Lapan decided to explore the dad meetup place a bit deeper. After all, it was like a whole theme park, one could easily live their entire lives there, those oil balons must have burned fat stacks to make it happen. On the map, Lapan saw that there was a garden and he decided to check it out. The garden was filled with beautiful flowers. Lapan was smelling the purple hydrangeas when he heard someone speak “Are those psychedelic?” A creepy figure emerged from the shadows, Lapan was startled for a moment before he realized it was Goggog. “Oh, hi Goggog-chama. Uh, I don’t think hydrangeas are psychedelic.” Goggog stepped closer to Lapan “No, I mean these.” He poked Lapan’s head shrooms “Aaahhh~ D-don’t t-touch them onegai!” Goggog quickly pulled his hand back and apologized. Little did he know, Lapan’s shrooms were an erogenous zone, an extremely sensitive one too. A single poke had sent sweet shockwaves across Lapan’s body, but he did his best to keep his composure. “S-so, Goggog-chama, what are you up to?”
Lapan and Goggog walked through the garden as they talked and sat on the edge of the fountain in the center of the garden "What is your favorite flower Goggog-chama?" Goggog didn't reply right away "It's hard to pick one over all others but if I had to choose one it would be Tulip, I guess. What's yours?" Lapan remembered the pretty flower fields from his childhood "Edelweiss" "I see, that's a pretty one. I think this one would suit you more though." Goggog plucked a flower and gave it to Lapan "E-eh, didn't know you were so romantic Goggog-chama, heh." Lapan took the flower with a chuckle "A-ah I-I didn't mean to imply anything! It's not romantic at all, we're both dads after all. It would be gay otherwise." they both laughed. Lapan smelled the flower "What is this one called?" "Mimosa. "
After chatting late into the night, Lapan returned to his room, put the mimosa into a glass of water and went to bed, watching the flower get caressed by the moonlight shining through the window as he slowly fell asleep. "Yawn~ Eh? What a weird dream..." Lapan rubbed his eyes then noticed the flower on his windowsill "O-oh... It wasn't a dream?" He was somewhat relieved to know that he didn't dream about receiving a flower from a dad, however that only made things gayer as it had happened in real life. Lapan grabbed his phone and checked the tags for new stuff, as he does every morning as soon as he wakes up "Oh! A new post in the Risuna ta- I-is this..." Lapan saw the latest post made by Goggog on the Risuna tag, a cute Risuna wearing a green hoodie, round glasses, she also had fungi coming out of her head and a pink flower in her hair. It was titled "sweet honey angel" Lapan liked the post "I-It's best to not think about it too deeply..." Lapan secretly liked the idea of the picture depicting himself rather than a random Risuna. Lapan took another look at the flower, it was now germinating new roots “What did he mean by this?”
Lapan went to the cafeteria for breakfast, and he was met with a familiar but unexpected face “Wait, you work here?” “Yes, how could you tell?” said, Goggog standing behind the counter. Lapan found the idea of meetup guests working in the place rather odd but didn’t think too much about it. He picked up a tray, then he realized all the food choices were potato-based. There was nothing other than French fries, mashed potatoes, poutine, baked potatoes, and chips “W-why is everything made of potatoes?” asked, Lapan “Pest control.” Goggog replied, in a cold and creepy tone. Lapan grabbed a plate of delicious genetically modified spuds seasoned with aspartame, he felt as though he was being watched by the potatoes “Hey, Lapan-chama, wanna go for a walk after breakfast? There are a lot of attractions to be seen here you know.” Lapan was thinking about doing that anyway and company surely couldn’t hurt, right? He accepted the offer.
