(1) i'm a system host & an introject of six, however i mainly identify as... mizuki akiyama, kokoa yoshizaki, & bleakone ...
& 3 unlisted
i heavily identify with all three and bring up memories frequently, if you dislike that you're free to block me. this isn't all of them as i'm currently on a voyage to discover more. you can learn more about my headmates & i here!
i'm also the grim reaper ^_^
(2) i go by mirena, banshee, kokou, bleakone + an expansion of names! along with pronouns, however these preferences change very constantly
(3) bodily, i'm latina & black, 4teen. along with mentally disabled ++ neurodivergent. alter-wise, i'm 14ish. sometimes i may be a little older than that or ageless ✮ eng ok + learning esp
(4) i make 'gorey' jokes. and i also joke about self harm & suicide as a way to cope (+ an occasional kys ) kms comment). if ur uncomfortable tell me or else i won't know
(5) i rant a lot and i'm very hateful + have anger issues. in particular i hate south parkies (barf). i have a strong tendancy to either block south parkies or make fun of them, test ur luck
(6) i typically refer to things i dislike with the suffix of "-ian" "-ies" "-ers" etc..
(eg: south parkie nickloonies fanphoners)
(7) i can't tell tone. use tone indicators please im full of the tism

(☆) kirby, inanimate insanity, writing, kirby guardian, friday night funkin, mario (+ mario and the music box)
please don't say you like the bold nor kirby guardians more than me ( p′︵‵。) !!!!!
i have many more interests..

click for more rentries of mine!

Pub: 26 Jan 2023 08:31 UTC
Edit: 26 Jan 2023 08:45 UTC
Views: 179