
Telltale signs:

  • Auto-caps lock and punctuation.
  • Formally and thought through sentences.
  • Blunt nastiness.

Krystian only fronts when he wishes to, which online is rarely, or when Zoom is in a bad mental place. Krystian uses strictly he/him.

Zoom/Tony (Krys)

Telltale signs;

  • no capslock
  • words first, thinking later
  • slang and informality

Zoom is the primary fronter. Tony uses he/they.

The differences between names;

Krystian: Nasty and barely fronts.
Krys: Prefers Zoom and Tony if we aren't close.
Kryst: When referring to the system as a WHOLE, so both Krystian and Tony. He/him for the whole system.


Pub: 07 May 2024 01:29 UTC
Edit: 01 Jan 2025 16:24 UTC
Views: 201