A New Kind of Banditry in Skyrim

Snizzlefit (Hentaifoundry)

Desc: Aela the Huntress is ambushed by a pair of bandits shown a whole new way to be penetrated.

This story is based on an image by the artist aka6!

Chapter 1 - Cowardly Tactics

All the air rushed out of Aela's lungs in a single, sputtering gasp as she was slammed against a wooden beam by two bandits she hadn't notice. Her bow clattered to the floor a moment later as they grabbed her wrists and forced her arms down while a steel dagger was pressed against her throat. Both women laughed wickedly as they admired the snarling companion's voluptuous body. One moved to face her directly in an uncharacteristic show of bravery while the other stood to the side, half hidden by shadow like the coward she was. Another blade was drawn by the thug standing before Aela and with a lustful grin she dragged the tip across the bodice of the huntress' armor. The well worn cords of fabric keeping her corset together split like wheat before a scythe and her enormous, heaving breasts all but exploded into the chilly air. Instantly the pert round buds at the center of her jiggling mounds stiffened while a horde of goosebumps rampaged across the rest of her pale flesh. In spite of the knife at her throat and slowly making it's way towards her navel she couldn't help but try and break free before either brigand could go any further. Her efforts were met with more derisive laughter as both women pushed their daggers a little harder against her skin. Although no blood had been spilt they only had to apply a tiny bit more pressure and she'd bleed like a stuck pig. Unwilling to die such a worthless death Aela glared at the woman in front of her and bared her teeth while the second blade inched down to her groin. As soon as it pressed against the tightly stretched fabric covering her loins the bandit clutching the dagger smirked.

“So the rumors were true!” She said, “That's good, I thought this might get boring!”

Assuming she knew what was about to happen Aela glanced down at the blade against her loncloth and spat out, “Do your worst coward!”

“You'll regret saying that when I'm done with you!” The bandit cackled as she sliced the fabric keeping her soon to be victim's massive cock tucked away, “Or maybe you won't! From what I hear the famous huntress of the Companions likes it a bit rough!”

Despite the circumstances Aela's enormous, throbbing member lurched higher into the air with every passing moment. Thick strands of precum oozed from the tip as her weighty sack tightened hungrily at the prospect of sex. Her shaft was nearly as long as one of her arms and more than twice as thick while each of her balls were large enough to warrant holding with both hands any time she pleasured herself back in Jorrvaskr. Most people were in awe the first time they saw the fat piece of meat she kept hidden between her legs but the bandit in front of her seem almost unimpressed. Still holding the dagger in her left hand she reached into her breeches with the right and freed her own cock with a smug grin. Only marginally smaller than Aela's in girth and easily as long the brigand's prick twitched even harder as the precum slathered tip was pressed against hers. For an all too brief moment I seemed like the iron clad assailant was simply teasing her, gloating rubbing her shaft against her captive's before she eventually buried it inside her throat or ass. It was, in the huntress' limited view point, the only thing that could happen now that everything was laid bare. She had no doubt her second captor would be doing much of the same once the first had finished. Or that her second captor was similarly well endowed and just as unscrupulous. But as she'd soon learn Aela had no idea just how depraved her foe was or the depths she would sink to for her own pleasure. Although she didn't have to wait very long to find out!

Still smirking the bandit wrapped her fingers around the Companion's shaft just a few inches beneath the swollen tip. She rubbed the head of her cock against her captive's for a moment and then retreated, seemingly content. But when her grip tightened and a wicked gleam filled her eyes an instant later it was abundantly clear the woman was anything but finished. Pulling back as far as she could without relinquishing her hold the brigand looked at Aela for a moment. Time slowed to a crawl as they locked eyes and the Companion realized what was about to happen. Everything clicked into place an instant before her captor's hips lurched forward and her fat, throbbing shaft rammed against her victim's. The two collided in an explosion of cum and sweat but rather than glancing off like a sword from a shield the brigand's tip unexpectedly found purchase. Between her tightly clenched digits and the near perfect angle of her attack she'd sent her cock head slamming against the precum slathered opening of Aela's member and thanks to the force of her movement that tiny little slit was pushed open by the invading prick. In the same way a battering ram might push through a small split in a door. And the bandit didn't relent after that initial burst of progress, instead she continued to thrust forward as shivers wracked her plaything and pained gasps erupted from her lips. Unfortunately no amount of grimacing and crying could save the captured Companion at that point and she was left with no other choice but watching as a stranger's cock was slowly pushed inside her own at an excruciating pace. It seemed completely impossible even as it was happening and the almost languid pace at which her captor moved gave her no end of time to witness the grotesque changes that accompanied such a bizarre sexual act.

