I could smell guilt tainting her scent a second time.

"I’d do it again," I said quickly. "Without hesitation." I was still hiding my face against my knees, even though she’d stopped running her fingers through my hair. "So, don’t be sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t get there sooner. It looked like it was a close one…" My voice trailed off.

Gabriella resumed running her fingertips through my hair. "Well, sort of. He wasn’t planning on killing me for another few hours. He…" She stopped abruptly, and I could feel her hand begin to tremble again, but it wasn’t from nervousness this time. "He…wanted to break me. He wanted me to get to the point where I’d ask for it. Ask him to kill me…"

Without thinking, I immediately reached out my hand and rested it on her silky thigh. She jumped at the sudden touch, but I knew from her scent that it wasn’t from fear. I’d made her even more aroused, immediately dispelling the horror she had just been feeling.

"Is that alright?" I asked anyway, second-guessing myself as my own fingers began to tremble against her leg. I’d never touched anyone like this before, so I couldn’t help but feel anxious.

"Yes," she whispered softly. She was then thoughtful. "I think that’s what it is. Touch. The most recent time someone touched me, I didn’t want it. So, I think it helps to replace it with someone touching me who I want to."

I felt selfish for asking my next question, but I couldn’t help but wonder. "What would you have done if it wasn’t me who saved you?"

Her hand stopped stroking my hair briefly, as she seemed to try to understand my meaning. "Oh, well I probably still would have come here and tried to talk to you."

"You would?" I asked in surprise, turning my head slightly to glance at her. "You wouldn’t have wanted to find the person who saved you?"

Fully understanding what I was getting at now, she shook her head. "No. I mean, I would have been thankful, but I already liked you. I’m not here because you saved me. I mean…" She hesitated. "Like, this isn’t a ‘thank you’ or something. I would never thank someone by offering myself to them."

I immediately forced my head between my knees, suddenly overwhelmed by the implications. This couldn’t be happening. This had to be a dream. My entire body was trembling, I was so nervous. Her words were now echoing in my head like a physical presence haunting me.

‘By offering myself to them.’

I yanked my hand off her thigh and hugged my legs tightly with both arms.

"Are you alright?" she whispered, sounding confused.

I wasn’t able to answer right away, but she waited patiently. She had stopped stroking my hair, probably afraid that she’d done something to upset me, instead of realizing that I was just pathetic when it came to women, because I had zero experience in that department.

Finally, I managed to respond. "You…you have to understand. I’ve never had anyone touch me like this. I mean, obviously. I’d look like this if I had."

She resumed running her fingers through my hair, firmly, when she realized it was alright, sending shivers down my spine.

I continued. "And, obviously, having you suggest…" I struggled to repeat what she’d said. "Well, it makes me really nervous."

"I think you’re very handsome like this," she said reassuringly. She then lowered her other leg and reached over to grasp my hand, pulling it onto her silky thigh again, graciously ignoring my trembling. "And I think it’s cute you’re so nervous," she admitted with a small giggle.

"You do?" I asked in shock, a little surprised that her admission actually made me feel more confident. Before I even waited for her to respond, I began gently rubbing the smooth material over her warm thigh, only to give it a small squeeze. It felt like the heat from her leg was seeping into my hand, warming my entire arm.

"Yeah," she affirmed. "It’s adorable. Although, it’s not like I have a ton of experience either. The most I’ve ever done is kiss."

I found that hard to believe. "So, you’re still a virgin then?" I wondered, only to feel a little embarrassed that I’d asked so bluntly. Thankfully, she didn’t seem offended.

"Does that surprise you?" she asked curiously, her tone filled with amusement.

"Well, I mean…you’re just so pretty." More like, so fucking hot!

She giggled again. "Yeah, well, I have to admit I get hit on a lot. It started happening when I was about fourteen, as soon as my, um, chest…got this big. But yeah, thanks to you I still am."

Dread crept into my chest as I thought about that. I quickly looked up at her, suddenly feeling somber and serious. "I don’t think that would have counted," I said seriously, knowing she was talking about what I’d stopped the serial killer from doing.