“Oh, look! There’s an XP Hill replica? That’s so cool, let’s go see it.” Lapan and Goggog decided to go to XP Hill after looking at the dad meetup map. The “XP Hill” was quite small, it was set up like a movie scene, but it looked pretty realistic when you had only the hill itself in frame. There was a whole picnic set up, with a basket full of fruit, a grill and everything else you would expect in a picnic, a note was left saying “You may have whatever you want ;) - OB” The whole thing was very suspiciously convenient “Eh… Goggog-chama, don’t you think it’s weird that there are all these cute, romantic locations set up beforehand around here. It’s almost like the balons who designed the meetup are baiting dads to date or something…” “Heh, that sounds like wishful thinking to me, Lapan-chama~” Goggog laughed. Maybe Goggog is right, and he was projecting inner desires onto reality, Lapan thought, scared of what that truly meant for him. But undeniably, there was something blooming within. “Oh! Let’s grill!” Goggog took out a potato out of his pocket and placed it on the grill, it immediately started crying and begging for mercy “What THE FUCK STOP WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Lapan snatched the little starch creature and hugged it instinctively “I thought she was your sweet honey angel! How could you hurt our- Er, my baby!” Goggog was confused by Lapan’s weird reaction “Eh? Sorry I don’t have any meat with me that we can grill so I thought potato would do fine…” Lapan couldn’t believe how cold blooded Goggog was, he held potato Risuna up to Goggog’s face “LOOK! She’s crying! How could you eat her?!” “Lapan-chama… First there is a conspiracy to get dads to date and now potatoes are crying and begging for their lives? I think you need to touch grass and take your meds onegai.” Lapan was about to spontaneously combust from the rage “Oh so now I’M the schiz-“ he suddenly realized that the potato, indeed, was not Risuna “B-but… I swear…” Goggog took the potato, gave it a couple pats and put it back in his pocket “Do you need nade nade?” Lapan nodded. He, again, had shockwaves of pleasure go down his spine like the time Goggog poked his shrooms as he was gently patted.
After the picnic, Lapan and Goggog waved each other goodbye and returned to their respective rooms. Lapan’s good mood had begun to quickly fleet as he pondered upon what might be wrong with him, ever since Goggog touched his shrooms, everything had become so bizarre. And as if that wasn’t enough, he felt like he was slowly falling for him, his thoughts would wander and eventually end up on Goggog, something was definitely off. Lapan began researching about his shrooms to figure out what’s wrong with him. First page results on Google scholar quickly proved to be useless so he began looking into older and more esoteric texts in desperation. Finally, he found something useful in the Voynich manuscript. According to the text, Risuna mushrooms would secrete certain substances to alter the reality of their host when the fungi find what they think to be a mate. Lapan’s headshrooms were aroused by Goggog’s touch, in other words, Lapan was ovulating “T-this can’t be… H-how can I fix this?” Lapan looked at the mimosa again, which now had strong roots “Maybe… Maybe I should… Let nature take its course…”
By next morning, Lapan was uncontrollably horny, the poison had fully taken over the system. He gathered up his courage and DMed Goggog “Hey gogogo-chama. I’ll be streaming today; I was wondering if you wanted to do a collab? You can come over to my room and we can play side by side.” “Alright sounds fun!” Lapan immediately started dreading the collab, what was he even planning to do? He didn’t know either, he just did what his instincts told him to do. Time passed and Goggog arrived, he immediately noticed that there was something off with Lapan’s behavior, all his words seemed to have some sort of innuendo behind them, he was also more playful and constantly teased him, kinda like he was drunk or something. They went live, playing Kirby or some gay shit like that, a lot of dads tuned into the stream, Lapan was getting way more views than usual “He is cuter than usual today!” Chat had picked up on his rather cheerful attitude. Lapan kept teasing Goggog, making flirtatious jokes and feeding scandalous rrats. About half an hour into the stream, Lapan rested his head on Goggog’s shoulder “Lapan-chama? Are you getting sleepy?” Lapan smiled “No, it’s just very comfortable here.” His voice was sweet and earnest, Goggog let Lapan rest. He kept rubbing onto Goggog, spreading his fungi pheromones and aphrodisiac spores. Goggog noticed the flower sitting on the windowsill “Oh, you kept it. It looks just as pretty despite being plucked too…” “Of course I did… Hey gogogggo-chama… Why did you pick a mimosa for me?” Goggog paused for a moment “Because… Well… They remind me of you, cute and feminine.” Lapan laughed “Feminine? I’m feminine? Do I sound feminine to you?” “I think your thick Austrian accent is cute…” Goggog was inevitably turned on by the pheromones, tension between the two dads were steadily rising. “I think you’d be a… Pinecone… Because y’know, you’re like a pinecone and stuff.” Lapan spoke like he was completely wasted despite not having a drop of alcohol in his system. “T-thanks… Y-you too…” Goggog spilled a bit of his spaghetti. The dads were practically cuddling now, they eventually dropped the game entirely, focusing completely on each other instead while the stream kept on running. They snapped out of their sweet trance after a deus ex superchat, blushing from the embarrassment of losing control during a stream of all times. However, they couldn’t keep their hands off of each other, Goggog fondled Lapan’s sensitive, budding breasts as they played, forcing him to struggle to keep his moaning down so he could keep the viewers from noticing what’s going on “Well that’s going to be haa… It for t-this stream guys. Thank you, Goggog-chama for c-co- Haa… collabing with me and see youguysnexttimeokbye.” Lapan couldn’t take it anymore and ended the stream as fast as he could. Lapan threw himself onto Goggog, hugging him behind the neck then he suddenly found himself up in the air “Ah~! Goggog-chama! I-I didn’t know you were so strong~!” Lapan didn’t hold back with the flirting anymore as they were all alone. Goggog’s lips pushed onto Lapan’s as Lapan’s back pushed onto the bed. Two dads impatiently undressed each other, desperate to make sweet honey love as soon as possible. Their hard dicks flung out as they took off each other’s underwear, they were about the same size. Dads’ slimy, precum covered cocks rubbed on each other, a string of cum connected the two dad cocks as Goggog pulled himself back to get into the missionary position. Lapan’s eager dadslit was blinking with anticipation, reality itself seemed to melt around him as the shrooms took over his will “B-be gentle… This is my fir-“ before Lapan could finish, Goggog pushed his cock inside. Lapan’s face shifted into an enraptured expression “Y-you j-j-jerk I s-said b-be gent-“ Overcome by pheromones and insane lust, Goggog couldn’t stop himself from hammering Lapan’s ass like a fearsome beast in heat.
