sure you can have one,
but there's nowhere to plug it in !!

hi my name's astrid !!! any pronouns transmasc + taken ✧ american, minor, ENTP < kaya 3

byf - i am very confrontational and protective of my friends when i need to be. i use the block button freely and often! i'm occasionally inactive, and if i like a bunch of your posts at once i promise i'm not stalking you i just don't follow many people LOL! also i love talking to people so if we're moots literally just hmu interests - THE BARBIE MOVIE!!!!!, musical theatre in general, falsettos, ride the cyclone, it's always sunny in philadelphia, the walten files, community, pokémon, MCR, charlie and the chocolate factory the musical, space, dan and phil, marina dni - normal dni stuff (basically if you are evil dnfi), DNFI IF YOU PUBLICLY SHIT ON MY FRIENDS CAUSE I'LL START SHIT WITHOUT HESITATION, your main account focus is the owl house or genshin impact, dream and gnf stans/apologists, terfs, proshippers, actively hate on any of my main interests

curiouscat credits

Pub: 04 Jun 2023 04:52 UTC
Edit: 22 Aug 2023 00:25 UTC
Views: 702