"You don’t?" she asked in surprise, blushing from the sudden eye contact and looking away.

"I don’t," I repeated. "I mean, think about it. Is virginity really just physical? If that were true, then what about when gays and lesbians do stuff? Especially lesbians. So then, a guy and girl can definitely lose their virginity without actually having…you know. Normal sex. Even someone who has only done oral really isn’t a virgin anymore." I paused to collect my thoughts. "And likewise, just because a guy forces himself on you, doesn’t mean you’ve lost your virginity. I think it’s more of a mental thing, rather than physical. If you don’t have an orgasm, and if you didn’t do it willingly, then it’s hard to say that you’ve really had sex. Sure, you would have been violated, but I’d still feel like you were a virgin."

"Oh." She considered that. "I guess that makes sense. I actually know a girl who’s never had sex with a man, but she’s definitely not a virgin." She then focused on me again for a moment, before looking over at the fireplace. "And, I guess, even under that criteria, I’d still say I’m a virgin. It wasn’t even heavy kissing."

I glanced at the coffee table as I responded, lowering my voice. "Well, it wouldn’t matter to me if you weren’t. I’d still like you. But, that is kind of nice to hear."

"I’m glad I waited," she admitted.

I felt my heart jump into my throat, prompting me to remove my hand as I slammed my forehead into my knees again. My face was burning up.

The quick movement of my head left Gabriella’s hand behind in the air. "Are you okay?" she asked urgently. "Was it something I said?"

I was trembling all over again, just from the idea of fucking her -- the idea that I’d be her first time too. But it was more than that. Much more. Her words implied so many things. I tried to take a deep breath, but when it came out in a ragged gasp, she rested both hands on my shoulders and leaned into me as if she was trying to comfort me. However, the physical touch only made my reaction worse, which she noticed, prompting her to let go.

I tried to focus my thoughts so I could calm down, attempting to get a hold of my own breathing.

Finally, after a few minutes, I managed a response. "I’m sorry. It’s just that…" I took another deep breath, uncertain of how to explain. "I don’t understand," I admitted. "You barely know me, and yet it sounds like you’ve already decided…"

I couldn’t finish my statement. She was fucking hot as hell, yet she barely knew me, and suddenly it was as if…

"That I’m yours now?" she asked, trying to finish my sentence.

I hugged my legs tightly, my cock hurting it was throbbing so hard. "Yeah, basically."

Gabriella slowly rested her fingers on my hair, sending another wave of shivers down my spine, and resumed running her fingertips through it. "I think it’s because you are what I’ve always wanted," she explained. "You’re kind, and responsible. You take care of Serenity in many ways, even though she’s a lot older than you. And I like it that you’re so innocent." She hesitated. "Well, at least when it comes to this kind of stuff…" She paused.

I didn’t respond.

After a few seconds, she continued. "I mean, you did just kill someone to protect me, so I know you’re not innocent in every way. But you’re innocent in the ways that count to me." She took another deep breath. "And I know you have a lot of self-control, because obviously you can’t get angry without showing this version of yourself. But even if you weren’t like this, Serenity told me you’ve always been exceptionally kind, even as a little kid. She said you never went through a stage where you were disobedient or overly fussy, even as a toddler. And she always loved playing games with you when you both were younger."

I continued to remain silent.

Gabriella was thoughtful for a moment. "Serenity also told me that she really thought God sent her an angel for a friend and playmate, since you had none of the normal qualities a normal baby would have. And even as you’ve gotten older -- even when you’ve been standoffish to others, you still go out of your way to help people in need. Granted, I doubt Serenity has any idea to what extend you do that, but that’s still you, even in the simpler ways like opening the door for strangers."

I let out a deep sigh as I allowed myself to relax a little. Slowly, I loosened my grip on my knees and placed my hand on her thigh again, just letting it rest there.

After a moment, Gabriella spoke again. "Am I what you want?" she asked seriously.

