My Beloved Theatre Company



Reaffirming the Answer in My Heart

Kokona: I should say these lines in a more strained voice… No, maybe I should try yelling instead?..
Kokona: Hmm… I wonder which would work better… I should probably discuss it with Shizuka-chan and Kathrina-chan next time.
Yae: If it were me I would lower my voice and try to make it sound as if I’m indifferent. I think that would better convey the inner feelings of the character.
Kokona: I see, so thatʼs how you do it… Huh, Yae-chan?!
Yae: Excuse me for barging in all of a sudden. Did I disturb you?
Kokona: Not at all, it’s all right. I just wanted to go through the script from today’s practice.
Kokona: Can I help you with something?
Yae: Kokona-san, there’s something I’d like to ask.
Yae: Are you really going to reject the offer from Olympus?
Kokona: Yes. Thatʼs the decision I came to.
Yae: But why? Just like everyone said, itʼs a great opportunity.
Kokona: I understand that too. But Iʼve made up mind.
Yae: I guess, you must have a good reason.
Kokona: As I already mentioned, for now I still want to perform at Sirius.
Kokona: I want to become a proper actress here. At the theatre company I myself have chosen and I love.
Kokona: I want to continue standing on the same stage with its actors. When I thought about that, the answer came naturally.
Yae: Now that you said it I understand. Itʼs wonderful that you feel this way.
Kokona: Ehehe, thanks.
Yae: But these feelings might be a hindrance to your progress.
Yae: There might come a day, when you’ll regret this decision and will blame yourself for it.
Yae: I think itʼs important to keep that in mind.
Kokona: Yae-chan, did other companies try to scout you too?
Yae: I received a number of offers in the past.
Kokona: But you chose to stay in Sirius.
Kokona: You didnʼt hesitate to make that choice.
Yae: Because I love Sirius very much.
Yae: For me itʼs special.
Kokona: Then you understand me.
Yae: I do.
Kokona: Alright, now I feel kind of motivated! Yae-chan, let’s work hard at Sirius together!
Yae: Yes, let’s do our best!

With My Rivals

Panda: So the reason Koko-chan rejected the offer really was that she didn’t want to leave Sirius?
Yae: Yes, looks like it.
Kathrina: Oh well… That’s so like her.
Yae: But I can understand her feelings.
Panda: Niizumacchi, your and Koko-chan’s love for Sirius is just too deep!
Panda: But isn’t it fine to be a little more calculating? Donʼt you think that youʼd do anything to become a great actor?
Chisa: Like, “to become the greatest dai star of all time Iʼd even undergo a surgery that would turn me into a superior being,” or something?
Panda: I wouldn’t go as far as giving up my humanity, though!
Kathrina: I think being greedy is fine. After all, in the world we live in you have to seize opportunities.
Panda: Right! Kathrin, it’s just like you say!
Chisa: So, if you two received such an offer, youʼd leave Sirius without a second thought?
Kathrina & Panda: Well…
Yae: I think you two would stay.
Kathrina: The fact you saw right through me is kind of annoying…
Kathrina: But you’re right. Iʼve decided to become a dai star at Sirius.
Kathrina: Itʼs a promise to myself I wonʼt abandon. I even had an argument over that with my Mama.
Panda: I feel the same! Even if a better opportunity arises, Panda’s bond with Sirius wonʼt be broken.
Chisa: If Panda stays, Iʼll stay too. Wherever Panda goes, Sasugaʼs shadow will follow.
Panda: Sassu, are you a ninja now?
Panda: Well, anyway… Looks like all of us including Sassu would prefer to stay.
Panda: Guess, we all are thinking the same, right?
Panda: Being a part of Sirius is exactly what makes us want to take the stage.
Yae: Thatʼs right.
Yae: Thatʼs why I said I understood how Kokona-san felt.
Panda: However, itʼs important for an actor to take on new challenges and work hard through friendly competition.
Yae: If thatʼs how it is, then Sirius is a perfect place for us.
Yae: Not only Panda-san and Sasuga-san are here, but now we also have new members.
Yae: There’re so many talented competitors here, you don’t need to go anywhere else. Thinking of that fills me with joy.
Panda: Whew! Spoken like a true dai star.
Kathrina: Doesn’t that make you anxious, though?
Yae: I’m always anxious. Thatʼs why I approach acting with all seriousness.
Kathrina: I see. Then, guess, we shouldn’t let our guard down around you either.
Panda: Right! You may have gotten a little ahead of us, but we’ll catch up in no time, got it?
Chisa: Yes, because Sirius rests on the shoulders of us all.
Yae: Iʼm looking forward to seeing more of your acting!
Yae: Sirius is the best theatre company, after all!

Pub: 08 Sep 2024 11:01 UTC
Edit: 08 Sep 2024 20:43 UTC
Views: 101