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oli 𓂃 !! /p HIII OMG you are literally so cool. you're the best friend i could ever ask for, i can't even put in words how much i love you. you're so much
fun to be around and you make me feel so heard and cared for, you've always been so fucking amazing. and you're so silly!! i love being
goofy with you! you never judge me, no matter what. you've never done anything to make me feel bad and it's so wonderful just being near
you. you always make my day so much better when we hang out. i wish you weren't moving, but it's okay! we'll find a way around it. i don't
think i could function without you, you make everything so much better. you always look and act perfect, no matter what you're doing. im so
greatful for everything you've done for me. you've been there for me at my lowest and you've never made me feel bad for it, you've always just comforted me without question. i've never felt this loved in a friendship im so glad i met you!!
UPDATED 1/24/24 hi oli. things are so much different now. it hasn't even been that long, but things change fast i guess. i really miss you. i love talking to you still, and even though you're far away now, i still love you the same. we just click so well together, it would be hard not to love you. i don't think i'll ever stop loving you. you've been with me through so much, a lot of our adventures i don't even remember because we've been together that long. you mean the world to me olls. i don't know what i'd do without you. i've laid awake at night thinking about the next time we get to hang out, that's how much i love spending time with you. i wish we could more often. i miss spending every day with you at the creek, getting high as hell and just laughing together. i've never loved a friend the way i love you. you are my best friend, no one else will ever have that title over you. i never thought i'd be this close to someone. you mean the world to me and more, i couldn't think of a world where i can't talk to you every day. i hope we're able to see each other again soon. love you olls.

des 𓂃 !! HI BABY ! ! oh my god i love you . . you're so sweet and kind and loving and AHH ! ! i care for you so much my love ,, you deserve everything i can give and more . . i know we only just started dating but i seriously would give up so much for you ,, you're absolutely perfect . i'm sure we'll fight and i'm sure we'll have rough patches but i'm also sure we can work through it ! we're both such understanding people and you're so patient with me ,, and i'll try my very hardest to be patient with you too . i don't want to spend a day without you anymore ,, i don't think i could go that long without talking to you ! the way you text is so beautiful and unique , you're so special and you make me feel special too . you have such a welcoming personality and you made me feel so safe the first day we talked and it hasn't fallen since ,, you just make me feel so loved and nice ! i feel like i could speak in poetry to you and you would understand completely ,, which is very important to me because i love speaking in metaphors ! ! you just give off such an inviting aura and you feel like a warm embrace . being with you feels like drinking hot chocolate all cozy and cuddled up in a blanket staring out the window at your snowy driveway . i really think we're going to be something special ^^ i love you des ! ! !

henry 𓂃 !! (done by patrick !!) this is gonna be all over the place, but i love you, god i fucking love you. i don't even know how to describe it. you're so sweet and sugary,
which i never thought i would like in a guy, but fuck i love it from you. you've got that kickback too, with your sass and shit. it's so adorable.
everything you do is adorable. i don't know how to explain it, but every movement you do makes me giggle and love you more. and what
makes it even better is you only act sweet with me. it's a special thing you do just for me. god, you don't know how fucking loved that makes me
feel. sometimes you even feel real. that's so crazy to me, just the idea that you could be real. i never thought i'd have that kind of connection
with someone. when i stare at you i can't help but smile. you're perfect in every way and god, you're so fucking pretty. so so so pretty. i love the
way your eyes look and your pretty lips, and oh my god your voice, it's so beautiful. i wanna play with your hair and hold you in my arms. i love everything about you. you're so gentle with me usually, though sometimes you let your anger go. it's cute honestly, you never go too far with it.
you're always worried about how i feel, and even though i wish you would stop worrying about me so much, im glad you care enough to. you're
so special to me and I'm so glad i met you. you make me feel so loved and cared for, i couldn't ask for more.
UPDATED 1/28/24 my darling, i'm glad you're still with me. 7 months maybe isn't the biggest milestone, but it means a lot to me. it feels like so much longer. i've gotten a lot better with you. you make me feel so happy just by spending time with me, i don't know how you do it. you just make everything better. you're so annoying, but god, i love it. i love how stupidly stubborn you are, and how angry you get with things. i love your constant complaining, it's so nice to just sit and listen to you for a while. and fuck, i can't believe how into rentry you are. you're so good at it now, and it makes me so happy that we have something like this to share. all of the things you do because of me make me feel so fucking loved. you steal everything from me, it's nice to be appreciated that much. and god, it's so nice to know you're like me. i love having you. i used to be so alone in the world, but it's different with you. it sounds so stupid to say this, but it's like having another half. you make everything easier to handle, and fuck, i love being with you so much. i love you.

