this is a recent edit!! i lost the edit code to the original rentry so i made a new one, apologies.

this is around 6 monthz old and itz mainly yapping so tldr nuclear collective took advantage of my codependency (caused by dpd) and delusionz (diagnosed psychotic tendenciez) by making me buy shit for them and waz heavily inappropriate such az sending nudez without my proper permission and speaking sexually about me in public spotz with no permission

my experience w/ nuclear collectives alter -- argbur. i am aware that the system finds no issue in what he has done and i find that the system is somewhat well known in pt so i had decided to make this to put my thoughts fully together. note: i do not have proof of any of these claims due to all of the proof being in a deleted group chat/pt chat records i cannot get. the closest to evidence i may have are multiple accounts from partners and friends, even a few people i have barely spoken to who recall similar behavior in argbur/other alters.

i, to start, am a simpbur copinglink. i have always desired meeting other bursonas, in specific argburs, due to this. i am extremely delusional when it comes to love as caused by what i am now aware is an onset of psychotic symptoms (this is diagnosed and it turns out i am experiencing a delusional episode which has been causing me to act impulsively and without reason. this delusional episode was trigged by the alienation from partners and my dpd. i was obsessed with him unhealthily, and he supported these delusions throughout the entire time we were together. the situation with nuclear collective has only served to worsen these feelings of delusions - such as beginning to form physical pains and sicknesses thinking of this situation. i am in the process of healing , but am currently still feeling those thoughts.) i am prone to fawning over anyone who gives me any sort of attention. this is how i came into contact with the nuclear collective system. at this time, a miscommunication between me and one of my partners had caused me to feel alienated and extremely vulnerable (i will not go into further detail about this miscommunication, do not ask.) i was desperate for anyone to show me some sort of affection as i felt i could not get it from my current romantic/queerplatonic partners.

me and argbur met on pt. we became friends quickly, but within 24 hours, he began to make jokes about something more. as i had previously mentioned, i am delusional due to being psychotic and experience codependency caused by my dpd. argbur was fully aware of the fact that i was being ignored by partners, which would cause me to be more delusionally attached and dependent. argbur asked me out within 24 hours of meeting and i accepted, desperate for the affection of anyone who would be willing to give it to me. argbur never once called me by my name, and only ever called me "simpbur" which i never have, and never will go by. i believe this was him only seeing me for my pseudomemories, and source/kin dating me based on them.

argbur began to get personal very quickly. he was constantly asking me to buy stuff and in a way pressuring me into it. (for reference, i spent around 80 dollars in the 4 days we knew each other. this included pt supporter, robux, and buying the bodies facial piercings for him.) he would make jokes about large purchases as well, such as me buying him plane tickets to come to my state. i am aware the system has pressured other people in similar jokes relating to meeting up, going as far as to send the bodies address. he would randomly vent without permission as well.

he began to make jokes of sexual nature towards me. i am extremely uncomfortable when it comes to sexual jokes that i did not give explicit permission to make. he did odd stuff relating to me, including in public chat. he would say "good girl" or call me a bottom publicly despite me expressing my discomfort with it. within 24 hours, he began to make jokes about intimate photos. he had never explicitly asked me about sending these. he was aware i was uncomfortable with such things due to past trauma and feeling the need to reciprocate due to peer pressure. within 24 hours of knowing each other, he had sent me explicit photos. i was extremely uncomfortable with it, and he began to make jokes about me sending them as well. as i felt as though he was the only one who actually loved me at the time, i did as i was asked to my own shame. (to add on, both me and nuclear collective are bodily minors. this means that he not only sent me cp, but then peer pressured me into reciprocating it.)

sorry for no evidence!! it was within the span of 4 days that this all happened, and i removed myself from anywhere where i could be reminded of what happened. i shouldve properly prepared myself, but i didnt, and that is my fault. i only wrote this so that if anyone wanted to be aware of what had happened, i could easily just link this instead of going through the whole story again and again.

other recollections of weird stuff nuclearcollective has done!!

argbur had a sort of liking to my (now ex) partner. i will not name her, but he began to flirt with her within a few hours of knowing her without permission. he would interrupt our conversations just to go and kiss her. he called her one day before i had waken up and apparently during the call, argbur had made a comment about a bite on his finger. he then turned on the camera to show her the bite, and in turn flashed her. note that he had not known her for more than 48 hours and had began flashing her without any sort of permission. from what i know, this is the extent of her experience with him.

anon source about their alter lmanbur !

Pub: 07 Jul 2023 07:22 UTC
Edit: 05 Feb 2024 03:00 UTC
Views: 901