"Well…" I began, not really sure I’d thought much about it. "I’ve never been so attracted to anyone before, but I’m not convinced it isn’t just physical. I don’t know very much about you…" Which was true, though a big part of the appeal was her natural scent. In terms of raw hotness, my older housemate was a huge contender, but I’d never met anyone who smelled as amazing as Gabriella.

But that was kind of the problem. I loved my friend -- like, really loved her -- whereas right now I just wanted to fuck Gabriella like a wild animal in heat.

"That’s another reason why I like you," she admitted. "You’re actually concerned about the fact that you only want me physically right now. Most guys, that’s all they care about. They don’t care who I am, they just want my body."

"Sorry," I whispered. I felt bad, because I sincerely didn’t think I was much different from those guys, despite the fact that she thought so. Plain and simple, I just wanted to fuck her, though it was true I was holding myself back for similar reasons as what she thought.

However, what would she think if she knew I had the hots for my older friend? Would she think it was weird? Or think I was a pervert? Not that I’d ever share that secret with her in a million years.

"Don’t be sorry," she replied gently. "It just means I need to tell you more about myself, so you can like that too."

Thinking about it, I realized I wasn’t as uninformed about her as I initially thought. "Well, I guess I do know a little about you," I admitted. "There are certain things you can assume just from looking at people."

"Like what?" she prompted curiously.

I gently began rubbing her thigh again. "Well, like I know you take care of yourself. You’re well-groomed, but not to the point where I’d think you were conceited. It’s more like you just have really good self-hygiene. And you obviously have good self-esteem too, but not to the point of arrogance. I’d feel confident in saying that you seem fairly mentally stable, especially considering what you’ve just been through. And you aren’t shallow. You sincerely care about knowing people on a deeper level, like Serenity, for instance."

"Huh, wow," she replied. "And yet another reason why I really like you." She grinned at me. "So then, you do like me beyond just the physical."

Sighing, I turned my head slightly to glance at her, even as she ran her fingers across my scalp again. She met my gaze and held it this time.

"I guess…maybe…" I was surprised when she didn’t advert her eyes, so I continued to stare at her, falling silent.

"You really are beautiful," she unexpectedly whispered.

"I…I am?" I said in surprise, with that being the last thing I expected her to say.

Her cheeks flushed, but she didn’t look away. "I mean the colors. You’re very handsome, but the colors of your eyes and hair are really pretty."

"You too," I replied softly. "I really like your green eyes and red hair. I’ve never seen anyone with hair so naturally red."

"Thanks." She blushed again, continuing to stare. She then looked down at my mouth, as she considered her next question. "Umm, is it alright if I sleep with you down here?" she wondered. Her eyes then jerked up again as she clarified. "Like, actually sleep. I’m afraid I’ll have nightmares if I sleep alone."

Fuck. Of course, she had no interest in actually doing anything, not that I could afford to anyway, with Serenity just upstairs. I was already risking a lot by letting myself be transformed out in the open like this.

"Oh, umm…" I focused on the fireplace as I considered it. "We would just have to wake up before my friend is all. Otherwise, she’ll see me like this."

"Okay," she nodded eagerly, beginning to get up. "I’ll go get my phone, so I can set an alarm."

The moment she stood, my hand flashed out before I even knew what I was doing, and I grabbed her wrist. She froze solid from the touch, with it feeling like an electric current was suddenly running down my arm. I had no idea what I was experiencing right now, but I could sense that she was experiencing it too.

I focused on her plumb juicy ass for a few seconds, just staring at the shiny purple material that was taut in all the right places from its own weight, each cheek perfectly defined, before glancing up when she slowly looked over her shoulder to meet my gaze. Her face was flushed, her emerald eyes longing and passionate.

I tried to remember why I’d stopped her, desperately trying to come up with a reason for why she didn’t have to leave. "I, umm, I have my phone," I said hesitantly.

She nodded slowly, but didn’t budge an inch. It was as if I was in complete control now, just from barely touching her wrist. My hand was an unbreakable shackle -- not just because I was strong, but because she chose it to be.