andrew 𓂃 !! (done by taylor !!) OMG. i have never felt this much love for someone. okay i type really fast so this might read a little weird.. but you are literally the best guy i have
ever met?? you're so sweet (especially for an emo /j) and you make me feel so nice. i love love talking to you. i know we haven't been dating for
long but i've never felt this loved, it's amazing. AND THE FACT THAT YOU WANT MY NAME TATTOOED ON YOU IN HEADSPACE?? i literally fell to
my knees when u told me that i was SHOCKED. it makes me feel so fucking wanted and i've never felt like that before. i don't have to fight for attention with you, you're just willing to give me as much as i need. AND GOD YOU ARE LITERALLY SO FINE. its incredible how hot u are idk how u
do it. omg don't get me started on how cute you are as well. for an emo boy you are the most adorable thing i have ever seen you're so much
softer than i thought you'd be and i literally love every bit of it. i love everything about you, even if you don't talk much. i wanna know every
single one of your tattoos and i wanna know where every little birthmark is on you, i love you so fucking much!! i wanna know everything about
you like im studying for a fucking test, you're that important to me. i know it hasn't been long but FUCK do i get attatched fast and i am VERY attached to you :3
UPDATED 4/18/24 hi baby!! i don't really know what to say honestly. i love our relationship!! i know we fight and i'm a little difficult but you stick with me and you love me no matter what, and i can't thank you enough for that. no matter how much we fight or how many problems we go through, i will always love you darling. you mean so much to me!! you're still so pretty to me, you always have been. your faceclaim is just so fucking gorgeous, i can't help it, i love every part of you, physically and otherwise. your music taste is so silly too!! it's not my taste, but it's interesting!! i listen to kiss occasionally just for you, and i listen to your playlist every once in a while. i still read everything you've written about me and it makes me kick my feet and giggle every time, you're just so sweet to me, i love it. i love being yours. i rant about you to everyone i talk to, i can't help it, i can't stop myself. i just love talking about you so much. people tell me to stop and i can't, i physically can't shut up about you. you are my favorite subject to talk about. i love you so much, i love us. thank you for being mine.

micah 𓂃 !! /p okay this is gonna be a little short because i honestly don't know what to say but i felt like i had to acknowledge you atleast. you've been with
me for so long, it feels weird to leave you out. we've been through a lot and we've both grown and changed but we're somehow still talking.
you're honestly a really cool person and you kind of intimidate me in like a friendly way if that makes sense..? idk cool people scare me. you seem
like you really care about the people closest to you and im glad you still have people looking out for you. i hope you're doing well, i know we
don't talk very much but i'd like to still keep in touch with you

