Personification of time seems to have two big problems. She's crazy and has no thighs.
And I aim to fix that, not the crazy part, that's unfixable and not something I'd ever want to fix. Now, I am no architect, but I like to build, and her thighs need some building. She is pretty built up top, but is somewhat lacking on her leg bones.
So when Kronii accepted my invitation to live under my roof under the guise of feeding her enough so "the rest of her" fills out I was surprised.
Maybe that's the crazy part doing the work.
-"Of course! I think it's interesting, I've seen and heard it all Anon, but this hasn't ever happened to me."
-"I wasn't really expecting that" I was shocked.
-"I know. I know how you act anon. You act because I am after all." She said giggling.
-"So what will you be feeding me?"
-"I didn't think I'd get that far"
-"Well you better think of something" she said with a finger on her mouth, pondering. Her eyes grew distant, they were big and blue, songs should be written about them.
If not for her massive breasts her arm is forcing apart. Something you notice before the color of her eyes, they were so big you could see them from behind.
The undershirt someone with her frame could easily use as a top did not have enough fabric to reach her nipples. They covered her ribcage and had such heft to them, it made you wonder why she doesn't topple over when she quickly turns around.
Suddenly, my trance like state was interrupted by two long fingers in a black glove. Kronii was pointing at my eyes. Hand quickly turned around and pointed at her eyes, but not without leaving microtremors in her underboob.
-"Anon you do realize I can just undo you right"
-"Haha it's rewind time!" She giggled while jumping onto one of her legs and doing a peace sign. Once again, shaking her generous endowments, which entered a state of weightlessness given the height of jump.
-"Kronii, please stop jumping around."
-"It's uh.. painful"

Day 1

-"You can put your stuff here in this room" I searched for big blue gems of hers that were already staring deep into my soul
-"Do you even have anything with you?"
-"Nooo I don't" She said sing-song-like.
-"Are you fine just walking around in your get-up all the time?"
-"Anon I don't walk around at all usually. I think you forgot who I really am"
-"Well now that you're here, Miss Time, I think you're gonna need some normal clothes"
-"Why, are you going to keep making that dumb face while staring at my ribbon otherwise?"
-"Well I'll do some online shopping"
I kept chasing Kronii around with food while she lounged around the house laughing at animal videos. She was a dork sometimes.
Except it was a sexy dork, and her big milktanks were laying on top of my laptop. It was fascinating to see into what sorts of positons she twists herself just to accommodate two protrusions the size of my head, and then some.
I was bringing the slob some pasta, she sighed when she saw me.
-"Do you not have anything else but this dumb fan? It's stupid hot in here" She said motioning her head towards the cheap fan on max settings.
I put the plate down, and then I saw what the issue was as Kronii was fanning herself in vain.
Her breasts plugged up the fans on my laptop and heat was blowing into her cavernous cleavage.
-"Kronii, you're sucking up all the heat from my laptop"
-"Ohh, I thought I was cooling it by doing that"
-"Really? Anyway come here and eat this"
-"I am starting to already have doubts about getting thunder thighs if it means getting fed like some farm animal"
-"Hey now is my food really that bad?"
She didnt respond and instead started eating her pasta on fast forward. I took my laptop back only to find it blue screening.
She looked up and chuckled, pasta still hanging from her mouth smearing orange sauce around.
-"Did my boobs break your laptop?"
-"Yes, yes they did" Her fleshy valley was smeared with the same sauce.
-"Don't worry it will be fine in couple of minutes" My retort was met with the familiar gesture of two fingers pointing at my eyes.
This time, they didn't point back at her eyes.
-"Anon, anon" She shook her head.

