NNIAcrew is here at last!
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Here is the link to the picrew!
Background flag credits
- MLM flag by gayflagblog
- Lesbian flag by Emily Gwen
- Bisexual flag by Michael Page
- Pansexual flag by Jasper V
- Omnisexual flag by Pastelmemer
- Polysexual flag by fuckyeahpolysexuality
- Asexual flag by Standup
- Aromantic flag byCameron Whimsy
- Aroace flag by aroaesflags
- Alloaro flag by Arotaro
- Demisexual flag by unknown
- Demiromantic flag by unknown
- Aegosexual/Autochorissexual flag by HunterInABrownCoat
- Aegoromantic/Autochorisromantic flag by Pride-Color-Schemes
- Abrosexual flag by Mod Chad
- Achillean flag by pridenpositivity
- Sapphic flag by lesbeux
- Diamoric flag by DionysianSuggestion
- Transgender flag by Monica Helms
- Transmasculine flag by unknown
- Transfeminine flag by unknown
- Transneutral flag by Pride-Flags
- Nonbinary flag by Kye Rowan
- Genderqueer flag by Marilyn Roxie
- Demigender flag by druxydeity
- Demiboy flag by Transrants
- Demigirl flag by Transrants
- Genderfluid flag by JJ Poole
- Genderflux flag by unknown
- Bigender flag by no-bucks-for-this-doe
- Pangender flag by pangendering
- Agender flag by Salem
- Aporagender flag by Lex
- Turigirl flag by blankmogai
- Lesboy flag by Beyond MOGAI Pride Flags
- Xenogender flag by Roswell
Paraphilia 1
- MAP flag by Stenna
- YAP flag by Lilitha
- Infantophilia flag by Pappy
- Nepiophilia flag by Pappy
- Pedophilia flag by Pappy
- Hebephilia flag by Pappy
- Ephebophilia flag by Pappy
- Teleiophilia flag by Pappy
- Mesophilia flag by Pappy
- Gerontophilia flag by Pappy
- AAM flag by Cherry, edited by Pappy
- Autochronophilia flag by mel
- Ageplay flag by Mako Allen
- Zoophilia flag by anonymous
- Autozoophilia flag by Keven
- Petplay flag by Pup Flip Gray
- Anthropophilia/Furry flag by Beyond MOGAI Pride Flags
- Pokephilia flag by paraflagtwt
Paraphilia 2
- Necrophilia flag by necrophiliacoftheday
- Autonecrophilia flag by Junko
- BDSM flag by Tanos
- Sadism flag by Lecter
- Masochism flag by Lecter
- Erotophonophilia flag by Death
- Autassassinophilia flag by Ezekiel
- Biastophilia/Raptophilia flag by Pappy
- Autobiastophilia/Autoraptophilia flag by Pappy
- Cannibalism flag by hellcore
- Haemetophilia flag by Ezekiel
- Dacryphilia flag by Pappy
- Hybristophilia flag by Keven
- Aptophilia flag by Vile
- Somnophilia flag by Pappy
- Phobophilia flag by Spider
- Voyeurism flag by Pappy
- Exhibitionism flag by Pappy
Paraphilia 3
- Paraphilia flag by Lecter
- Incest flag by unknown
- Podophilia/Foot fetish flag by unknown
- Leather flag by Tony DeBlase
- Urophilia/Watersports flag by unknown
- Coprophilia/Scat flag by Spider
- Emetophilia flag by unknown
- Eproctophilia flag by E.J.W
- Menophilia flag by Spider
- Teratophilia flag by Artistic Lewdness
- Vore flag by soyuzonions
- Botanophilia flag by Kau
- Fat fetishism flag by Keven Sequin
- Raceplay flag by Pappy
- Disability attraction flag by Maki
- Fictophilia flag by Pride-Flags
- Objectum/Objectophilia flag by unknown
- Plushophilia flag by Max
- Transage flag by group of supporters
- YTO/Younger to older flag by transage-page
- OTY/Older to younger flag by transage-page
- Infantage/Intra-baby flag by kokoshi-joi
- Nepiage/Intra-toddler flag by Aquarian God of Space
- Pedage/Intra-kid flag by Blue
- Hebeage/Intra-tween flag by Blue
- Ephebage/Intra-teen flag by Maki
- Teleioage/Intra-adult flag by transage-archive
- Mesoage/Intra-middle-aged flag by Lecter & Pappy
- Gerontoage/Intra-senior flag by Lucifer
- Multiage flag by micro
- Ageless flag by transage-page
- Agefluid flag by dickcowmilk
- Tereage flag by kips-archive
- Permakid flag by altage
- Kodoage flag by altage
- Xenoage flag by dickcowmilk
- Transabled flag by harara-ji-chan
- Caneian flag by transidalliance
- Crutchian flag by foucault-divine-mephisto
- Wheelchairqior flag by foucault-divine-mephisto
- Ampusoma flag by transabled-pou
- Transblind flag by transabled-pou
- Transdeaf flag by transabled-pou
- Transmuette flag by foucault-divine-mephisto
- Transautistic flag by jeojar-info
- TransADHD flag by transidalliance
- TransED flag by kagaro-farmers-west
- Transpersodivergent flag by radqueer
- Transplural flag by transidalliance
- Transseverity flag by kowala-team, HQ version by nya-gnawls-on-ur-b0n3s
- Disabledfluid flag by kyomigatomeo
- Xenautism flag by xenautism
- Xenomalady flag by xenomalady-lab
- Xenoabled flag by proparamogai
- Transspecies flag by queer-buccaneer
- Transdog flag by markusid
- Transcat flag by markusid
- Transwolf flag by Maki
- Transfox flag by arctic-fox-queer
- Transbird flag by mel
- Transfish flag by soulcxining
- Vampesce/Transvampire flag by Lamb
