mikejima.crd.co trish ' s extended info

my names are trish and rose . you can use nicknames on me like trisha ) tricia or rosie. patricia is my full name but it feels really formal y'know...

my pronouns are she(her) and zei(zeirself). they(them) is okay too but it's not my favorite. only use feminine terms on me.

i am a transmasculine girl and a lithromantic lesbian. don't include me in your discourse if you think that's an oxymoron or sumn.

i don't have a specific do not interact list so if you're weird around me i'll just block you. but if you're curious here's a syswide dni list.

before you interact with me, i am the cohost of a system and an introject of one. i do not use tone tags, so if there's trouble with how my tone comes across just ask me. i say slurs like fag and retard.

Pub: 29 Dec 2022 02:18 UTC
Edit: 25 Aug 2023 01:55 UTC
Views: 219