CN Anon's Human Friendly Character Rank Up Summary

(Format partially shameseelely copied from one of /hig/'s 400 rentries)

Click the chibi to jump to frame
karen Bianca Lee Ayla Lucia No.21 Alisa Lamia Watanabe Qu

Summarized for (You) into:

Type (Damage, QoL, Team Damage for amps) - Value (Low, Moderate, High), If it gives more damage than qol it's damage>qol
Does it change the characters playstyle? How?
Does it change the characters role?
Priority? Based on cost opportunity, ideally you'd drop $4k per patch and S+ everyone anyways
For unreleased characters in global: I'm adding a sort of tldr of the character kit or how you play it, to give you an idea of what the rankups affect and how.
Notes if applicable

Modifier values kept to a minimum to avoid even more clutter, if you need specifics feel free to visit GRAY RAVENS, whose chibis I'm hotlinking too lmao

Karenina: Scire


Rankup Summary

Breakpoint Tl;dr Type - Value Playstyle change? Role change? Priority?
S5 Shield on 3-Ping (core counts) QoL - Increases proportional to Rank No No Low
SS Dark Res shred outside QTE / Orbs Rearrange when charging core QoL - High No No Low
SS3 Extra 3-Ping on core and damage increase / Signature makes aura that def shreds (stays upon switch) Damage > QoL - High No Yes - Burst main DPS High if interested on burst. Otherwise Low.
SSS Damage increase when spinning / Extra Dark shred / trigger QTEs when charging core° / Max spin speed without pressing atk QoL > Damage - Moderate No Yes - Main DPS (Lamialess) High if interested on main DPS potential. Otherwise Low.
SSS3 Extra 3-Ping on core and damage increase / Gains a 3-Ping on ally Signature Damage > QoL - High No Yes - Main DPS (Lamialess) Poor Opportunity Cost
SSS6 Spin damage increased Damage - Moderate No Yes - Main DPS (Lamialess) Poor Opportunity Cost
SSS+ Signature damage increased / Gains a 3-Ping when switched into Damage > QoL - High No Yes - Main DPS (Lamialess) Poor Opportunity Cost


°Karen's core charging triggers QTEs based on orb color consumed by default, this just activates all the moment you start charging.

Bianca: Stigmata

500 RC Lady

Rankup Summary

Breakpoint Tl;dr Type - Value Playstyle change? Role change? Priority?
S5 20% Critrate increase Damage - Low No No Low
SS Sword mode stacks doubled° / More stacks gained on Sword mode basic attack / Sword mode Signature triggers QTEs Damage > QoL - High No No High
SS3 Higher Energy gain on Sword mode Attacks / Gains a 3-Ping when switched into / Gain Sword Stacks on form switch QoL - Moderate Yes - Signature spam, Cottie becomes a memory option°° No Moderate
SSS Core records the highest orb multiplier used in witch time, then deals the same multiplier on form change°°° / Gains more sword stacks on form switch / Extra set of air slashes Damage - High No - Signature spam No Moderate
SSS3 Signal orb damage increase Damage - Moderate No No Poor Opportunity Cost
SSS6 Damage in sword mode increased (except Signature) Damage - Moderate No No Poor Opportunity Cost
SSS+ Signature damage in sword mode increased Damage - Moderate No No Poor Opportunity Cost


°Actually it's 40 to 99 so a bit more than double
°°Similar playstyle can be achieved after weapon Harmonization is introduced by running 2pc Cottie, if SS3 and Harmonized you just run 4pc Cottie as the second set
°°°Only recorded if she deals damage

Lee: Hyperreal


Normal Playstyle:

3-Ping outside core > Hold Atk to core > Basic Atk in core refunds 3-pings used outside it > 3 Pings give ult stacks > Ult does damage > You use the other ult (Cannon) > Switch out

Rankup Summary

Breakpoint Tl;dr Type - Value Playstyle change? Role change? Priority?
S5 Trigger QTEs when entering core passive and when using Cannon Signature QoL - High No No High
SS Damage increase during core passive / Get an extra 3 ping on core entry (refreshes on switch) / Energy gain on Signature (core mode), higher gain at max core stacks / Deals off field damage on Ally Signature Use Damage > QoL High No No High
SS3 Higher energy gain on core mode 3-ping / Get a core stack when entering core mode (refreshes on switch) QoL - Moderate No No Poor Opportunity Cost
SSS Cannon signature damage increased per each core mode stack used on core mode signature / Doubles energy gain of SS passive Damage > QoL - High No No Moderate
SSS3 Core mode signature damage increased Damage - Moderate No No Poor Opportunity Cost
SSS6 3 Ping damage increased Damage - Moderate No No Poor Opportunity Cost
SSS+ Cannon Signature damage increased Damage - Moderate No No Poor Opportunity Cost

Ayla: Kaleido

Needabigtiddyrichartistwife Ayla's function as main DPS is more tied to her C.U.B. and Signature weapon than ranks, the playstyle remains the same regardless of which role you want to run her in too.

