
08:57] The priestess listened to the words of Fist, regrets of her life being told to her in the woman's final moments. Small fragile looking hands would reach forward to the woman, them basked in a golden light as she would touch them upon the face of Fist. The light seeping into her soul to only numb the pain of her broken and battered body. Though the injuries were very much still there the suffering of what physical ailments might ailed here were not found.

"Enarr the great Boatman."

"May you find it in your heart to guide this soul that shall soon depart from this world."

"Let you be the light for her to follow so that she may be returned to the life stream."

As she spoke the sapphire hues of her eye's would come to hide behind her closed eyes, with her head dipping slightly downward as she would land onto the ground. Her hands coming together in front of her small figure as she would continue to pray for the soul ofFist.

"May you find happiness in the actions taken in your life, and pray tell that any sin be forgiven as you travel into the after life."

The woman not knowing the reasoning behind the woman's death nor really wishing to. For to her all life was sacred in every manor and even those who were deemed criminal's to be executed deserved this form of respect in their final moments.

"I pray tell you find peace with the departed loved ones of this world, so that you may be born back into the great cycle of life. I pray that your actions will be judged and looked upon in your favor to the gods."

As the last words left her mouth her lips would purse a bit, a small sigh coming from her before she took in another breath.


The girl rather not used to this duty yet but hoping that she was serving the church in her own duties well enough. Her gaze then shifted to Liral.

"Anything else Oracle?"

(Phoenix Altan)

[09:04] Watches as Lila does her usual thing, unflinching, unwavering. He was already used to things like these happening. Remaining silent but stepping forward with Lirael in order to stand by his Oracle's side.

It doesn't seem as if the Oracle plans on interfering, he makes his way back to Scytha. His Bright golden holy hue would spot the boy next to him.

Angelo releases a breath, and he places a hand onto the boy's shoulder, surrounding his palm with a small amount of holy mana in order to help comfort him. The man tilts his head facing Benjamin, shaking his head a few times before speaking to him.

Least he could do, right?

"Welcome to Meranthe kid, get used to it."

Welcoming the boy to the harsh realities that this world has to offer. The Umbra Captain sets his sights back toward the scene while he watches whatever may happen next unfold.
(Angelo Corbin)

[09:04] Late to the scene as he was, the sight of a familiar face on the ground at the mercy of another halted any progression the jotun was making towards Aphros. The small crowd that had gathered was joined by one more as words were exchanged and he had to do what he could to glean information of what was happening.

"Didn't get to fight properly?" Came the first question, his gaze moving between everyone present. A short shake coming as the cowboy let his attention settle finally on Fist.

"The hel's this all about anyway. I was of the mind tha' Fist already got punished for anythin' bad she might've done. Whats gon and gotcha tryna stick 'er in the dirt so quickly like this?"

"An' whatever it is, I ain't putitn no offense out there but she deserves t' be more then jus' some practice f'r a young priest. What's she done tha' gotcha tryna disrespect 'er like tha'?" He questions further, his attention moving to the women present.
(Barabbas Knodd)

[09:11] Slowly does Lila tilt her head to Barabbas, her rage growing in the moment as the man steps up to speak his part.

"If you are so curious, cowboy, I will lay it out for you." She states, venom dripping from her words. "She defended and protected the witch that indoctrinated my sister, Rhea, and convinced her to sell her soul, eventually leading to Rhea's execution. And then she even went so far as to wield that same witch's sword later on down the line.

Even now, she prays to whatever moon-God the witches sold their soul to. I will wipe her pathetic existence from this world before her terrible influence can corrupt my daughter, as well."

"So, I'll say it clearly: Stay. Out. Of My. Way."
And with that? She moved over towards Fist, her blade being ignited once more and brought above her head to thrust into Fist's body. If Barabbas wanted to stop it? There was no time for words. Only action.
(Lila Woodes)

[09:18] "Well then thank you for laying it out for me." He stated in return with a bit of a grumble. A shake of his head coming as a sigh left the cowboy soon after. "S'my duty to ask and be clear on this at the very least."

The cowboy did not move further, his arms crossing over his chest as his head would bow slightly. It wasn't something he was pleased to see, but with accusations as serious as these there was little room for him to find fault. The Hofgothi merely watched on, a slightly disappointed glint in his eyes as the blade came down.

