NDIS Community Access for Employment: How Employment Services Can Help People with Disabilities Find Work

The National Disability Insurance Scheme Community Access for Employment is an initiative aimed at helping people with disabilities find and maintain employment. This scheme provides access to a range of supports and services that can help individuals overcome the barriers that can often prevent them from finding work. Employment services, in particular, play a crucial role in connecting job seekers with disabilities to employers. In this blog post, we'll explore how employment services can help people with disabilities find work, and the benefits of the NDIS Community Access for Employment for both job seekers and employers.

Understanding the Barriers

The first step to helping job seekers with disabilities find work is to understand and address the barriers they face. These barriers can include physical barriers, such as inaccessible workplaces, as well as attitudinal barriers, such as discrimination. Employment services can provide job seekers with disabilities with the necessary support and resources to overcome these barriers. This can include job search assistance, resume and cover letter writing, and interview preparation.

Building Connections

Employment services can also help job seekers with disabilities build connections with potential employers. Employment services have established networks and relationships with a range of employers across different industries. This can provide job seekers with disabilities with a direct pathway to employment opportunities that they may not have otherwise been aware of. These connections can also help employers understand the benefits of hiring people with disabilities, including the value they can bring to their workplace and the tax incentives available.

Customized Support

Employment services can tailor their support to meet the specific needs of job seekers with disabilities. This can include providing assistive technology and work-related equipment, workplace modifications, and ongoing mentoring and support. This customized support can help job seekers with disabilities overcome the unique challenges they may face in the workplace, and ultimately support them to succeed in their roles.

Job Retention

Employment services can also provide ongoing support to job seekers with disabilities to help them retain their roles. This can include regular check-ins, performance feedback, and assistance with any workplace issues that may arise. This ongoing support can help to reduce the likelihood of job turnover, which can be costly for employers.


The NDIS Community Access for Employment is an important initiative that aims to improve the employment outcomes of people with disabilities. Employment services play a crucial role in connecting job seekers with disabilities to employers and providing ongoing support to help them succeed in their roles. By addressing the barriers faced by job seekers with disabilities, building connections with potential employers, providing customized support, and assisting with job retention, employment services can help people with disabilities to find and maintain meaningful employment. If you or someone you know is looking for employment opportunities, consider reaching out to an employment service provider in your area to learn more about the supports and services available.

Pub: 16 May 2023 09:30 UTC
Views: 111