Chapter 1: Draw me a Sheep
Noa: Alright, get home before it gets late. Good work today.
Everyone: Thank you very much.
Kokona: Phew, I let my guard down because it was self-practice, but suddenly Hiiragi-san suddenly came by which surprised me.
Shizuka: Haha, when she started talking about masculine mannerisms to you, it reminded me of the time when we did "Arabian Nights".
Kokona: Same here! She even praised me for improving since then too~.
Kathrina: Wouldn't it a problem if you hadn't improved since then? How many plays do you think you've done since then?
Shizuka: That's true. And also, you received a lot of advice this time too.
Kokona: Ugh...
Kokona: Haaah~, the road towards reaching Daistar is so far away...
Panda: Think of it this way, Hiiragi-san may be strict with her directing, but it demonstrates how good her skills are.
Chisa: Right. She's able to play any role imaginable, and knows all sorts of techniques to play them.
Yae: And if you're able to learn those techniques, you might just be able to play any role you want to too.
Kokona: Hiiragi-san is so amazing. I want to be able to say I can play any role I want...
Shizuka: Well, lets get to practice then.
Shizuka: Or do you not need to review at all?
Kokona: So strict as usual...
Kokona: But I have no choice to keep working hard.
Panda: By the way, if you could play any role you wanted, is there a particular you would like to play?
Kokona: Eh? Hmmm, well I already get to experience various different roles while at Sirius...
Panda: It could also be a role you've played before! Like this role was fun, or I haven't play thsi role before, stuff like that!
Chisa: I would like to play an actual tree. Like the real thing, standing there majestically.
Panda: Sassu, I don't think you're following along here...
Panda: But do you have anything like that?
Kokona: The most memorable one would probably be the first one right?
Kokona: Ah, but Aladdin and Phantom were memorable too...!
Kokona: But also the king from "The Little Mermaid"! That was fun too.
Panda: I see. So you're saying that playing an cruel man in "The Little Mermaid" was fun, huh. So that's what you're into.
Kathrina: Right? And then you wanted to turn me into a bubble and make me disappear.
Kokona: That's not what I meant! Sorry for not noticing that...
Yae: That's just how the script went, so it's not your fault if you didn't notice...
Shizuka: So in the end, every role you've play has been fun?
Kokona: I think that might be the case...
Kokona: That's because every role is so special, how could I just pick one!?
Panda: Ahaha, as expected of Koko-chan.
Kokona: How about you, Panda-chan? Is there a role that you would like to play?
Panda: Panda, huh? Well of course!
Panda: First, there's Cosette and Éponine from Les Misérables! Then I also wanna try playing Juliet from Romeo and Juliet a couple of times!
Panda: And, it's hard to leave out Christine from "The Phantom of the Opera"... And "Sleeping Beauty"...
Kathrina: Aren't all of those just princess characters?
Panda: Well of course! A character thats loved by all, a passionate and romantic development...! Isn't that just the best!?
Chisa: Panda's quite the romanticist, isn't she?
Panda: Shuttup! It's a play, surely it's alright to have dreams like that!
Kokona: If I remember correctly, Panda-chan's Christine was really ineteresting wasn't it?
Shizuka: It was a completely different Christine to Yae-chan adorable, angelic Christine.
Panda: Hold up! What is that supposed to mean!
Kathrina: Right? It seemed like she was arguing with Phantom rather than cuddling up to him.
Panda: How rude! When push comes to shove, Panda is able to cuddle up gently when necessary!
Panda: But maybe not in the same angelic way as Niizumacchi.
Chisa: Well, looks like she's going to try and take the Christine role, are you OK with that?
Yae: Fufu, I don't mind. Of course I won't let it be taken away so easily.
Panda: Grrr...! So this is the confidence of a Daistar...!
Kathrina: So what about you Niizuma? Do you have any roles that you would like to try?
Yae: Me?
Yae: I want to try a cool role, or a cute role, I'm happy to take any role!
Kathrina: That's such a Niizuma answer...
Kathrina: You even took the audition to play Phantom in the "The Phantom of the Opera" didn't you?
Yae: Yep! That time, Kokona-san took it from me, but this time I'll show you my Phantom OK?
Kokona: Yae-chan's Phantom...
Kokona/Shizuka: Cute...
Yae: How could you say that!
Panda: Well~, Niizumacchi is just like a baby animal. It's easy to understand why people see you as a cute girl.
Chisa: The Daistar Niizuma Yae, playing a baby animal-like Phantom... That's a new interpretation.
Yae: Grrr...