this is just so i can keep track of my urls ^_^
you can dm me on twitter if you want any of the ones im not using i might reply late sorry i dont get on twitter much @sanrioniki
i probably dont have like half of these anymore idk i stopped checking idgaf

rinene , hahihuhehoo , lovesuou , dblefce , -sweetchef , ruruP , sanrioniki , melody2urheart , -hyena , ey3 , loveshiina , loveamagi , loverinne , loveniki , hakkaze , hungryhoneybee , hearts4shiina , hearts4rinne , hearts4amagi , shufflerinne , shuffleniki , 2fce , shufflekohaku , shufflehimeru, pursuitisland

junglejuice , dojak , dokjak, jnglejce , arut, litcs


final fantasy
ff7rr , ff16

alien stage
alst , tillthend , CLEMATlS , MYCLEMATlS , tilvan , mizsua , hyunalnst , tillalnst , lucaalnst , suaalnst , AnaktGarden
half of these have been taken im way too lazy to check

destiny 2
warforge, ikelos, savathun, zavala, warmine, warmind, cayde, ironbanner, psiops

the-punisher, crimsonfang, hornfreak

dionlesage, architecture, cresendum, infernum, gravitum, calibrum, severem, shiinas, astarions, charlatan, inkshadow, spiritblossom, heartsteel, azakana, lunari, yonephel, aoyagis,

-YOKU , farxiga , xenopia , 15527 , complexx , terrorvision , terrorstruck , lucidlove , -swe , n8mare , pairasite , pairasites, catmetal, catmetals, qweifn, sagenta, pinkay, catrs, licts

github usernames
nikishiina, helterspider, CRAFTMONSTER, gettospectacle, jonouchikatsuya , neroturner, melody2urheart, TRIGUNSTAMPEDE, yumtumlove, rosfield, yonephel, crisis-core

Pub: 24 Jun 2022 00:56 UTC
Edit: 06 Oct 2024 03:13 UTC
Views: 1717