Now, to the Masquerade Ball! (Part 2)

A Buono! ~From the Carnival to a Dining Table~ Event Side Story



The Heart-Pounding Carnevale

Yae: Mmm~ ♪ This gelato is so tasty! I had no idea there were desserts made with veggies ♪

Chisa: And these frittelle with springy texture are so buono. Buono.

Yae: Bonobono?

Chisa: In Italian “buono” means “good” or “tasty.”

Yae: So that’s how it is! The gelato is buono too!

Chisa: True, but there still are plenty of other foods we can try.

Chisa: After sweet panna cotta and tiramisu, it would be nice to eat something salty like pizza.

Yae: There are so many things I want to try, I don’t know what to start with! Italian cuisine is full of great dishes!

Yae: But I’m afraid if I keep eating so much, soon I won’t be able to move.

Chisa: It’s fine. The venue is huge, so you are sure to quickly get hungry again just by walking around.

Yae: Then… I’d like to compare the tastes of Neapolitan and Roman pizzas!

Chisa: Alright. Then follow me, my fellow explorer!

Yae: Roger, leader!

Yae: Wow, Sasuga-san, look at that! Everything here is so colorful and pretty!

Chisa: These are ceramics from southern Italy. They remind me of the excitement that I felt when I first saw five-colored somen.

Yae: Ah, the glass items over there are so colorful too!

Chisa: Hold on, my fellow explorer. Don’t rush like that, they won’t run away. Everything here is a precious treasure, so let’s be careful on our expedition.

Yae: Oh, you’re right. They looked so beautiful, I got a little carried away. It would be bad if I broke something. Carefully, carefully…

Chisa: Seems like Italy takes great pride in its manufacturing. Here it says that the state supports artisans and protects technologies.

Chisa: Looks like it also supports young people and all those who want to try their hand at crafts by providing them with the opportunities to study.

Yae: So that’s why Italy produces so many wonderful works of art… Oh.

Yae: These masks look somewhat similar to the one we used for The Phantom of the Opera, right?

Chisa: Yeah, they are its brethren. I think these are called “visards.”

Yae: Visards…

Chisa: People wear them at the Carnival of Venice.

Yae: Carnival?

Chisa: Yes. It’s one of the three most famous carnivals in the world. During this Carnival, people walk around wearing masks and fancy clothes. It’s a lot of fun.

Chisa: Look, they are playing a recording of it over there.

Yae: Wow! It really seems fun! Everyone’s wearing gorgeous dresses!

Yae: Huh?! They’re getting on a boat! So there’s a river flowing through the city?

Chisa: That boat is called “gondola.” Venice is famous for its numerous canals. Traveling around the city in a gondola is a beloved tourist attraction.

Yae: Woah! It’s like a whole other world!

Yae: But looks like it would be hard to get to participate in the Carnival. Those dresses and masks would take a lot of effort to make even for our costume department.

Chisa: Tch, tch, tch. My fellow explorer, you’re being naive.

Chisa: The dresses are available for hire, and local shops offer all kinds of masks.

Yae: Really?!

Chisa: Besides, you don’t really need them either… See, you can use face painting. With that, everyone can join the Carnival and feel a part of the festivities.

Chisa: Maybe that’s why you can feel a sense of unity between locals and tourists. It makes the Carnival very appealing, much like festivals in Asakusa.

Yae: Yes… It’s amazing. Although people’s faces are hidden behind the masks, you can tell that everyone’s having a good time.

Chisa: Yeah… Oh, that’s Piazza San Marco. There’re plenty of tourist spots there.

Yae: Wow, what’s that? Is that some kind of contest?

Chisa: Yes, it’s the Best Mask Contest that’s held there. It’s one of the most important parts of the Carnival, where the best masked costumes are chosen.

Chisa: Oh, they are also doing dance performances. It’s very beautiful. Also, you surely wouldn’t want to miss the famous Flight of the Angel. Look.

Yae: Huh, she’s gonna descend from that high tower…? Wow, she’s flying!!

Chisa: What else… Ah, Venice is also famous for this phenomenon.

Yae: Wh-what’s that?! Th-the square is flooded! Is it gonna be okay?!

Chisa: It’s called “acqua alta.” It occurs during autumn and winter months when water levels rise.

Yae: Everyone’s wearing rubber boots… They go shopping and have tea at cafes as if nothing has happened…

Chisa: Even though there are environmental issues such as water levels rising due to global warming, it’s still nice to enjoy being close to nature like that.

Yae: Wow… I never knew there were such amazing places in the world.

Chisa: Say, Italy’s cool, right?

Yae: Absolutely! But you’re just as cool, Sasuga-san!

Chisa: Huh?

Yae: You know so much about it… Could it be that you’ve actually been there?

Chisa: Fufufu, to tell you the truth… I just read about it a little. You see, I was exploring the possibilities of cooking Italian-style somen.

Chisa: Also, everything I’ve told you is actually written in this pamphlet. You can read it later if you want.

Yae: Thank you so much! Ah, it has a lot of pictures and is easy for me to understand.

Chisa: …

Yae: Uh-huh… So the mask that covers the entire face is called “visard.”

Yae: Oh, frittelle! That’s what we’ve tried! Turns out, they are served only during the Carnival! Did you know that, Sasuga-san?

Yae: Huh? Sasuga-san…?

Yae: Sasuga-san, where did you go…?

Chisa: Here, a regalo.

Yae: Kya! Huh, is that… a mask? A regalo, you say…?

Chisa: It means “gift.”

Yae: Wait, I can’t accept that.

Chisa: Let it be a memento of sorts, my cherished ragazzina.

Yae: Is it really okay?

Chisa: I thought it would suit you. Why don’t you try putting it on?

Yae: Okay…

Yae: So, how does it look?

Chisa: Just as I imagined. It’s great. You look very cool.

Yae: Thank you so much! I’ll treasure it!

Yae: I should thank you in some way…

Chisa: No need. Your smile is enough for me.

Yae: Then… Maybe, we could at least think of some souvenirs for the girls together?

Chisa: Got me there… If that is what you wish, that would be most welcome.

Yae: Fufu, I wonder what the girls will say if I come to Sirius wearing this mask.

Chisa: Speaking of masks, it reminds me of commedia dell’arte. Niizuma, it might be of interest to you.

Yae: Commedia dell’arte… Alright, I’ll be sure to look it up when we get back!

Chisa: Seems like you feel refreshed.

Yae: That’s true! Besides, Sasuga-san, thanks to you, I’ve chosen a country for the assignment!

Chisa: I see. Glad to hear that.

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Pub: 04 Jan 2025 18:44 UTC
Edit: 12 Jan 2025 22:55 UTC
Views: 42