Whether true or not he would only mumble a prayer beneath his breath as he watched on.
(Barabbas Knodd)

[09:20] Wichilo kept his attention upon Lila and Fist, not willing to look away from the event before him. A good learning experience, for anyone could potentially stumble off of their path.

[09:23] Through petty prayer and immanent death, it slowly brings the razuka's gaze back up to stare on at Phoenix's own, should they even catch it.

Squeaked whispers only to them make no attempt to really speak over them, just words to herself.

Following that, Barabbas giving up and those around not so much as dipping in.

"I'd never let'er sink so low."

So she awaits that end, those moments where a life flashes before her eyes and she's allowed to relive the lot of them, from worst to best.

All that pain and suffering trying to so much as match up to the average magi, to the little moments appreciated with her own kids, grandkids .. Even her husband.

Chin lifted throughout, a deep breath.

[09:40] It seemed it was time.
With blade poised to strike, the Nephilim's hands thrust downwards, the white-hot edge of the concentrated Aether blade flying true towards Fist's body. It hits its mark dead in her chest- a single splatter of blood splashing upon Lila before the wound is cauterized, the smell of burnt flesh filling the air.

Viscerally efficient. As she was known for.
A long, deep breath was taken. Ataraxia's blade dissipated, leaving nothing but the hilt and the dagger, Hysteria, gripped within her hands.

It was over. It was finally over, wasn't it? She had finally gotten revenge on one of the ones responsible for her sister's downfall.

But... it wasn't over. No. She still had much work to do.

And so little time.
Her weapons are returned to her hip, slowly and shakily rising to her feet- clearly unsteady. Just as it seems she manages to get her balance, she begins to stumble, catching herself upon a nearby tree.

She soon erupts into a violent coughing fit, blood being flung from her mouth as she leans against the tree. Her blade is drawn and then ignited- only to press against the massive gash on her side to stop its bleeding, letting out pained noises throughout the rather gruesome-looking process.

"Burn her body." She commands, to no one in particular. "Just to make sure no necromancers can get to it."

Then, she goes to limp off on her own. Too much to do. Not enough time.
(Lila Woodes)

[09:43] Scytha Hemwick would contunue to stare
(Scytha Hemwick)

[09:43] Watch's as the woman moves off making no comment at her words to burn the body of the Rat queen.
(Phoenix Altan)

[09:43] Ulfhild Avintess crosses her arms, watching quietly
(Ulfhild Avintess)

[09:46] Angelo simply sighs, he looks toward Barabbas.

"You, you seem to have known her. Hm..."

He whispers to Lirael.
(Angelo Corbin)

[09:52] Though a harrowing ordeal, the Oracle was steadfast in its development. To the bloody end, she saw Lila end the Gutter Queen's existence in a single thrust.

Its parallel to the past no longer perturbed her, even as the memory flashed in her mind.

She approached the corpse, glancing back at Lila in the throes of a strange malady. A glint of concern crossed her countenance before she took the time to appraise the fallen's possessions.

"Phoenix. Process the body and have it burned. The ashes will be given to her next of kin."

As the Nephilim made her swift departure, she wheeled around and quietly straggled behind. With the main spectacle over, it was time for those present to make themselves scarce.

"Angelo, collect her personal effects and report back to me. We'll have them distributed to her closest as well."
(Lirael Equisol)

[09:54] "Mm...She was oe of the folk that was always lookin out for us on the mountain. Ain' never seen 'er in a bad light..." Barabbas was clearly not the most pleased with what he just learned and just had to witness. He had better hopes for the day, but it seemed fate wanted to readily remind him what the state of things were around him.

"Iffin' I hadn't heard her talking about somethin in the moon on more then one occasion recently I wouldn've believed it really... But." He let out a frustrated huff.

"May the Shattered 'ave mercy on 'er soul if she really was innocent." A furrow of his brow came and a nod. "But as it stands at least I got answers f'r the folk tha' I know'll be angry 'bout this."
(Barabbas Knodd)

[09:55] Phoenix Altan says, "Very well Oracle...."
[09:55] Nods his head, listening to his Oracle's orders.


He makes his way to Fist's body taking anything that may be of use so that the their next of kin can receive her possessions. Angelo sets his eyes onto the Giant once again.

"Very well, I will have her belongings, but fret not, I will not be making use or any of the sort with it. Since you seem to know her, I would like you to find any of her kin or successors and tell them to find me so that I may pass it on to them."