Gently tugging on her wrist, I lowered my legs at the same time, and she willingly fell into my lap right on my throbbing cock, still facing away from me. Trembling again, I wrapped my arms around her waist and buried my head underneath her armpit, forcing her arm to wrap around my neck. She twisted her upper body around in response, the silk running across my cheek, and wrapped both arms around my head, pressing her heavy tits against my face.

My cock throbbed against her ass, actively leaking precum, while my whole body felt like it was burning with passion. The thick aroma coming from her was intoxicating, making me wish I could figure out what was so seductive about it. But there was no fragrance I could think to compare it to. It was definitely sweet like candy, but unlike anything I’d ever smelt from flowers or food, or anything else. I supposed maple syrup might be a somewhat close comparison, but it was still far from being as enticing as this.

After a moment of intense arousal, my mind began catching up with me. "I’m…I’m sorry," I whispered.

"Why?" she asked softly, holding my head tight.

"Well, I don’t know," I answered honestly. "I guess, I just feel like I’m taking advantage of you, given what you’ve just been through."

She laughed at that. "More like I’m taking advantage of you. You’re the younger one here."

I abruptly pulled away to look up at her. "You’re only two years older than me!" I exclaimed.

She grinned. "And you’re still technically in high school," she said playfully, only to clarify that she was truly joking, due to my grimace. "I’m just teasing you, cutie." Her expression then became more intense. "Lucky for you, I like younger guys."

"You do?" I asked seriously. I wasn’t sure if she was still teasing or being for real. However, I realized that the sudden intimacy between us had completely broken down our barriers, since it was now openly obvious that we both desperately wanted each other. At least for her, I was sure that my cock throbbing against her ass made that pretty clear.

Gabriella nodded slowly, looking at me passionately. "Yes, your innocence and inexperience are hot." She paused. "Although, the one guy I did seriously date was older, so it might be more accurate to say that I like it that you, specifically, are younger than me." She then glanced away, seeming pensive. "Maybe this is shallow, but I think it’s because you’re sort of supernatural. I’m just a normal person, so being older than you makes me feel like I’m your equal in a way. Like, you can obviously do things I can’t, so if I was younger too, then…" Her voice trailed off.

"You’d feel inferior?" I guessed.

She focused on me, only for her emerald gaze to become longing again. "No, not inferior exactly. More like, I’d feel like a kid -- like a dependent, because you were ahead of me in every way possible, with no chance for me to catch up." She paused. "Does that make sense? Basically, with you being younger, I instead feel more like the adult -- like there is a way in which I can take care of you, instead of you always taking care of me." She then stopped to examine my expression. "That doesn’t sound creepy, does it?"

I shook my head. "No, I think I get it. I was just trying to imagine it from your point of view, if the roles were flipped. Although, I think I would feel inferior if I was both younger and normal, like I’d always just be a burden to you."

She nodded. "That’s sort of what I mean, actually. I’d feel guilty, I think, always feeling like I couldn’t really contribute to the relationship. Instead, I feel like being older and having more experience with life, especially as an adult, allows me to be able to benefit you…take care of you…be the superior one, essentially, since there are ways in which I’ll never measure up to you."

I buried my face against her chest again, as I realized that I’d probably feel like she was superior no matter what. "I’ll always feel like you’re over me," I admitted out loud.

"Why is that?" she asked curiously.

Sighing, I replied. "Because there’s one way in which I’m extremely vulnerable -- one thing you have complete control of."

"The fact I can make you transform?" she wondered quietly.

"Oh…" I paused. "I guess there’s that too."

"I’m sorry," she replied. "I should have just let you finish. What were you going to say?"

I shook my head against her heavy breasts, trying to swallow the lump in my throat as I prepared myself for what I was about to blurt out. I knew my hormones and throbbing cock were significantly affecting my thoughts right now, but that didn’t stop me from telling her how I felt in the moment.

"It’s fine. What I was referring to is you," I admitted. "I desperately want you, but I can only have you if you allow me to. So, it’s in that way that I’ll always feel like you’re over me. Because you control the fulfillment of that vulnerable desire within me…"

"Oh!" she exclaimed in surprise, apparently not expecting that to be what I meant. She then immediately hugged my head more tightly. "Kai, sorry if this is too soon, but…" She took a deep breath. "I really love you."

