Welcome to Nebula Kingdoms Round 15

Welcome to another awesome round of Nebula Kingdoms.

What makes Nebula Kingdoms Special

  • War mechanics enables every small kingdom fight top dogs and be meaningful.
  • Kingdom states (Growth, Mobilization, Offensive and Defensive) allow you to find our own strategy.
  • We have passive probes income, so you can build probes stronghold and have double output in war time.
  • VP (Honor and HoF hybrid) system rewards players for successful WLs and probes actions.
  • CTF (Capture-the-flag) game adds additional spice.
  • 60 min ticks, combined with faster WLs return make perfect balance with your real-life duties :)

Sign in at https://nebulakingdoms.com, and learn more!

Nebula Kingdoms R15 changes

Changes to Robbing and Starmines

We want to give you your 8 hours sleep without leaving you left penniless in the morning! In order to do that we have implemented 2 changes:

  • Starmines: Now store 750 money in a vault safe from robbing!

    In a kingdom that has its income split between half SM and half Resi this will store 2-3 hours of income that is untouchable by petty theft.

  • Robbing Protection: Each rob per tick gives the robbed KD a point of protection from robbing. Each point of protection reduces robs by 10%. 1 point of protection will fall off each tick. Max reduction is -50% money robbed.

    Basically this is 'MA' for robs and we hope it reduces the pain from chain robbing that some people have experienced playing SK like games.

  • Rob Protection and Starmine vaults do NOT apply to food.

Food is cheaper now!

Main goals for food system changes:

  • Enable wider variety of newbie mode exit strategies
  • Remove (reduce) need to hunt beaten down food kds at game start
  • previous round food (T2) is enhanced to start with minimum 500 land, instead of 250 land.. Max land remains unchanged - 2500.
  • lower tier (T1) food is back! It starts at 200 land and approx. 120-150 tanks. T1 land range is static 200 land and its defense will be considerably lower than starting T2 food defense
  • game start food defense discount was increased by 20%, so food will exit with less defense per land
    e.g. T2 500 land and 400 Tanks, however if universe builds up more military, it may exit with slightly more defense.
    T1 200 land and 130 Tanks, however slight increase is possible, if players decide to go for military push!
  • T2 and T1 will spawn in the same sector, we may have fewer T2 kds than past rounds, and have lower food supply in mid game.

Pirates Arrr Here!

Oh no! Pirates have raided your sector and are syphoning 10% of your sectors income! Coordinate with your sectormates to attack and kill the pirates in order to regain your income! Once killed, your sector will gain a 10% income bonus for the rest of the round.

Pirate Specs:

  • Desert/Terran
  • 1000 land
  • 1500 tanks
  • 500k money cap (starts with none)
  • 12.5% units lost per hit

*Note: Pirates are not actually stealing 10% of income, but you will receive a 10% sectorwide bonus for killing them

War System

No Changes

Noob Mode KD Builder Changes

  • Removed option to adjust initial TCs - this will scale w/ sci build appropriately
  • KD builder will do a better job of exiting with higher population by rebalancing some SMs to Resi.
  • KD builder default probe value has been reduced. Don't let this hamper you from exiting high probes if you want though!

Probe Income

Probe income will remain unchanged. As a reminder:

  • Initial probe income budget is 20.
  • Probe income budget will end at 10.
  • Probe income calculation is Total_Land * X / Total_Probes where Total_Land is the total land in the universe, Total_Probes are total probes in the universe and X = Probe Income Budget = 20 at round start, slowly reducing to 10 by round end.

VP System

We have left VP system unchanged from the previous round.

  • 500 VP per level up to level 10, 1000 VP up to level 20, 1500 VP up to level 30.


No changes to Flag

  • Flag will give 25% VP bonus for your sector (changed from 0% bonus)
  • Flag still gives 10% income and population bonus.
  • Initial food flagholder will start with 1,000 land and 2,000 Tanks defense.

Planet Changes

We think Planets are generally in a good spot. However with the changes to robs, we wanted to give shadow a little bit of love.

  • Shadow (Change): [+25% Probe Income], -20% probe loss

    No more +20% Probe Damage

  • All Planets remain the same.


Pub: 29 May 2022 00:26 UTC
Edit: 29 May 2022 20:06 UTC
Views: 432