very old hoard so excuse the slight cringe.

willing to give away/trade/whatever, message me on disc. @anatomyhorror


urls marked with highlight im probably not gonna give away but u can ask if uve got a good trade
urls marked with a strikethrough have been given away already

misc me (probably not giving away bc why would u want these lol)
shuinewt , shuiii , shuihara , themorningstar , rrulerofeverything , akivampiric , newtsglade , loversmasquerade , caspierre ,

maze runner
gladers , gladerz , gladesgreenie , greenbean , newtsletter , runningmazes , mazecutter , themazecutter , thehomestead , deadheads , crank , cranknewt , thescorch , tmrscorchtrials , runnernewt , flared , grieversflare , shuckface , rightarm , rightarmgally , gladergally , gladernewt , gladershank , gladeralby , gladerthomas , gladertommy , tmrnewt , tmrthomas , tmrgally , medjack , beetleblade , thechanging , wckdnewt , wckdthomas ,

jekyll and hyde
mrjekyllhyde , hastielanyon , chiefofsinners , chiefofsufferers , dualityofman , storyofthedoor , searchformrhyde , carewmurdercase , thecarewmurdercase , incidentoftheletter , incidentofdrlanyon , incidentatthewindow , thelastnight , drlanyonsnarrative , hhenryjekyll , gabrieljutterson , sirdanvers , sirdanverscarew , restoredfromdeath , eddiehyde ,

the picture of dorian gray
mrdoriangray , hallward , hallwardsstudio , hallwardstudio , oscarwild , oscarwildee , todefineistolimit , todefine , istolimit ,

yugiyami , darkmagician , yugimuto , thedarkmagician , celticguardian , celticguard , exodia ,

misc words/phrases
moonspot , boopbeep , jupiterspot , abos3 , 1885 , killlshot , splutter , pistolshots , chairemy , sunbleed , passtime , legalzombie , bullshitscience , madsciences , pspspsp , madsurgery ,

misc fandom
interviewwithavampire , operasphantom , zydratesurgery , mslovett , doublethink , tbhwbtn , gileon , gilleon , tbhgil , tbhleon , dragmire ,

for friends

strawberryprinces , angelcakie

Pub: 16 Nov 2022 11:11 UTC
Edit: 10 Jul 2024 15:59 UTC
Views: 325