"I love you too, Gabriella," I whispered back, wanting to shove my cock in her pussy so bad. Instead, I just tightened my embrace a little. I could hear my own heartbeat pounding in my ears.

I felt like all of this was happening way too fast, wondering if Gabriella’s traumatic experience was causing her to latch onto me faster than a normal person would. Granted, I couldn’t deny that she’d apparently been interested for a while now, nor could I deny that my own feelings might be based on more than her physical appearance, even despite my level of arousal right now.

At the very least, even if I only wanted to fuck her hot body, I felt like I could still say I loved her. It might not be as meaningful as when I said it to Serenity, or when a married couple said it to each other, but my infatuation and lust had to be called something.

So why not love?

And I could honestly say that I liked her. Still, I couldn’t help but wonder if I really was taking advantage of her, considering she’d been through so much in the last twelve hours. Would she really feel the same way in the morning?

As much as I wanted her right now, I didn’t want to have my heart ripped out when she realized she overreacted in the heat of the moment, even if her supposed love was more established than my own. Granted, it wasn’t like we could do anything anyway. No way in hell was I going to fuck Gabriella with my older housemate right upstairs.

Shit, if Serenity saw a monster with gray skin, white hair, and yellow eyes fucking her best friend, she might shoot me! Like, actually shoot me with her gun!

And even if she didn’t, my life would probably fall apart in so many ways.

Sighing, I pulled out the blanket from behind me, letting it fall to the floor. Gabriella leaned away slightly, wondering what I was doing. However, before she could ask, I scooped her up in my arms and twisted around on the couch, lying her down.

I then reached up to turn off the lamp, before lying down next to her, pressing against her tightly, so that we could both fit. I then gently moved my arm underneath her head for her to use as a pillow. My mouth was now barely a couple inches away from her full lips, a slight shine on them from her lip gloss, and I could feel the entirety of her silk-covered body pressed against my own. Within a matter of seconds, we had our legs intertwined with each other, forcing my rock-hard cock against her pelvis tightly.

At first, I watched as her eyes searched for my face in the dark, trying desperately to see me. I was glad there was a light on in the kitchen, because once her eyes slowly adjusted she began eyeing me with renewed passion.

After a moment, I finally reached behind me to grab the blanket off the floor and throw it over us.

Satisfied, I met her gaze. The passion in her emerald eyes was intense, and I wondered what she was thinking. I was about to ask, when she blurted her thoughts out loud.

"I really want to kiss you," she admitted. "But…"

"But what?" I wondered, my stomach suddenly in knots, as I found my heart galloping again.

"But…" She bit her lip gently, catching my attention. "I’m afraid I won’t be able to stop there."

Oh shit! If only!

If only, if only!

Sighing, I closed my eyes. "Yeah, maybe we should wait to kiss."

"Wow," she said emphatically, prompting my eyes to pop open again. "That’s a first for me -- hearing a guy agree to wait."

My face felt hot. "It’s not really that special. It’s almost harder to do it, than not to, since I never have before. I might not be so restrained if I’d already had this type of experience."

Or if my friend wasn’t right upstairs, I added in my thoughts.

"Hmm, yeah," she agreed, focusing past me into the dark room as she thought about it. "I had a friend in high school who was fairly reserved with guys. However, she ended up in a really serious relationship…" She paused. "And after he broke her heart, she pretty much had sex with every guy she dated after that, on the first date. Although, she changed in a lot of other ways too. I don’t really talk to her much anymore."

"Oh. Sorry to hear that."

Gabriella shrugged slightly. "No big deal. Serenity is great. And now I have you too."

I blushed, feeling conflicted all over again for so many reasons. I reached up with my hand to hide my embarrassment.

"What?" she said with a smirk, sounding playful.

"I just feel embarrassed whenever you say stuff like that," I admitted.

"That I’ve claimed you, and you’re mine?" she teased.

