Rapunzel in the Dark Tower
Casting -
Rapunzel: Karasumori Daikoku
Witch: Fudeshima Shigure
Prince: Yorozu Iruru
Doctor: Renjakuno Hatsumi
Act I.
Ever since Rapunzel could remember, she had been imprisoned in a dark tower where a witch lived. She thought she had parents, but she didn’t know their faces or names. She had no one.
"Rapunzel, you really are an idiot."
Every day, her mind and body were hurt by being dominated by a selfish witch.
"Your father was a nasty guy who stole vegetables from my field."
"In return, you will be my toy for the rest of my life. My sweet Rapunzel."
Chained up, she is not allowed to go outside or move freely in the tower. No one, not even her parents, came to her rescue, and in her heart, Rapunzel cursed everything - the witches, the world and her family who had abandoned her. Her sanity was gradually eroded, replaced by a growing fury. She grit her teeth and endured, saying, “I will not give in.”
(I don't want to end my life in this tower, even if I die!)
Rapunzel vowed that one day she would escape the Witch's rule and be free. And then, without fail, she would take her revenge on the Witch.
Rapunzel, eager for an opportunity for revenge, hatched a plan.
(How about preparing something that could be poisonous and mixing it with food?)
(Or take advantage of an opportunity and attack…...? But there's nothing that could be used as a weapon.)
One day, when Rapunzel was looking out of a small window, she saw a young man. He was investigating the strange vegetables that the witch grows in her garden. This was the first time she’d seen anyone other than witches in this area. When Rapunzel called out to him in surprise, he told her that he was the prince of a certain country and was looking for someone…...
Act II.
Feeling that she would never have such an opportunity again, Rapunzel made up her mind and stretched her long hair down the tower. She let her hair run like a ladder and invited the prince into her room.
“I'm surprised. Your hair doesn't break into pieces even with so much force?”
This is Rapunzel's first opportunity to come into contact with a human being other than a witch. Nervously, she asks the prince who he is looking for and he replies that he is after a sinister doctor.
The doctor had committed a serious crime and was a fugitive, a scientist with a penchant for witchcraft. The princes, guessing that he must have turned to the witches, have come to this tower to investigate. Rapunzel also had an idea. The witches had been growing in power in recent years, and strange fields, known as the Witches' Garden, were being cultivated and spread out. Rapunzel guessed that perhaps there were hidden collaborators.
Rapunzel tells the prince all the information she has, assuming that if the doctor is being hidden, he is probably in the basement. Hopefully the prince will defeat the witch......she’s bets on that glimmer of hope.
“Are you being held prisoner by the witch?”
“Yes. ......Ever since I was born.”
The Prince, in pity, tried to remove the chains, but they were made of magic and couldn't be removed or broken with a sword. He left Rapunzel with the promise that he would come back to save her once he had captured the doctor.
Act III.
However, the prince never returned to Rapunzel. Furthermore, the witch noticed that Rapunzel had invited a human in, and began to torment her, telling her she’ll discipline her. When Rapunzel asks about the prince's whereabouts even though she is hurt, the witch shows her anger fiercely. "You just have to listen to me...don't get carried away!" Rapunzel gasps in pain and rebelled, saying, “I don’t belong to you.”
The witch laughs. “No, you are mine. You were sold by your parents.
They traded you for vegetables from the fields. So you are a vegetable named Rapunzel. No one will come for you if your parents sold you too," the witch scoffed, and left the room.
Rapunzel, who had been patient and waited for an opportunity even as her hatred burned, had reached the limit of her patience. She would never forgive. She wanted to punish the witch who took everything from her with her own hands. Just as she wished this, a sickle was born from Rapunzel's hair. Perhaps it was because she was raised by a witch, or because she ate magically grown vegetables - she was able to use magic herself. She couldn't break the chains that bound her, but now she could -
Rapunzel laughed in the dark. The next time they meet, it would be time for revenge.
Act IV.
The witch appeared that day as usual. The witch tried to have her fun by abusing and hurting Rapunzel. But the Witch was caught off guard and Rapunzel thrust the sickle of her own creation to her throat.
"Break the chains, or I'll do terrible things to you. Just like you've been doing to me."
The witch, who had never seen Rapunzel so defiant, was horrified and did as she was told, removing the chains. Rapunzel was breathless as the restraints that had tormented her for so many years were easily released.
“When did you gain such power?”
“It's because of you. It was hatred that awakened me.”
Rapunzel smiled, and in retaliation for her past treatment, she slashed the Witch, hurting her. When the wounded witch realised that Rapunzel would no longer do her bidding, she ordered her to "leave this tower" with her last breath.
On her way out of the tower, Rapunzel suddenly stopped at the basement. When she freed the prince from his captivity there, he ran away, fearing that Rapunzel, who’s appearance had changed, was a witch.
"You are a wonderful talent. You are the witch that should house this tower."
When she heard a voice coming from somewhere, she turned around and saw a doctor who appeared to be the collaborator of the witches.
“I don't want this abominable tower. I......gained freedom.”
Rapunzel left the tower and walked away. Even though her wish had finally come true, she felt a tremendous sense of emptiness. With nowhere to go, she wandered aimlessly. Soon after, the Witch's Tower collapsed without its master......
Karasumori Daikoku:
You witch...... I hate you, I won't forgive you......! I will take revenge on you for the rest of my life......
Yorozu Iruru:
Your acting is filled with grudges today.
Karasumori Daikoku:
This Rapunzel is myself.......my Lord taught me to use my hatred in my acting.
Renjakuno Hatsumi:
That’s right. It's a performance that only Daikoku can do.
Yorozu Iruru:
It's certainly a unique arrangement.
Renjakuno Hatsumi:
Because I wrote the script for Daikoku.
Fudeshima Shigure:
I get that. This Rapunzel is definitely very grim.
Yorozu Iruru:
I feel that the relationship with the witch is very close to reality.
Renjakuno Hatsumi:
That would be interesting.