- Anglicen/Transangel flag by transid-duo
- Transdemon flag by Maki
- Transfae flag by crescendo-kin
- Transrobot flag by crescendo-kin
- Transalien flag by Maki
- Transghost flag by dovehutao
- Transkemonomimi flag by mel
- Aspecies flag by transid-duo
- Speciesfluid flag by Fy
- Xenospecies flag by radpositivity-foryou
- Trace flag by Lucia
- Springian flag by Sanura
- Summerite flag by Sanura
- Autumnite flag by Sanura
- Winterian flag by Sanura
- Transblack flag by radqueer
- Transwhite flag by transwhitecultureis
- Translatinx flag by proship0pain0and0para
- Transindigenous flag by transid-duo
- Transjapanese flag by tuaka
- Transkorean flag by transid-duo
- Transrussian flag by nya-gnawls-on-ur-b0n3s
- Transgerman flag by kinggizzardandmylizardwizard
- Transnationality flag by Aquarian God of Space
- Aracial flag by tracepride3009
- Racefluid flag by diaracial
- Tererace flag by tuaka
- Xenoracial flag Aquarian God of Space
- Transbody flag by mel
- Transheight flag by Aquarian God of Space
- Transweight flag by Aquarian God of Space
- Transintersex flag by angel2049
- Transvitiligo flag by kyomigatomeo
- Transfreckles flag by oliver-afton
- Transmelanin flag by nieczysty
- Transalbino flag by bottomof-thewishingwell
- Transamia/Transblood flag by angel2049
- Transskeletal flag by Anyo Lovez
- Transorgan flag by radhell
- Transchromia flag by Aquarian God of Space
- Transheterochromia flag by transid-duo
- Transpupil flag by thewizardsareradqueer
- Transglasses flag by rad-mommy
- Transacuti flag by 1the0freak1ones0
- Transmallia flag by transid-duo
- Dinatupil/Transhaircolor flag by blanereknerr
Transid etc.
- Transid flag by transidalliance
- Transorientation flag by transx-mogai-cafe
- Transpara flag by angel2049
- Ciiclass flag by amiachii
- TransChrono flag by transx-mogai-cafe
- Transbirthday flag by Aquarian God of Space
- Transzodiac flag by amiachii
- Transvoice flag by angel2049
- Transaccent flag by amiachii
- Transreligious flag by transx-mogai-cafe
- Transprofession flag by mel
- Transharmful flag by highanon
- Transharmed flag by radqueerpottah
- Transitem flag by anarchy-flagz
- Transinterest/Transhobby flag by backpackcoining
- Worldixure/Worldaiōn flag by pandoraaion
- Transill flag by harara-ji-chan
- Transeverything/Pantransid flag by proparamogai
- Consang flag by Dead Dove
- Rainbow flag by various people
- Queer flag by istudyhumanhope
- Intersex flag by Morgan Carpenter
- Two Spirit flag by 2Sanon
- Polyamorous flag by Red Howell
- Aplatonic flag by swampwyvern
- Anattractional flag by twilight-moon-velvet
- Altersex flag by pastelmemer
- Age regression flag by neopronouns I think
- Age dreamer flag by neopronouns
- Pet regression flag by plushself
- Nonhuman unity flag by SCP2547
- Disability flag by Ann Magill
- Plural rings by Emmengard
- Medically Unrecognized Disability/MUD flag by kowalateam
- Medically Unrecognized Sickness/MUS flag by radqueer-goat-head
- Radqueer flag by equiradqueer
This section just has random flags from all the different categories that didn't fit in the sections. Most of these are requests from other users. There is no more room for anymore flags or items! These are the last of them.
- Bear flag by Craig Byrnes
- Twink flag by unknown
- Butch flag by butchspace
- Femme flag by noodle
- Hypnophilia flag by amiachii
- TransMAP flag by transillusionisms
- TransBrazillian flag by mel
- Omniphilia by waya
- Old radqueer flag by foucault-divine-mephisto
- DiaChinese flag by ruiwei-is-diachinese
- Transallisitic flag by fortheloveofconsang
- POSIC flag by awkward lycan
- Diaddiciton flag by hope-kei
- Serviphilia flag by bdsmnparaflags
- Canophilia flag by Max
- Hypersexual flag by plurgai
- Transopinion flag by transx-mogai-cafe
- Cincinique flag by hope-kei
Misc. credits
Face sticker color palettes
The first and second options are not based on any flag.
- Rainbow flag
- Trans flag
- Para flag
- Transid flag
Tattoo sections 3 & 4
- Childlove symbol by Pappy
- Girllove symbol by AP
- Boylove symbol by Kalos
- Enbylove symbol by Pappy
- Xiplove symbol by Pappy
- Cublove symbol by Roo
- Zoo symbol (Zeta in the greek alphabet)
- Shorted text for paraphilia in greek, as seen on the para flag
- Consang friends of lily symbol by Cristina Shy
- Transid symbol by transidalliance
- Transage jellyfish mascot by Laura
- Transabled symbol by zarcoining
- Rainbow flag
- Miao MAP mascot by Lecter
- Zoe Zoo mascot by Lecter
- Background is the transid flag
- Colors are the para flag colors
Flower crown color palettes
- Alternate trace flag by Arisu
- Transage flag
- Alternate transabled flag by transabled-dream
- Transspecies flag
- Original proposed consang flag by Full Marraige Equality