- Before⠀You⠀Interact
⠀I am jokingly mean, please let me
⠀know if you're uncomfy, I use slurs
⠀I can reclaim + kys jokes, I have a
⠀hard time telling tone sometimes,
⠀but I do not need tonetags, I get
⠀easily overwhelmed, anxious, and
⠀nervous. Most of the time, I can be
⠀super talkative and hyper, so please
⠀let me know if I'm annoying, I don't
⠀mind LAWL, I'm very gatekeepy
⠀ - Do⠀Not⠀Interact
⠀Basic DNI criteria, I block freely no
⠀matter who you are, you copy my
⠀interests or personality ( ? ) lolicons
⠀/ shotacons, just weird in general, you
⠀dislike me or my friends