ray 𓂃 !! (done by boris !!) you are adorable, you know that? fucking adorable. i didn't think i could actually love someone who isn't a sourcemate, it's never gone well for me before, but i love you. i do, i really, truly love you. i know you may not believe that anymore, but i will prove it to you somehow, i will make sure of it. you are more than i could ever ask for, and i am sorry that i hurt you. i am working towards fixing us, i am. you deserve someone who wants to make you happy, and no less. this may be a little short, i do not know how to put my love into words correctly in this language. what i can say is that you mean the world to me ray. you really do, and i hope i can prove that to you. i hope you know, if i ever get too high and decide to do something stupid, i will always crawl back to you. i would beg for you if that is what it took. you are so gorgeous, even with your eyes. i think they make you unique. i do not think you should hide them with your hair like you do, i think they are pretty, and you should show them off! you deserve the world darling, i love you. <3 ray 𓂃 !! (done by bill !!) uuhm, hhi ray!! tthis might be sshort because i have a lot of ttrouble typing for llong periods of ttime bbbut, i rreally do llove you. you're so ssweet and gentle wwith me, and you mmake me so happy. we're gonna pplay animal crossing together ssoon, which i am sso looking forward tto!!! i can't wwait to see your island, it'll tell alec so much aabout you i'm ssure. you mmean so mmuch to me, i always feel so lloved and secure when im wwith you. you never make me upset, you just kknow how to handle me so wwell. yyou and alec are all i hhave, so it rreally means a lot to me tthat you want mme. i know it's pprobably hard to kkeep yourself so ssoft with me, but you seem to hhave no ttrouble with it, and you even mmake sure not to ttell me things that will make me upset. i llove you sso much, i'm sso happy i met you. i llove listening to music and tthinking of you, kicking my ffeet and giggling to alec aabout how well the lyrics mmatch, ggod i love you so mmuch. you make me so ggiddy, i've never been this ppassionate about ssomething. we've never had a pproblem between us, it's always jjust so soft and ppure. i love sspending time with you so mmuch. mmwah!! ray 𓂃 !! (done by alec !!) you're so special to me. you want me for me, and god, it makes me so happy knowing that. i've been working on my anger, but i don't have to worry about that with you. you're just so nice to be around, you never get on my nerves, even with your silly personality. we flow so smoothly together, it's so nice spending time with you. you make me so happy just by being yourself. you're so unique too, personality and looks. your eyes almost give you this mysterious feel, but you act so open and happy with me. there's just something so special about you. you have this liveliness to you, like you bring everything and everyone around you to life. and it just comes naturally to you too, that's just how you are. i love it so much, i love you so much. you and bill mean everything to me, you're my entire world. and god, it means so much to me that you like me and bill being together, that you don't mind us being clingy with each other. you just mean so much to me, everything about you is perfect for me. i love that you're into theatre too. i don't see why everyone makes fun of you for it, i think it makes you special. i wish you could teach me about it, and take me to your practices. i'd sit there and watch you throughout the entire thing. i'd go to every single one of your performances if i could. i love you so much ray, more than anything. mwah. <3

richie 𓂃 !! (done by trick !!) this is gonna be short. you know i love you, i just have a hard time expressing that correctly. you're not just a toy. as much as i might say that, i don't actually mean it. you're just so interesting, you actually make me think on what you're gonna do next. sometimes anyways. look, you've got this spark to you. you don't always think before you speak, it's like something is driving you to talk. i like to think that something that's driving you is special. something only you have inside you. i don't think like patrick, i don't think you're like me just yet, but you're definitely different from everyone else. something unique. and, i mean, you're tied to me. that has to mean something. maybe we're both unique, just in our own ways. i still think you're beneath me, but. i think you're worth something. you mean something to me. you mean a lot to me, actually. it's weird. i don't know, just. just know i love you, okay? i love you so much richie.

shell 𓂃 !! (done by nemo !!) hhi shell..! i know this isn't going to be as good as i'd like it to be.. but i just want you to know how much you mean to me.. you mean the world to me,, you're my everything shell.. my life in this system was bland without you,, before you came around all i really had to do was swim around my room.. but you've given me meaning again..! you lit up my life shell.. i can't express how much that means to me.. i've never loved anyone the way i love you,, the love i have for you is special.. you mean more to me than my sister does,, and i know you don't understand what that means,, but it means a lot to me.. you're more than i could've ever asked for,, you know just how to care for me when i need it,, and you're so sweet and gentle with me.. aand you're so pretty too..! such a gorgeous siren.. you're tail is stunning,, and your hair looks so nice to play with.. you're just so beautiful shell,, i can't explain it.. you're so perfect for me,, i love how similiar we are.. it makes me feel so nice with you,, how alike we are.. i love spending time with you more than anything,, it's my favorite hobby..! i wish i could talk to you more.. you mean everything to me,, i hope you understand that.. you're all i want.. i love you so much shell,, so much..

