I LOVE YOSUKE MORE THAN ANYONE ILOVEYOSUKEILOVEYOSUKEILOVEYOSUKE i love yosuke hanamura so much nobody gets it. nobody will understand the love i hold for yosuke. you think you do? you think you’re yosukes biggest fan? well you’re lying to yourself. me and yosuke are happily in a relationship. we are dating. he loves me so much. i am yosuke hanamuras Biggest fan. you’ll never understand the pure concept, the idea, of my love for yosuke. your feeble minds, the stupid, weak little minds that think you can relate to my love for yosuke cant even understand a millionth of it. you’re lacking. you’re behind on the program. you’re all fake fans. no one can love yosuke like i do. you were not “made to love yosuke.” you did not “come out the womb loving yosuke.” you did not “kin” yosuke. i am yosukes only kin. before the earth was even created, god sat there, and he was like, “i will make cece, who is the biggest yosuke hanamura fan in the world. if she ever tried to express all her love, every sliver and piece of her love for yosuke, it will die. the earth would shatter, the heaven would fall, and it would be unrepairable. it would simply cause the apocalypse.” i was made to be yosukes biggest fan. i was made for yosuke. yosuke is the most beautiful thing, person, human, to ever walk this planet. if he was real, everything in this dimension would fall apart. it wouldn’t be able to fathom his beauty and excellence. he was made by god himself, every stroke of the pen that was designing yosuke was blessed with god’s love. hes homophobic? so what. so am i. you heard me. if yosuke wanted me to burn all gays i’d ask him lighter or matches. if yosuke wanted me to bomb a country i’d ask which one. if yosuke wanted me to throw myself in front of a car i’d ask chevy or dodge ram truck. if yosuke wanted me to kill myself id ask him how he wanted me to do it. if yosuke asked me to throw myself off a building i’d throw myself off the eiffel tower, because not only does he deserve everything he wants, he deserves the best. everything he gets should be in pristine, prime condition. if one day, yosuke were to die, i, myself, would die too. we are locked in for life. i would never let any harm come to my baby. i would rather choke myself out then put any disgrace on his name. he is the most beautiful thing i’ve ever witnessed. when i pray, i don’t pray to god. i pray to him. when i eat, i’m not tasting the food, i’m tasting the blessing and love yosuke has put into creating the universe. yosuke is the earth. yosuke is the milky way. yosuke is the universe. when they find a photo of what the universe looks like, it’s gonna be a photo of yosuke hanamura. no one will ever, ever be better than yosuke, and no one will ever beat me in my love for yosuke. you think you like him more than me? you think you’re his number one fan? think again. this is about the 6th paragraph i’ve typed for him like this. i’d rather die than admit i’m not yosukes #1 fan. even when i die, they will engrave “yosukes biggest fan” on my tombstone. every prayer they recite at my funeral will have a little hint in there about how much i love yosuke. he is my crush. he is the love of my life. he is my husband. he is my wife, he is my mistress, he is my ex, he is my failed talking situation, he is my situationship, he is my everything. nothing will ever beat yosuke. no one will ever beat my love for yosuke. me and yosuke are happily in love. nothing will come between us, not even the earth shattering will destroy our love. we are made to be. we are star crossed lovers. we’re destiny. the stars spelled out our love. jesus crafted our love by his very two hands. we’re in love. we’re meant 2 be. you will never have yosuke. you will never be his “biggest fan,” you can try but you never will be. might as well give up now. fake ass fans. “im yosukes number one lover” no youre fucking not. youre not yosukes anything. yosuke likes me more and i like him more. you cant be his number one lover because i am. you will never understand yosuke like i do. you can try, you sure can, but just know your efforts will never bear any fruits. you will NEVER get yosuke like i get him. youre a fucking fake. you dont understand. you never will understand. your feeble little fucking brains will never understand my undying, uncontrollable love for yosuke. it will never click in your head. the gears will never turn. this is the universe’s biggest theory. my love for him is unmeasurable, uncontainable. you just dont understand. you dont “relate” to this paragraph, and this paragraph is not “so you.” because, unfortunately, i am the only one who will ever truly understand. i have been and will be the only one who can even grasp my love for yosuke. you will never get it. you just dont. its impossible. you cannot like him like i do. i dont care if you liked him longer, i dont care if you have more merch of him, i dont care if you tell your friends about him, you. dont. get. him. you need to leave my man ALONE. youre so fucking annoying. no one on this app, on the internet likes you. delete the app. break your wifi box. destroy the cell towers. you. dont. fucking. get him. it just makes me so angry, so infuriated, to see you people, you little poor fucking peasants who think you fucking like him more than ME delude yourself. wake up. youre fucking blue-pilled. get this into your stupid fucking peanut sized brain thats rocking around in your stupid empty fucking skull. i like yosuke more than you. i have liked yosuke more than you. i will always like yosuke more than you. it’s a shame you think that you like yosuke, because you don’t. in reality, you can’t even fathom his lovely face, or personality. you are faking. you don’t understand. you may think you do, but you don’t. try again. head back ...

Pub: 23 Feb 2023 23:24 UTC
Edit: 13 Mar 2023 17:10 UTC
Views: 138