Day 10

-"Kronii I don't think I can keep thinking of new foods to serve you, you're going to have to start eating same stuff day in day out"
-"Aaahh whatever I stopped finding it fun to demand new food anyway, your expressions are getting old like the food Anon" Kronii said mockingly, while fanning herself with a cheap fan she found online.
The motion was sending tremors through her chest.
-"So, uhh any changes to your legs"
-"Well" Her voice raised.
-"No" It dropped back down.
She stopped fanning herself and was looking down at the floor. Her big blue eyes bounced around while she was thinking.
-"You know what just come here and feel up my thigh"
She stood up and assumed a postition akin to puppy getting a vaccine at the vet. As I loomed over her I noticed her dainty shoulders and massive breasts.
She definitely couldn't see her feet, or her thighs. She smiled up at me as I hesitated where to look, and I easily enveloped her thigh with both my hands.
-"Didn't you say you gained like 10 lbs? I can't really tell any difference"
-"Yup, me neither"
She took my hand and placed in on her stomach confidently. Completely flat. My forearm however was pressing into her massive breasts.
-"A-at least you're not gaining to your gut"
-"Well, guess where I am gaining" She maintained her gaze confidently. Then, maintaining her hold on my arm, she guided it to forbidden territory, her bosom.
It was very warm, slightly wet and fought back the invading hand. I pulled my arm back instinctively, but I couldn't budge, Kronii was holding my hand with inhuman force.
Her smile grew wider, she noticed me fighting back in vain.
-"Your boobs" I said.
-"Yes, I am spilling everywhere, and some sleeping position don't work anymore Anon"
She kept raping my hand with her massive boobs, which was now completely covered in boobsweat. It kept sliding in and out alot easier.
-"How come you're stronger than me?"
-"Hmmmm?" Kronii was savouring the moment.
-"Anon I can just stop things happening, I am the law of continuity itself" My hand went deep this time, fingers reaching her ribcage.
She let go of my hand, except it was frozen in space, or time rather, and I couldn't move it. Her hands started pressing her boobs from both sides into my frozen hand.
Kronii was giggling like a maniac, feeding off my face tormented by lust.
-"This is where all your pasta went Anon."
"Didn't you say you were going to fill my thighs out? Why are my boobs even bigger, Anon?" I felt a wet spot on my crotch. I didn't pee myself.
"Huh already? Anon you're pretty weak, you technically didn't even last a second" She let out a hearty laugh that would melt hearts.
It is then that I noticed the rest of the world was frozen in time. Just as I noticed the clock on the bedroom wall started ticking.
All the force I had expended pull my hand backwards now made it sling backwards punching me in the face.
I passed out.

Day 24

Kronii was lounging around in her newly bought t-shirt. It was tenting, unable to follow her impossible curves and just hung off her breasts in front of her navel.
Her breasts were tied down in sarashi like contraption with spare cloth she could find. She was using my sweatpants.
Similarly, my laptop got claimed and I was now forced to go on my desktop that still had old Windows on it.
Kronii kept wagging her finger at me not to go to any lewd websites, and that she'd know. Using all her goldy powers to scare me, I learned Kronii is quite the sweetheart and would never follow up on her threats.
Or rather, doesn't even see a point in doing that and is just fucking around by staying with me.
It had become standard practice to throw dirty shirts at me because Kronii was unable to eat without dropping things. The impact zone was always her boobs.
I had started looking forward to her doing that, as it meant I saw her back breaking milkers slosh around furiously as she tried to land a homerun on my face with her balled up dirty shirt.
She sometimes did it in slow motion while doing a circle game sign around her spilling cleavage. Everytime she did that, she'd catch me and I'd have to let her pick what she wanted to watch that evening.
I sat next to her, she looked at me like I was burning a holy book.
-"Anon I know you want to cuddle, but we both know why you want to cuddle"
Kronii pulled her legs to her chest and clasped her hands around her shins, planting her small feet on the sofa. Her basic white shit deformed around her thin thighs.
And her chest spilled outwards, into her arms. She immediately snapped towards me, knowing what I was looking at.
-"I think I am 17 pounds over the original weight"
-"Anything on your thighs, or is it just going straight into your shirt?"
Kronii put her feet back on the ground, and double tapped her thighs inviting me.
-"Come lay your head on my lap, see for yourself"
Unsure of my movements I crawled towards the agent of time.
I laid my head down on two skinny legs wrapped in my sweatpants. I expected to see my cieling, but instead I saw all white.
Her shirt was tickling my nose.
-"I.. uh think your legs are softer"
-"I know right?! They're girthier too." Kronii pushed her breasts to her body to find my eyes with hers.
She was beaming down at me. Then, her face got serious theatrically.
-"I don't fit into my clothes anymore. I cannot be warden of time because my tits only see the overcoat as a suggestion and peek out." Her serious voice was stirring my loins.
"I know this is making you hard, you're kind of pissing me off"
-"Sorry, you're just too sexy I guess"
-"I know, but there's sexy and there's a walking milk container"
-"What's the diff-"
Boob overflowed my face and dampened any sound I was making. Kronii simply bent forwards and was close to suffocating me.
-"Oh yeah? Is that all it takes? Just a giant pair of tits?"
I could feel part of the sound travel through her boobs, which were pressing with surprising force and filling my nostrils.
I felt her hand reach for my crotch, she briskly undid my trousers and was suddenly in full control of the rudder.
It was painfully throbbing, to the point it became numb. However, instead of any service, Kronii simply wrapped her hand around it and tugged on it.
-"Yeah I think I found the problem. It's this worm making you do dumb shit all the time"
Even that stimulation was enough to shoot for the stars. Kronii retracted her hand immediately. Her boobs lifted away from my face and she shoved my head from her lap.
I swear I could her hiss. I looked down and saw my cumshot frozen in air.
-"You're disgusting" I heard from behind.
-"What did you expect was going to happen when you touched my dick and pressed your tits in my face?"
-"Oh shut up" she said with a hint of exhaustion.

