the nobles constellations.

flor, they/sea collective name and pronouns bodily 16 + osdd-1b all of us (except for the little ones) have seperate socials

we are a polyfragmented system, these are only the official members. - . . members

rami/vee host/caretaker | immortal half-human
wataru hibiki, ritsu sakuma, shino hajime,
past rui kamishiro introject + unlisted
fine with doubles + lovemails

any prns/buns/sea + 16-17
unlabeled omni
spiritually twins with garfilia!

garfilia co-host/ish/caretaker | half-human faceclaims hiyori tomoe not an introject xe/xem, they/them genderfluid pan + 20 spiritually twins with rami

cassiopeia co-host/constellation manager | non-human constellation
eichi tenshouin introject
please do not lovemail in front of them

any prns
genderfluid , asexual + age is a secret

vero/habim co-host/protector | half human faceclaims himeru he/she, qui/quis non-binary, aromantic + 17-18

chantria soother/memory holder
past-chiaki morisawa and omori introject
does not care if you lovemail + are a double + reality check

she/her, vaer/vaem
aroace, age sliding around 16-25

vio/symphonia memory holder/star manager jun sazanami and leo tsukinaga introject she/her, he/him demiboy + 15

bunny/bell little one
nazuna nito introject

cin/cins, eir/eirs, cirs/cir, she/her
10 yrs old

aquilia little one currently does not know her age but considered herself as a little one. she/her

there are other alters but they want their privacy hidden.

ask rami 4 the others socials (heavily selective)

Pub: 19 Jun 2022 08:30 UTC
Edit: 05 Aug 2022 05:10 UTC
Views: 571