you intercept kson after her stage appearance
she's visibly uncomfortable and her eyes are fixed on the bathroom across the hall
you tell her you're a big fan, and ask for an autograph
she politely agrees, subtly resting a hand on her stomach
after a minute of trying to find a pen, she signs your shirt
while you waste her time, a crowd starts to form around the two of you
suddenly 10, 20, 30 fans are swarming her with requests for pictures and autographs
a visibly sweating kson tries to excuse herself, but nobody is listening
20 minutes later, she's still surrounded, and the crowd only seems to be getting bigger
when she squats down to sign a female fan's shoe, she lets off a loud brap
"aw, sorry guys, the convention food really got to me"
the crowd members laugh, until the smell hits their nostrils and makes them recoil
her face tenses up as an equally loud but even stronger smelling blast rips out of her ass
"listen, I really gotta use the bathroom, can you guys wait here for me?"
kson stands up and starts moving before anyone has the chance to answer
the crowd parts at her obvious discomfort, now walking with one hand on her stomach and another covering her ass
as she crosses the huge convention hall, a steady stream of gas trails behind her
she finally makes it to the other side and approaches the bathroom door, every fibre of her being begging for relief
the door swings outward and hits her in the face
"OMG, I'm sorry!" says the innocent looking girl leaving the bathroom
kson, reeling from the impact, is in an awkward half-squat with her legs splayed
"Oh fuck, no, goddamn it!" she whispers as the last of her control disappears
her white pants instantly stain brown and swell as a giant log fills them up
the fans look on with a mixture of pity and disgust as the unmistakable smell of shit begins spreading around the room
kson is so overwhelmed with relief, she doesn't even realise how humiliated she should be
the knots in her stomach are untying
the weight in her guts is lightening
the stretch of her asshole is exhilarating
as soon as her first log is finished, another begins sliding out, and another after that
the long, thick logs give way to a semi-solid mudslide, running all the way down her legs
her pants begin to sag under the weight of the mess, exposing her curvy ass to a hall full of onlookers
finally, after her superhuman dump ends in a round of wet, sputtering farts, kson's mind returns to reality
lifting her pants up far too late, she realises the gravity of the situation
every angle of the incident is being posted to YouTube, as well as some less savoury sites
her name is beginning to trend on Twitter
her outfit is ruined beyond repair
as she gingerly shuffles out of the convention centre, texting a friend to pick her up, one thought sticks in kson's mind
her reputation is just as soiled as her pants
and neither stain can be washed off any time soon

Pub: 03 Jul 2022 03:12 UTC
Edit: 03 Jul 2022 03:14 UTC
Views: 758