to receive your order.

  1. Open your browser, visit, log-in your active & verified carrd account.
  2. You will notice two options-- choose the "Open Dashboard" option, which will lead you to your dashboard.

  1. Make sure that you have an extra space to accept! No pro/free plan users have the max. of 3 websites only!
  2. Your dashboard should resemble the following: you will find a bell icon (with a notification) either at the top of your screen or on the left side.

  1. Click on the bell icon to view any transfer request notifications from someone, including myself. You will have the options to accept or decline the request, and you can do so at any time.

You can check the website preview by clicking on the gray-colored text next to the thumbnail of the website.

If you accept, you will have the Carrd in your dashboard, granting you full access. The sender will not be able to edit the Carrd.

If you decline, you will not have access to the Carrd, and it will be returned to the sender's dashboard.

Pub: 02 Jul 2023 16:10 UTC
Views: 143