Words failed to describe the absurdity of watching her once normally sized cock head swell and redden as it and her opening were stretched by the shaft pushing against it. An anguished scream erupted from her lips and she tried once more to pull away from the women holding her captive. Their blades pressed tighter against her body and she was forced to relent, though no amount of steel could keep her from shaking as another woman's prick was forced inside her own little by little. Before long nearly half of the bandit's tip had forced it's way inside and the rest of her flared, impossibly huge feeling mushroom would surely follow. Aela couldn't even begin to appreciate how accurate her hazy supposition would be as, not a moment after she thought that, the brigand raping her let out a moan. Her feet slit a little further apart and she roughly shoved herself forward another couple inches. In the blink of an eye the head and nearly a third of her shaft plunged inside her captive's with a lewd squish. A pair of amusingly conflicted cries echoed throughout the room as one woman screamed in agony while the other groaned in rapturous delight. The latter continued pushing forward at the same slow pace as before while the former dripped with sweat and shivered like a Redguard in a snowstorm. No longer able to watch what was happening she tilted her head backwards in some vague attempt to spare herself from the indignity and pain of her situation. But nothing could save Aela from her predicament and no matter how much she tired to ignore it she felt every last bit of throbbing bandit cock as it glided inside her own. She felt her dick gorge and distend against the fingers holding it in place as surely as she felt the misery of it scraping against her inner walls.

There was no telling how much had already penetrated her nor how far her captor would go before she was satisfied. And the uncertainty of it all was nearly as miserable as the act itself. A deep, burning pain filled her entire shaft while waves of agony radiated through the rest of her tightly clenched body. As if someone had set the inside of her cock aflame and was slowly pouring oil deeper and deeper inside. Yet no matter how painful it was her cock never seemed to wilt nor shrink away like it should've and gooey strands of precum always seemed to leak from her bulging and stretched tip regardless of how much of the bandit's dick had been shoved inside. And she could feel every last drop of precum being pumped inside her by her captor's shaft, the presence of her filthy seed only adding further humiliation to an already tortuous experience. She couldn't even begin to fathom what would happen to her stretched and undoubtedly ruined cock was this was all over. If she even lived through the ordeal. Almost of their own accord her eyes darted back down to her loins soon after that thought passed through her mind and she was greeted by a sight both horrifying and strangely reassuring. Nearly half of her foe's length had been stuffed into her prick and while the angry red swelling of her head and the unbridled agony did little to assuage her fraying sanity Aela took some comfort in the knowledge that the woman raping her was half finished. If the pleasured grins and constant moans spilling from her lips were any indication the bandit wouldn't last very long once her entire length was embedded in the Companion's dick. And in a slightly less insane world that supposition might've been right, but as was fast becoming clear she didn't live in a normal world. Not anymore!

Instead of continuing to force her cock forward inch by agonizing inch until she was balls deep inside her victim the bandit did almost the exact opposite. Coming to a sudden and wholly unexpected stop she basked in the pleasure of Aela's dick wrapped around her own for several seconds. A heady stream of precum oozed from her madly twitching tip and she even grinned at her fellow criminal for a couple seconds. But just as her plaything was beginning to grow accustomed to this sudden change another was foisted upon her when the brigand retreated. While her fingers remained exactly where they'd been since the very beginning of this nightmare her shaft pulled back at a much faster pace than the captive might've expected. Suddenly treated to the experience of her captor's flared head scraping against the walls of her cock hole she squealed like a stuck pig and shivered so violently she nearly cut herself on the blades still pressed against her body. Thick strands of precum oozed from her tip as they were all but pulled from her by the retreating member. Despite trying her best not to she found herself once again staring down at her bulging red phallus, particularly the head as her foe's tip approached. Before long the two were connected in a single misshapen mockery of what normal cocks looked like and she was forced to look away. Her courage failed her not a moment before the bandit once again stopped, this time letting out a gloating laugh as she readied herself for another thrust. Less than a second after her laugh burst from her lips she slammed forward yet again and her cock plunged back inside Aela's thoroughly ruined member in an explosion of pain, ecstasy, precum, sweat. Stopping at nearly the same depth as before the bandit wasted no time pulling back to repeat the process all over again with a long, pleasured moan.