(Angelo Corbin)

[09:56] Phoenix Altan says, "Angelo..."
[09:56] Phoenix Altan says, "Can you help me move the body.."
[09:57] Scytha Hemwick says, "......"
[09:57] Angelo Corbin says, "A gift."
[09:57] Barabbas Knodd asks, "Mm, I'll do so. Angelo ye?"
[09:57] Angelo Corbin says, "Yes, I will normally be stationed in Aphros."
[09:58] Barabbas Knodd says, "I'll pass along the message then. I'll try to make sure they ain' too upset' 'fore they come. "
[09:59] Barabbas Knodd says, "..."
[09:59] Barabbas Knodd asks, "Can I take those?"
[09:59] Angelo Corbin says, "Yes."
[10:01] Angelo Corbin asks, "...?"
[10:01] Barabbas Knodd says, "Tsk.. she never did kick it. Figured that. "
[10:01] Angelo Corbin says, "Jesus."
[10:02] Angelo Corbin says, "So."
[10:02] Angelo Corbin says, "You know her better then I do, come with me."
[10:03] Sebastion Walt asks, "Is the Oracle here?"
[10:03] Angelo Corbin says, "No."
[10:03] Sebastion Walt asks, "Free stuff?"
[10:03] Angelo Corbin says, "Giant, I will be in the square."
[10:04] Sebastion Walt looks towards Angelo
(Sebastion Walt)

[10:04] Sebastion Walt asks, "Free stuff or no?"
[10:04] Angelo Corbin says, "Sure, if you touch the fantasia then I will take your hand off of you though."
[10:04] Sebastion Walt says, "You aren't my father."
[10:04] Sebastion Walt says, "And I don't do drugs."
[10:04] Angelo Corbin says, "It's illegal."
[10:04] Sebastion Walt says, "I'll dispose of it."
[10:04] Angelo Corbin says, "And I meant as in I will cut it off."
[10:04] Sebastion Walt says, "Again."
[10:05] Sebastion Walt says, "I don't do drugs."
[10:05] Angelo Corbin says, "Oh- come on, I'll make you a squre after we get 'this' settled."
[10:05] Angelo Corbin says, "I'll be in the square."
[10:05] "Aah..." He'd look to Estelle once more. "Might have to have the talk afterwards- but we'll definitely talk soon..." A few nods given before he'd turn to follow Lila, a hand reaching to pull the present Folhammer along with him.

However there was a pause as Fist's death was brought up. His gaze dropping to the ground, mostly avoiding both his mother and sister.
(Kylian Woodes)

[10:06] Fist is dead.


… a fast response, all things considered. Short, snappy, and to the point. "You? Did YOU do it?" Was her next series of questions. She'd stare at her Mother with tired eyes- expressionless and neutral, filled with a sense of emptiness and almost...

Depression, one could say.

"When? Why? How?"

She'd stand, her eyes staring into Lila's own. For someone that had received word that their friend was dead, she was awfully... blunt.

"... Speak."
(Estelle Guldskratt)

[10:06] Arrives to the square, carrying fist's dead body, whilst making his way to the church. He releases a deep breath.

He spots Estelle.

"Stelle, come, we need a private talk."
(Angelo Corbin)

[10:06] Phoenix Altan says, "....."
[10:06] Angelo Corbin whispers to Phoenix Altan: Phi.
[10:06] Phoenix Altan says, "I am... Sorry Estelle."
[10:06] Angelo Corbin whispers to Phoenix Altan: We're going to figure out a spot to burn her.
[10:07] Phoenix Altan whispers: Mhm...
[10:07] Angelo Corbin whispers to Phoenix Altan: Doing so in Aphros grounds will not be appopriate.
[10:07] Phoenix Altan whispers: I have one in mind already.
[10:07] Phoenix Altan whispers: I will need you to accompany me however.
[10:08] Phoenix Altan whispers: Or Rina if she is able to.
[10:08] Angelo Corbin whispers to Phoenix Altan: I will be taking Stelle and that Giant overthere.
[10:09] Phoenix Altan whispers: Taking them to where I was going to burn her body?
[10:09] Jacob nodded to her, removing his hands from her shoulder. A small smile was on his face while shaking his head. Jacob gave her another pat on the side while turning to the side.

"Well, I am proud of you."
(Jacob Walt)

[10:11] The Nephilim stops as Estelle steps in front of her. "I finally made her pay for her part in Rhea's corruption and death." She states flatly. She seemed oddly... pale. Tired.

She moves to leave, before eventually pausing to erupt into a coughing fit, more blood staining her fist. Though, this time, it's her own.

