Pixels, Dividers, Blinkies, and Icons

This is loosely catagorized by how much credit is needed. If this collection becomes tedious to scroll through, I'll catagorize it a little better. When using, change the "width=" and "height=" if needed.

Credit is required because I am the fan artist. you can link my rentry, my twitter, or just say "(description/name of pixel) made by ririinu"

@ririinu_1 on twt @ririinu_1 on twt @ririinu_1 on twt @ririinu_1 on twt @ririinu_1 on twt @ririinu_1 on twt

Credit is not required, but HIGHLY preferred for my pixel art. you can link my rentry, my twitter, or just say "(description/name of pixel) made by ririinu"

These are edits I have made of official art. Credit isn't required, but it'd be really nice!!
transparent transparent dark mode light mode transparent

Stuff I've made using blinkies cafe. credit isnt needed.

Pub: 09 Sep 2023 19:01 UTC
Edit: 24 Sep 2023 17:43 UTC
Views: 560