
swirl riley swirl mactavley
nightwing what you see in other people... it's your own reflection glaceon 20 5w6 intp they star elle / él / ella star iel / elle eng / spa / fr bi ace asd + adhd

miku hi! i'm just a silly cat on the internet that unfortunately has a lot to say. i sleep a lot and i drink a lot of coffee —that combo makes me a bit delirious most of the time but i prommie i'm not fully insane. i hope y'all think i'm still cool! miku

bow pengwing currently yapping about pengwing star hannibal, death note, mwii, noah kahan, madoka, taylor swift star

sweatO1. dfi + bfy sweat cheek O2. fandoms cheek


miku birdflash

Pub: 19 Mar 2023 01:13 UTC
Edit: 03 Feb 2024 21:25 UTC
Views: 2014