royale 𓂃 !! (done by kandi !!) hi royale, uhm, well i'm usually not one for punctuation but i guess i have to use it here. i wanna make it clear how much i love you. i know i'm a little emotionless at times, but i really do love you, even if i don't say it as much as i should. you mean the world to me pretty girl. i wish we talked more. sure i don't mind being by myself, but i do wish i could hear your gorgeous voice more often. i miss you. you're my everything and more, all i want is you darling. you're everything i could've ever asked for, i hope you know that. you're perfect for me, and just perfect in general. i know you act like you love yourself, but sometimes people do that to hide things. so, i really hope you know how genuinely perfect you are my love. you're the best girl i've ever met, and i'm so glad you're mine. you've always been amazing with me, you're worth so much my love. i love your interests, and your music taste is the cutest thing ever. and god, you are gorgeous, you know that? the most beautiful girl i have ever laid eyes on. i don't think i can actually word it the way i want to, but i really do love you. i love you more than i could ever explain with words. just trust me on this, won't you? <3

patrick 𓂃 !! (done by akrasia !!) i uhm. maybe i'm not really cut out for this kind of thing, but. i really love you. i'm not. good at putting that into words, though. i don't know, it's just. i've never wanted anything the way i want you. and god, you are so fucking hot, it makes my brain all weird. i hate you for it. you make me feel like my own person, like i'm separate from what i came from. i love being yours. i never thought i would say that, but. whatever, i guess. you remind me of source so much, you're exactly how i remember you, and fuck, it's so nice. i love being on call with you, or just spending time with you in general. if i was a common fronter, i'd come see you a lot more often. actually, i've had an idea for a bit that i might try out, just so i can talk to you more. you make everything easier to handle and manage, just being around you clears my head from stress, it's so weird. fuck, i love your voice, too. you make the body sound just slightly different and it's so fucking. god, i can't describe how deeply into you i am. i've never felt like i have to watch what i say around you, you just make me feel so safe. which is weird to me, i used to think nowhere was safe, but. you changed that. you changed my entire perspective of the world within such a short time, i genuinely don't know how you do the things you do. you make me feel real. that's always been something i never thought i'd feel. i'm so happy i'm yours, trick. you're mine too, and that's just crazy to think about. i'm not just a toy to you, we're actually together and happy. it's just. it's amazing, i fucking love you.

kasper 𓂃 !! i miss you. the you i met a long time ago. it's okay, i like you now too. but i'm sorry i changed you so much. you're silly now, in. your own way.. we don't really match up anymore, we're just really different people. i still love you, and you still make me happy sometimes, but we're not who we used to be. i'll stay with you though. of course i will. what would i do without you? you've helped me through a lot recently, you're there when i have no one else. i love you, i really do. i hope you believe me.

trix 𓂃 !! (done by tala !!) you fuck with my head, you know that? i love it. i love you so much. i love when you spin me in circles and expect me to be good. we're such a good match. sure, we fight, but i don't care! i love you so much, i would give up anything for you. i fell for you so fast, it's incredible. you just drew me in. everything about you lights me on fire, you're just so fucking hot, everything you do drives me wild. i love being with you, and spending time with you. you just make me so fucking happy. ugh i love you so much!!! you turn me on so much just by existing, i don't know how you do it. you're just amazing to be around, and the fact that you want our first time to be special? you're a hockstetter, i never would have expected that from you!! i can't, i love it so much. i love how much i've changed you!! you're such a wonderful person now, and you're so nice to be around. i'm glad i got you before someone else did!!!! i'm so grateful for you. i'm always so excited to talk to you, i try and talk to you every day just because i love you that much!! the days i don't get a chance to just aren't as fun. you're so fun to be around!!! i love you!!! mwah mwah mwah!!!

fangs 𓂃 !! (done by vixette !!) hello darling. this is probably going to be short, i don't like talking about my feelings much. however, i do love you. i know we don't talk much, and i don't come to see you as often as i said i would, but i do love you. i love how perfect we are for eachother, and how soft you are. i've never seen a royal as soft as you. you make it easier to be gentle, to be sweet. you make it easier to love the world around me. i was always told to see myself as higher than others, but you make me feel like we're on equal ground, like there's no competition i have to worry about. you make living easier. you're so perfect for me, too. once i found myself in this system, i didn't think i'd find anyone like me. but i did, i found you. and you're wonderful, darling, simply wonderful. you're amazing for me, we're amazing for eachother. i love everything about you, fangs, i really do. i hope you can forgive me for not talking much. i'm still getting used to this, to us. but i do want you. i love you, darling. so much.

Pub: 02 Aug 2023 20:21 UTC
Edit: 29 Aug 2024 13:52 UTC
Views: 997