"...please move." She requests quietly. "I have too much I need to do. And not nearly enough time to do it all."
(Lila Woodes)

[10:11] Angelo Corbin whispers to Phoenix Altan: Figuring out where they want to.
[10:13] Suddenly there was somber news being spread. The death of one. Fist. The Granny Razuka she had met maybe a handful of times.

"O-Oh.. no.." Softly said, just nearly under her breath as she turns in tandem with Jacob. There was probably going to be a fight now.

There was likely little to no way around it. So the tiny red head holds her breath.
(Elaria Aubreen)

[10:14] Phoenix Altan whispers: Very well...
[10:14] Phoenix Altan whispers: I will see what I can do to help her...
[10:14] Spots Lila coughing blood into her fist would cause Angelo to frown. It seems whatever she had going on didn't completely fix. He reaches a hand out toward Lila, worried for her.


He retracts his hand, for he had something else that requires him to worry about.

(Angelo Corbin)

[10:14] Laurence Hemwick watches idly by, watching Angelo carry the corpse.
(Laurence Hemwick)

[10:15] You got Spellstone (Mana Shockwave)!
[10:15] Vyrionth Avintess asks, "...!?"
[10:15] You have taken Whetstone off sale at Phoenix's potions!!!!.
[10:15] You have placed Whetstone for sale at Phoenix's potions!!!!.
[10:15] You have taken Whetstone off sale at Phoenix's potions!!!!.
[10:15] You have placed Whetstone for sale at Phoenix's potions!!!!.
[10:16] Estelle stared.
"She didn't even..."

Estelle clenched her teeth. Her eyes stared at the ground for a moment. Quiet. Hollow.
… tired.

"So you did kill her, then."

It always came down to this. Someone killing another in the name of revenge. It was always the same old loopy fate-based bullshit. 'Someone killed my Father'. 'Someone killed my Mother'. 'Someone killed my best friend's cousin's uncle'.

… The world operated off of revenge.
… And Estelle was tired of it.

"... And what's more, you look like you're perishing yourself."

She'd clench her teeth.

"I just can't escape Gala's grip, can I?"

The Queen of The Gutter didn't push after her Mother. Hel, she didn't even look at her. There was no acknowledgement, no offer for comfort, no hugging, no regard for the woman.

Estelle simply walked off.

She'd give her Mother what she wanted.
… and, perhaps, more.
(Estelle Guldskratt)

[10:16] Phoenix Altan says, "Estelle..."
[10:17] Sebastion Walt pats Jacob's head.
(Sebastion Walt)

[10:18] Jacob Walt says, "Sierra give me three thousand."
[10:18] Sebastion Walt says, "Don't die early."
[10:18] Jacob Walt says, "Don't pat me on my head."
[10:18] Sierra shoved a coin bag into Jacob's chest.
(Sierra Walt)

[10:18] Sebastion Walt says, "Sure, Jacob."
[10:20] 'You look like you're perishing yourself.'
No comment was made for the statement. No offer of comfort, no promise that everything was alright.

Everything was not alright. And she didn't even try to convince her otherwise.
"I will wipe everything that gets in the way of your happy existence off the face of this world." She whispers, before beginning to walk off. She didn't acknowledge Kylian's whisper, nor did she watch to see if he was following. He could stay or follow. It was his choice. She didn't seem keen to stop him either way.
(Lila Woodes)

[10:23] Phoenix Altan says, "... Estelle... Before you go."
[10:23] Estelle Guldskratt says, "There is no 'before you go'."
[10:23] Angelo Corbin says, "There is."
[10:24] Angelo Corbin says, "We need your help."
[10:24] Estelle Guldskratt says, "So did Fist."
[10:24] Gallade Silvanas says, "Stelle..."
[10:24] Slowly floated over to the girl or attempted to. "We... Wish to know if you would like her to be laid to rest in the Gutta..."
(Phoenix Altan)

