My current researches about palestine and israel situation! Before reading please note:

this will be updated whenever I find more and more information. I tend to make a lot of researchs over this topic, so its a lot. Of course, if you have more information providing proofs I will gladly accept in my inbox!

i have a really poor writting, that happens over the fact that i never learned how to read or write when i was younger (reading is important, not just knowing how to see words but ACTUALLY reading books). Im sorry if it sounds unprofessional or childish

side note: I myself don't have the minimum idea of what is correct or wrong, I can't tell the difference over what I feel like is wrong or what actually is wrong in society. So please, this isn't my opinion only researches I did for over 2 months

(Note: I'm only writings this by memory because the big ass text I made to bronya is lost gone)


Israel and palestine situation isn't new, in fact, it's actually way back to 135 before christ when the imperator Adriano had named the land "palestine" and so Jewish people were banned from the land (they used to live there). Now, it all become worse after during the second war or cold war. When Jewish people left Germany looking for a land to call they're own, and there was palestine. A lot of Jewish people claimed that they wanted to "feel nostalgic with they're acenstrals" (literally bullshit). But they didn't actually took control of palestine just like that, hell they were weak! I mean comon Jewish people against a little powerful country? And so it went for a while, nothing decided, that's when the Jewish leader decided to make a contract with the British reign and the French goverment (now I didn't go on details with the French because... well they did as well do a contract with the arabic people to trust them. All of they're promises were just dog water). And so the British kingdom helped the Jewish people to actually have the land named as "theirs". That was until they found the arabic people, and they're response was horrible. They decide stop kill and exterminate the people in there. So you can imagine how Israel people life were? They had a whole land and even support from other country's. That was until the British people came, on the asks of UN, telling Israel people that both of them are sharing the land. That's how our situation of the palestine and israel situation started

why do people claim "stop genocide" when talking about the subject?

Side note: apparently my last research was just a big false information over the subject, all the info I got were from people that tried pointing out israelians as somewhat criminals. I'm not 100% sure about schools, but it's a political thing like for example people that support the goverment or not. People that have been in some sort of manipulation will support and if not then no. I talked with a friend that DOES live in there, and it's a political problem, over the goverment being brainroted and all. The "stop genocide" is over how brutal the goverment is and all.

boycott After years of learning about protests, this is honestly the most un-eficient one I saw in my life. It's more of a view I see, and why? Because let's talk about how economy works. The money the company makes is sent parcelated to each group of people, then send to the country of origin and then it is paid for taxes the rest of the money. Let's use Mc donalds for example, they usually paid they're workers (shocking I know!! People actually get paid in there omg!! <- this is ironic because of how unfair the work in such industries are) and then the rest of the money is sent to pay taxes and to the USA (depending on each country). The money in most of the industries people tell to boycott does NOT sent directly to israel.

Do you see how stupid this argument can be? Everyone pays taxes, you're saying Americans that pay taxes are supporting israel (because the USA is a alley of israel. Please get that on your mind). And even if the argument of "Oh bit the industry exists on israel, so it definitely is funding and supporting". There aren't any Starbucks on israel, in fact they prefere they're OWN coffee then the strabucks one. Another example is Nestle, it absolutely shut down on israel and yet they still provide money. Ofc boycott is more of a morals situation, if you can't do much then sure! Stop buying from such industry if you think that helps, even if it's a small amount. What I mean is that people are shotting the wrong thing. You do realize it's a small percent of money that will stop funding israel, just because the industry is falling in your country doesn't mean it's actually helping israel. do actual protests, go to the actual roots of the industry and protests in front of it. REUNITE AND SPEAK LOUDER you're all being quiet, have you guys never been in a protest???? This is probably because im currently in Brazil, so I see and learn about this a lot. Hell, during the dictatorship they literally kidnapped the USA ambassador and threatened to kill him if all the suffering and censure wasn't taken down (spoilers: he made it alive). You either don't know how to protest or don't realize that israel and palestine situation is not just some homicide and such ITS A WAR PEOPLE AND CHILDREN EVEN ANIMALS ARE DYING FOR WANTING TO HAVE THEYRE HOME. So please, listen to what I'm saying. Actually donate, or even divulge trustful sites like the daily clicks to help. Don't you guys want to stop or help? Then do it! I myself dont have money, so all I can do is spread my words and try and get more people to help

UN or ONU please please for the love of god PLEASE START TALKING MORE ABOUT THIS. "Why haven't the UN done anything?" Guess what? They believe israel and palestine can just "stop" or live in peace with each other. It's fucking hideous in my opinion. All they're reunions are just a bunch of recordings but no actions. Each article I read of them felt like a brainrot, like for example:

This is a fucking joke.
I would suggest (since I DONT live in New York nore do I know how to contact them) is that we should talk more about this, they're doing nothing. What? They only existed to be against communism and now poof they become useless? Why are you guys complaining about boycott knowing WE ARE RELYING ON THIS??? THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO BE A ORGANIZATION TO STOP WAR??? SO yeah talk more about this when defending palestine, it's important

lebanon being attacked This is a wip. My family is from lebanon, and after the first arabic war they had to migrate to brazil (I'm mixed🥳) but because of that I'm isolated from my family. If anything happens I'm probably going for adoption. My grandma is the only person who has contacts of where my family is (3 of them are in Dubai, while the rest is still in lebanon). She's.. not in the best state of health, if I can't ask her for contact of the family and teel her what's happening, she's almost dying and it would be just cruel for her last year alive being over how her siblings and family are in danger. I'm sorry this sounds like a vent, I will write about this part in the future

Pub: 27 Sep 2024 02:17 UTC
Edit: 27 Sep 2024 22:47 UTC
Views: 42