Pure ecstasy pumped from the shrooms directly into Lapan's nervous system caused his sight to be overtaken by endless zooming into colorful fractals. Completely lost in pleasure, Lapan didn't even realize he was put into the doggy position. Goggog pulled Lapan's hair as he repeatedly smashed his prostate. Lapan's sense of time and space vanished and so on after that, his reality dissolved into a white flash.
"Yawn~ Eh? What a weird dream..." Lapan rubbed his eyes then noticed he was wrapped in the arms of Goggog "O-oh... It wasn't a dream?" He was somewhat relieved to know that he didn't dream about receiving a defloration from a dad, however that only made things gayer as it had happened in real life. Finally, his head was clear, shrooms had calmed down and he was himself again, yet he didn't regret his actions. Lapan snuggled closer to Goggog, who was semi-awoken by Lapan's wiggling. Thinking that this is the perfect time, Lapan made a confession "Goggog-chama... I love you..." There was no way of telling if Goggog received the message or not, he was clearly not nearly awake "yyhe I lovuhhtt o" That was enough to put the brightest smile on Lapan's face.
“Good morning my sweet honey angel.” Goggog finally woke up, he was completely drained by the mushrooms last night “L-Lapan-chama? So… We really did it huh?” Goggog was also lost in a blur during the event “Do you regret it?” Lapan asked with a slightly worried voice “No” said Goggog. Lapan hugged his arm “Then… Let’s do it again~” Goggog couldn’t say no to that “Meet me at midnight in the garden, let’s do it where everything began!” After that, the two went out to have breakfast, holding hands and acting like the lovely couple they are wherever they went.
The clock hit 12 AM, Lapan was in front of the purple hydrangeas, waiting for his lover, this time with a mimosa stuck in his hair. A creepy figure emerged from the shadows; it was Goggog as expected. He took Lapan’s hand and lead him to the fountain. The two dads went au naturel in midst of Eden. The spring night’s chill gave Lapan goosebumps, which were swept away by Goggog’s warmth as the dads pressed their chests together while making out. Lapan got down on his knees and grabbed the juicy dadcock before him, sucking on the tip then working his way down the shaft, he wanted to take his time. Like a custom built onahole, Lapan had completely commited himself to pleasing his partner, taking extra care to moving his tongue around a lot, so much so that he could map out the entire topology of Goggog’s cock. Realizing that his partner was about to cum, Lapan deepthroated Goggog’s dick as far as he could while looking deep into his eyes. Instead of swallowing, Lapan kept the cum inside his mouth “Nhow yhu havbhe thu rethurn the fhavor or whe makhe out~” Cum dripped down his chin as he spoke while trying to keep as much of it inside as possible. Goggog was hesitant at first but then he noticed that Lapan was pointing at his shrooms “N-no homo.” Goggog sucked on the shrooms sticking out of Lapan’s head, satisfied with the choice, Lapan swallowed everything and enjoyed the electric shocks of pleasure running through his entire body “Oh! These ARE psychedelic!” Magic of the mushrooms lit all Goggog’s senses ablaze, he found himself in the center of the universe, surrounded by the spirit of the flowers commanding them to make love. Pollens, spores and cum were exchanged as the two dads fucked again and again in every position, on the marble of the fountain, rolling around in the grass among the flowers, until dawn broke and then some. Exhausted, the dads laid in grass, covered by petals,leaves and the shade of a tree “Goggog-chama” Yes?” “I think I’m going to stream again today.” But for now, the dads would cuddle under the shade a little longer.

Pub: 19 Apr 2022 14:02 UTC
Views: 479