Small Guide for "no-tags" Bots

(By @Astarth)

What is this guide?

I created this rentry so you can get the best results with my bots on Janitor! There are just three steps and they are all quite simple. I promise! And if you want to create bots the same way I do, there's a little tutorial for you too!

Last update: June 26th, 2024.

I'm adapting my old advanced prompts and will share them here soon.(˶′◡‵˶)


I no longer include the {{user}} tag in my bot's definition because on Janitor, {{user}} and {{char}} are extremely problematic placeholders. If you want to understand the technical aspects behind this, read Kolach3's explanation. I recommend their Advanced Prompts (Jailbreak/JB) and also their Persona Template for everyone who uses JLLM. However, the {{user}} tag has always been a pain in the ass for me.

JLMM understands that:

  • AI-controlled character/Scenario/Bot's Title = {{char}}
  • Player/The Human = {{user}} ≠ Persona/Persona's Name

And, from what I concluded (and I could be wrong), {{char}} may be the entire scenario where the characters are interacting, which can lead JLMM to speak and act for {{user}}. So, I had a crazy idea that worked, but it will only work with my bots (or another creator who decides to follow the same steps): I created new placeholders! Until the devs fix it!

For Users

If you use my bots, please follow these simple steps to get better responses from them. This is especially useful for those using JLMM, but it's also effective with GPT-4 Turbo and GPT-4o. These three steps won't affect the use of bots that don't follow this structure, but if you find that it hinders you in any way, I'm very sorry — and please send me a DM on Discord (@oceansystem).

Step 1

Use this template for a Persona (Default or Secondary):

It is extremely important that you maintain the "PLAYER'S CHARACTER" and DO NOT add {{user}}=name. Don't leave your Persona's description with more than 200 tokens. Seriously, you don't need more than that.

Step 2

Add this to your Advanced Prompts or Chat Memory:

For the love of god, don't use OAI Jailbreak in Advanced Prompts. Look for prompts made with JLMM in mind. You can add modules to work alongside this prompt, but don't delete it if you're using my bots.

[{{ai-char}} refers to the AI-controlled Character. {{user-char}} refers to Player's Character.]
Step 3

If you are using any other Jailbreak in Advanced Prompts, the following changes will be necessary:

This step should not be skipped, okay? Seriously, DO NOT SKIP! Oh, and if you'll use other creators' bots, the absence of the placeholders will not affect your experience as long as you use the template from Step 1!

  • {{user}} to Player's Character.
  • {{char}} to AI-controlled Character.

Don't worry about the number of tokens, it is exactly the same. If you doubt me, go here and check for yourself. ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)

For Creators

If you want to try this way of creating bots and/or test it for yourself, follow the steps below! But understand that this is not the ULTIMATE WAY, it's just one of many ways to create a bot. There is no "outdated" way to build your character for chatting and doing naughty things with them.(˶′◡‵˶)Try them all until you find the one that suits you best!

Step 1

Do not use both placeholders together. Either you use {{user}} or you use {{user-char}}. If you use both, you'll be mentioning 2 characters to JLLM!

We're going to work around the issue with the {{user}} placeholder. For JLMM, it refers to the human, the player, and there's a difference in response quality between the default persona and the secondary personas. For "fixing" it:

  1. Replace {{user}} with {{user-char}} in the bot's definition. Ideally, use it only ONCE or try to reduce the number of placeholders as much as possible. JLMM does not handle them well, and the more they are mentioned, the more confusing it can become.
  2. Follow Steps 1, 2 and 3 for Users above. In the absence of the placeholder {{user}}, we will determine that 'PLAYER'S CHARACTER' refers to the user's character, and {{user-char}}, when mentioned at least once in the bot's definition, will act as an ah, so this is it for JLMM.
Step 2

Do not use both placeholders together. Either you use {{char}} or you use {{ai-char}}. If you use both, you'll be mentioning 2 characters to JLLM!

We're going to work around the issue with the {{char}} placeholder. For JLMM, as far as I have concluded (and I might be wrong), {{char}} refers to the entire bot creation page. This is why it mentions the title when asked for the character's name, and why it believes {{char}} = {{user}} (since the {{user}} placeholder is within the personality definition, thus {{char}} = all those things in there, right?). This is also why it often thinks {{char}} is the user's character! Most creators use the {{user}} placeholder a LOT in the bot's definition, so... it's pure logic for JLMM. For "fixing" it:

  1. Delete ALL instances of {{char}} from the bot's definition.
  2. Use {{ai-char}}=name somewhere in the bot's definition only ONCE. Replace all other {{char}} instances with the character's name, pronoun, title, etc.
  3. Regardless of the template you use for your bot, put the character description here:
    {{ai-char}}=name <--- Put the 'name' it will mention most. Example: if your bot is Batman, the name is Bruce. The 'complete/formal name' will be Bruce Wayne and the alias/hero name will be Batman.
    Put everything about the character ONLY here. Name, personality, background, quirks, etc.]
  4. For multibots, just include all characters inside this template. For scenarios, include all NPCs. Plot, settings, relationships, etc., should be placed outside.
Step 3

Explain to your followers how to get a better response from your bots. (´∀`) ♡ If you get a better result with any addition, advanced prompt, or better template format for the bot and persona, shout at me on Discord (@oceansystem)!

Special Thanks

  • For Kolach3, who understood the problem with the placeholders long before and offered a solution.
  • For Thony, who helped me with insights.
  • For Here and Lira, who helped me test my craziness.

You can find me on:

Kiss y'all! (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠) ~

Pub: 26 Jun 2024 21:02 UTC
Edit: 26 Jun 2024 21:14 UTC
Views: 472