"Or, that you’ve given yourself to me," I added.

Gabriella slowly reached up to grab my hand and carefully moved it to the side of her face. I began gently caressing her soft cheek with my fingertips, before moving down to touch her shoulder, feeling the smooth silk over her toned arms.

When I went a little lower to her ribs, she flinched and cringed. "Oh! I’m sorry!" I exclaimed. "The bruising?"

She nodded. "It’s alright. Nothing’s broken -- thankfully. It’s more sensitive in certain spots than others." She then grabbed my hand and placed it on her hip. "Right here is fine."

Feeling a little out of control, I tugged on her waist, shoving my cock against her harder, but was careful to leave my hand where it was for fear of accidentally touching another unseen bruise and hurting her again. I then closed my eyes, my mind overwhelmed with the sensation of her body touching every inch of my front.

I wanted to fuck her so bad, but I couldn’t imagine the horror of my friend catching us, never mind seeing me in my devilish form.

"Can you open your eyes again?" Gabriella whispered.

I did, wondering why.

She stared at me briefly before explaining herself. "I just wanted to look at them again. I like it that they glow." She then hesitated for a second before continuing. "When I saw your eyes in the woods, I admit it really freaked me out. But now that I know who they belong to, I feel mesmerized by them, like I could just stare at them forever."

I wasn’t sure how to respond, but as I continued watching her expression deepen with passion, I realized I probably shouldn’t respond.

Just as I saw her desire -- no, her hunger for me -- begin to tip over the edge, I quickly closed my eyes, afraid of what she was about to do to me. Even despite my reservations, it wouldn’t take much for her to tip me over the edge too, and we couldn’t afford that right now.

Taking a shaky breath, I quickly whispered to her. "We should probably get some sleep."

I could feel her tense body hesitate before sensing her nodding slowly in agreement. Granted, there was no way in hell I was going to be able to fall asleep anytime soon. My body felt wide awake and wired, desperate to take advantage of the sexy older girl lying in my arms. Every fiber of my being wanted to just flip her on her stomach, pull down her silky pajama bottoms, and fuck her from behind.

I couldn’t help but fantasize about fucking her in the ass -- or probably fucking her pussy first and then fucking her in the ass once I was wet with her juices. I also wanted to stick my cock in her mouth, which meant I’d probably have to start with that, wondering if she’d let me shove it down her throat and make her gag on it.

Certainly, I knew real life probably wouldn’t be even close to as vulgar as what I was thinking in my head, but I felt overwhelmed with the need to fuck her in every way possible.

To fill her every orifice with my cum, as if that would be somehow claiming her.

Unfortunately, even after agreeing to go to sleep, neither her heart rate nor her level of arousal lessened. By the time Gabriella made a move, I already knew it was coming.

With my eyes still closed, she abruptly leaned forward and pressed her hot lips against my forehead, kissing me softly for several long seconds before sighing in contentment and laying her head back down on my bicep. I kept my eyes closed tight the whole time, knowing what would happen if I opened them and met her gaze.

After that, she remained awake for at least another twenty minutes, but slowly her pulse began to slow down and her breathing became more regular.

Finally confident she was out, I peeked at her through my eyelashes, focusing on her slightly parted lips. I then reached up to my forehead to wipe off the lip gloss she’d left behind, only to watch her quietly for almost an hour before I began calming down a little too. I supposed that denying my body long enough allowed it to give up and focus on more realistic needs -- like sleep.

Still, I just couldn’t believe how such a normal day could have ended up in such an extraordinary way. Certainly, things might be different tomorrow, but I never would have foreseen myself lying so close to such a beautiful woman. And if someone told me such a thing would happen, then I would have guessed it was with Serenity in a solely platonic way, and that I was doing a much better job at keeping my cool while being so close to her.

As I finally began to feel my own mind drift off to sleep, I realized I felt extremely content, and possibly the happiest I’d been in a long time.

It was nice. Really, really nice.


(Copyright 2020 Kaizer Wolf)

Submitted to Sexstories: March 18, 2022

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