[10:24] Estelle Guldskratt says, "... No."
[10:24] Angelo Corbin says, "We'd also like to pass on her belongings..."
[10:24] Estelle Guldskratt says, "She shouldn't be buried in a place that gave her misery."
[10:24] Phoenix Altan says, "Then..."
[10:24] Phoenix Altan asks, "A place you may suggest?"
[10:24] Angelo Corbin says, "If you know her well, then tell us how to give her the best rest she could get."
[10:24] Phoenix Altan says, "Mhm.."
[10:24] Estelle Guldskratt says, "... The mountain'd be a better suggestion."
[10:24] Angelo Corbin says, "Take us."
[10:24] Estelle Guldskratt says, "You've got legs."
[10:24] Estelle Guldskratt says, "Fucking walk yourself."
[10:24] Angelo Corbin says, "We've also got her stuff."
[10:24] Angelo Corbin says, "And I don't plan on keeping what's not rightfully mine."
[10:24] Estelle Guldskratt says, "Give it here, I'll put it somewhere where she'd have wanted it to be."
[10:25] Angelo Corbin says, "May she rest in piece."
[10:25] Estelle Guldskratt says, "Whatever."
[10:25] Laurence Hemwick looms over his sister as he would start to whisper.
(Laurence Hemwick)

[10:25] Laurence Hemwick whispers something.
[10:25] Laurence Hemwick whispers something.
[10:25] Elaria Aubreen says, "Mm.."
[10:25] Estelle Guldskratt asks, "That everythin'?"
[10:26] Wichilo tilted his head.

[10:26] Phoenix Altan says, "Angelo I shall be right back."
[10:26] Phoenix Altan says, "I need to stop home quickly."
[10:26] Angelo Corbin asks, "...?"
[10:26] Estelle Guldskratt asks, "That everything?"
[10:27] Phoenix Altan has placed Poppylus (x2) into the chest.
[10:27] Phoenix Altan has placed Mythril (x4) into the chest.
[10:27] Phoenix Altan has taken Sinka (x32) from the chest.
[10:27] Phoenix Altan has placed Sinka (x36) into the chest.
[10:27] Phoenix Altan has taken Mythril (x4) from the chest.
[10:27] Phoenix Altan has placed Perdegrine (x2) into the chest.
[10:27] Phoenix Altan has placed Soothing Reed into the chest.
[10:28] Phoenix Altan has placed Grape (x10) into the chest.
[10:28] Phoenix Altan has placed Alessa (x3) into the chest.
[10:28] Phoenix Altan has placed Blueberries (x11) into the chest.
[10:28] Phoenix Altan has placed Orange (x10) into the chest.
[10:28] Phoenix Altan has placed Apple (x9) into the chest.
[10:28] Phoenix Altan has placed Mythril (x4) into the chest.
[10:29] Phoenix Altan has placed Orichalcum (x4) into the chest.
[10:29] Phoenix Altan has placed Nyeshk into the chest.
[10:29] Phoenix Altan has taken Coin Bag from the chest.
[10:29] You have gained 100000 Coins (returned from inventory)
[10:29] {Item} Dropped a bag of 104000 Coins.
[10:29] Phoenix Altan has placed Coin Bag into the chest.
[10:30] Angelo Corbin says, "The mountain."
[10:32] Phoenix Altan asks, "You think this is appropriate?"
[10:32] Angelo Corbin says, "Good enough."
[10:33] Phoenix Altan says, "Alright then lay her down."
[11:20] With the body being laid out in the snow, the priestess would begin to clean and prepare the woman's corpse. Making sure to remove any blood and stitch up any gash's in the flesh the best she could. Though Fist was dead she still held her care in high regard as a member of the faith. Felling that one deserved to be treated just as they would if they were alive and breathing.

When the preparation had been complete and the rat even changed into a clean white robe the kitsune would kneel down into the snow. Her head dipping some before pulling out some incense from under her cloak. Lighting them and placing them into the snow beside the body.

The incense burning away now as her hands would be brought up to her chest as she would get ready to say a prayer.

"Athelios, Great Warden"

"Let this body come to rest in these times of turmoil."

"May she continue to find solace in those that she has left here on this plane."

"Let the remains of hers be purged from this earth, in order to ensure that her body can not be desecrated for the fel arts.

A small torch would be lit and then tossed onto the body of fist.

"By Order's of the Oracle of Aphros, the remains of the one known by as Fist shall be burned to prevent any desecration that may fall onto them."

The torch's flames spreading to the clothes placed upon the body, it soon igniting the flesh of the woman as the priestess would begin to infuse her holy mana into the flames. Letting the strength of them grow so that they may best be able to destroy every fiber of the remains of the warrior.

"May you come to find peace in the next life."

(Phoenix Altan)

[11:34] Angelo Corbin sighs
(Angelo Corbin)

Pub: 18 Jun 2023 08:39 UTC
Views: 150