Day 27

The cumshot above my couch was still frozen in time and levitating there. I do not know what would happen if I touched it but I don't want to know.
When questioned, Kronii either simply ignored me, or just started randomly talking about something else.
Today, she was sitting on my bed instead of the couch because of "that". Her habit of randomly materializing and sitting on my sleeping face with her bony ass to wake me up and subsequently claiming my bed was getting annoying.
She was preoccupied surfing the internet on my laptop, which was placed on her knees. Kronii was dressed only in stockings from her outfit and had her breasts wrapped in cloth.
Her bulging cleavage was glistening in the summer sun. Her breasts were gently rising with her breath, a calming display of femininity.
A display she wasn't even paying attention to, her effortless sexiness was compounded by its unforced expression. Her occasional dorky cackles were the perfect mix between cute and sexy, as her chest danced to the rhythm.
Her sarashi was slowly becoming undone, and she still hasn't noticed.
-"Are you going to do something about that thing above my couch?"
-"Go away squirtlet, I can freeze your dick in time too"
-"Are you still angry about that?"
-"No, I just think it's funny when you're like this. What are you gonna do about it?"
-"Whatever, tit-cow"
-"Oh tit-cow huh?" She closed the laptop and shuffled towards the edge of bed, bouncing her massive breasts.
Kronii did a quick handmotion with the most smug expression possible. And then left the room.
My prostate suddenly felt very strangely. When I turned around, the 3 day old frozen cumshot was nowhere to be seen.
-"Anon you need to cook me food, or I'll lose my gains!"
I stomped my way to the kitchen where time warden was splayed out all over the chair looking at me like a peasant.
-"Do not mess with my body that way."
-"Or what?"
Kronii leaned over table supporting her head with her hand. Her enormous tit was pressing into it.
-"Right, where's my food?"
-"I'll just order pizza"
"Alright, jeez, I'll consider your request. I'll file it in the pile right next to women's prayers about their wrinkles." She shifted back in her chair.
-"I thought you had some boundaries."
Kronii made a face of a caring mother and shot up to her feet.
-"Awh. So cute!"
Cloth around her breasts was becoming undone more and more with each step. Her hands were reaching out for a hug.
Kronii was overly confident in her approach to the point it made me uneasy, wondering if it's one of her mocking games.
Her breasts have grown to epic proportions in past few weeks. They were flirting with her navel now, and were extremely girthy.
They were practically her entire torso and her tight springy cleavage was hosting a microlake of sweat.
Suddenly, they squished into me and made contact from my waist up to my solar plexus. I could feel her thumb sized nipples.
My entire existence was rushing downwards right into my crotch. Little me was standing to full attention so hard it felt like a foreign object in my pants.
-"Not gonna hug me back?"
I must've been making the dumbest expression possible as Kronii was smiling widely at me and basking in how much she could do with a single hug.
Her tits were like reactors and instantly made me hot. Hot and wet. There was probably enough sweat on them to water Africa.
She crouched slightly and pressed into me even further. And that's when I felt the familiar feeling. I felt like a thick rope was getting pulled out of my urethra by a machine.
It felt like I had pissed myself. My knees were exploding.
-"Right, now it's out anon, I fixed it, now go order pizza." She stood back, at this point topless. She giggled heartily at my expense.

Pub: 24 Aug 2021 23:45 UTC
Edit: 26 Aug 2021 20:26 UTC
Views: 3446