Sawing her prick back and forth with a total disregard for the woman she was fucking the brigand grew more visibly aroused with every shuddering thrust. Due in no small part to the way her captive cried out and reflexively tensed with every slightest movement of the dick ravishing her own. No matter how much she might've wanted to stop it Aela had about as much control over the pained throbbing of her cock as she did the bandit fucking her like a cheap whore. Some part of her knew she was only helping the woman raping her and while she understood that would likely make it go by faster her natural urge to resist and fight back couldn't be ignored. Even while she had absolutely no means of doing so and every passing second reinforced that as surely as it stretched her dick beyond what should've been possible. Hearing the wet, squelching sounds that accompanied the increasingly frantic thrusts of her captor only enhanced her desire to break free and slaughter the pair for their villainy. Although such a thing wasn't much more than a fever dream while her legs trembled as violently as they did and sweat all but poured from her half naked body. Barely in control of her own limbs and wracked by pain unlike any she'd ever felt the Companion was more helpless than she'd ever been. For all her gnashing of teeth and furious glares she was utterly and completely at the whims of the two women abusing her. Never was that more clear than when the bandit happily ruining her cock stared directly into Aela's eyes and flashed a gloating smile. And what would be the final time this occurred was accompanied by more sneering comments that only served to boil her blood.

“Don't worry, I'm almost done!” She panted, “And since I want you to remember this for the rest of your life I ain't gonna kill ya!”


Her insult was met with a laugh as the bandit drove her cock inside Aela's in a sudden frenzy of rough, downright brutal movements. Slamming forward and pulling back with a force that would've broken a lesser person she let out a string of half formed swears and passionate moans. The rapidly building pace of her thrusts reached a crescendo before long and was accompanied by a telltale swelling of her length inside the hole it'd violated. She buried as much of her prick as she could inside her captive's shaft, a long moan bursting from her lips as she slid an inch or two deeper than ever before. The curse forming on Aela's lips melted into a scream as a sudden, powerful deluge of ejaculate sprayed into the deepest reaches of her member. It exploded across the stretch that'd gone mercifully untouched up to that point to cascade even further inside. Her mind reeled while her body was ravished by visceral tremors that once again threatened to impale her on the blades still pressed to her throat and belly. That first, creamy eruption filled her dick to the brim, her shaft visibly distending from the sheer amount, long before a second spurt was gushing inside her. But when the next gooey load arrived it pushed that initial load even deeper. Seemingly down into her sack in an experience more absurd than anything else she'd been made to suffer that day. And the brigand was far from done emptying her enormous balls. Two measly jets of cum were nowhere near what she was capable of and that notion was proven time and time again as each new pulse brought with it another font of seed undiminished by the amount already unleashed into Aela's body.

And just like the second had done with the first every new spray was pushed deeper into her prick until it flooded her completely overloaded balls. Although she was much too overwhelmed by the pleasure, pain, and indignity of being raped to notice Aela's sack was swelling more and more with each blast of cum to erupt from her captor's shaft. Indeed by the time her foe was done her once large but normal sized loins had practically doubled in size. Eventually she couldn't help but notice how engorged her balls had become as an intense, overwhelming pressure built up inside them with naught but the cock responsible keeping it all from exploding out of her. When that cock was unceremoniously pulled from her body and she was pushed onto the ground in a heap Aela didn't have any hope of stopping the massive deluge of spunk, both the bandit's and her own, from gushing out of her gaping cock hole in a geyser of mixed fluids. Lying flat on her fat with her arms crumpled beneath her tits and her member pressed against the stone between her trembling legs the once mighty huntress of the Companions was reduced to a mewling little harlot as she sprayed cum all over herself, the ground, and the pillar she'd been pressed against. The two brigands that'd accosted her watched with smug grins, admiring the ruin that was her stretched and swollen prick while Aela shamefully sprayed her arousal all across the floor like some wild animal marking it's territory. But after a while the flow began to cease, her trembling limbs started to calm, and the pair watching her decided to flee. Making sure to take her bow and quiver they ran from the cave before their plaything had a chance to recover.

Little did they realize she was anything but recovered as her body finally went limp and her half closed eyes drifted shut. “Cowards . . .”

Pub: 19 Dec 2021 22:41 UTC
Views: 490