〜 Sewlitta's commissions . . .

Hellow hellow 〜 Welcy to my Commis-
sions info rentry . . . ! ! Please read through
. . . And you can contact me on ::
RetroSpring 〜 Discord (( ー . . . Blanca ?!#1737 ))

:: Zero ) VII ++ Prefered pronouns are He+Che+Cake ((PT-BR :: Elu + Ele )) ! !

WHAT CAN i DO . . . ! ?

:: Banners. Drawings. Webhooks. Welcome | Goodbye | Boost messages. Rentry | Carrd | TXTi reqs. Flags (( Mostly for xenogenders )). Tupperbox bots. ‿‿‿

WHAT i ACCEPT . . . ! ?

:: Nitro. Pix. PayPal. Genshin | Bandori | PJSK accs. Sonhos (( Loritta )). Art Trade. GiftCard (( im on iOS )). ‿‿‿

iF PiX | PAYPAL . . . ! ?

:: Drawings (( Sketch )) ‿‿‿
Icon :: 5,00R$ | 1,00$ .
To the hip :: 7,00R$ | 4,50$ .
To the knees :: 10,00R$ | 7,00$ .
Full body :: 12,50R$ | 10,00$ .

‿‿‿ Drawings (( Rendered )) :: Icon :: 6,50R$ | 2,50$ .
To the hip :: 10,00R$ | 6,00$ .
To the knees :: 12,50R$ | 10,00$ .
Full body :: 16,00R$ | 13,50$ .

For others :: Price can, and will, be disscussed ! !

RULES . . . ! ?

[::::]。〜 DO NOT RUSH ME ! ! Due to my neurodivergency && some burnouts i might drop and re-continue things in my time. Of course, i will try to be as fast as possible ! ! If you rush me i might recuse the request . . . I have a life, im 14 going 15, i have school and my house to clean (( not counting stay with my 3yo brother )) ! ! Don't expect to get what you want on the next day if you requested a full body rendered drawing 〜
[::::]。〜 DO NOT REQUEST ! ! (( drawings )) :: Extreme gore or sex related (( Don't know how to draw . . . Sorry ! ! )) Any big-three-para related, incestuous things, racist | nazi things.

Pub: 30 Jan 2023 03:27 UTC
Edit: 16 Feb 2023 01:22 UTC
Views: 243