Normal Playstyle:

3-Pings give a color > Hold atk to core passive (stores color stack) > Alternate 3-Ping and Hold atk > Ult > Ping Orbs > Run shit over with her fat tits > Repeat the previous 2 steps until out of orbs > Ult finisher > Back to step 1

Remember you can use BP toilet paper for Ayla shards.

Rankup Summary

Breakpoint Tl;dr Type - Value Playstyle change? Role change? Priority?
S5 Trigger QTEs when entering Signature mode QoL - Low if support, High if main dps No No Low if support, High if main dps
SS Damage increased during Signature mode / Energy gain + Core stack on switch in Damage > QoL - Low if support, High if main dps No No Low if support, High if main dps
SS3 Core passive triggers both buffs / 3-Ping and Core passive damage increased Qol > Damage - Moderate if main dps, Low if support No No Low
SSS Amplifier passive doubled / Core passive buffs increased Team Damage > Moderate No No Poor Opportunity Cost
SSS3 Damage of orbs during Signature mode increased Damage - Moderate No No Poor Opportunity Cost
SSS6 3-Ping and Core passive damage increased Damage - High No No Poor Opportunity Cost
SSS+ Signature finisher damage increased Damage - High No No Poor Opportunity Cost

Lucia: Crimson Weave

Chaos Dunking since 2022

Normal Playstyle:

Kodachi is shit, go into Oodachi asap > Ping Orbs and use Charged dodge to fill gauge > Hold atk to chaos dunk > Use Ult > Back to step 1

Swordwaves are shit before SSS, but you gain orbs from distance so it's ok.

Rankup Summary

Breakpoint Tl;dr Type - Value Playstyle change? Role change? Priority?
S5 Triggers QTEs on charged dodge slash QoL - High No No High
SS Doubles Oodachi slam gauge / Increases gauge gain on 3-Pings and charged dodge slash / Matrix when switching to Oodachi Damage > QoL - Very High No No High
SS3 Signal Orb and charged dodge slash damage increased / First charged dodge slash when swapping in gives more energy Damage - High Yes - Allows for permanent field time by increasing damage on areas that needed it No High if not pulling No.21 and not having Vera: Garnet or planning to get her. Low otherwise
SSS 3-Ping damage increase in Oodachi mode / Odachi Signature damage increase / Oodachi slam damage increased° / Swordwaves buffed (dmg and energy gain) on entry-swap Damage - Very High No - but you change your memory resonances to Signature levels No Moderate
SSS3 Odachi slam and charged dodge slash damage increased Damage - Moderate No No Poor Opportunity Cost
SSS6 Odachi slam and 3-Ping damage increased° Damage - High No No Poor Opportunity Cost
SSS+ Odachi Signature damage increased Damage - High No No Poor Opportunity Cost


The toolkit descriptions marked affect "Annihilation Leap"
The Oodachi slam is actually divided into 2 parts:

  • the part where she jumps (Annihilation Leap)
  • then the dunk itself (Fulmination Strike)

Since you can't cancel out of the jump in any instance, any increases to the jump part are pretty much an increase to the dunk as a whole.
Why is it divided if you can't even do just the jump? No idea, but the motherfucker who had the brilliant idea to divide it should be hamstrung and forced to experience /bag/'s scatposter for a year.

No.21: Feral Scent


As a disclaimer, No.21 is pretty fucking strong as main dps, but not as strong as alpha would be.

Normal Playstyle:

[3 Ping > Ping orbs during The first orb animation once, refreshes on ult > Press atk at a certain point in her orb animation] > {3-Ping > Press atk at a certain point in her orb animation} > (Hold atk to schizo slash, this gives stacks up to 100) > Ult (Uses stacks for damage) >Back to step 1

I'll refer to the shit in square brackets [] as "Core 1", the shit in curly brackets {} as "Core 2" and the hold atk schizo slashing as "Core 3" for clarity's sake... I hope.
So basically

Core 1 > Core 2 > Core 3 > Ult >Back to step 1

It's worth noting that any damage modifiers to Core 2 also affect Core 1 but not the other way around, this is because Core 1 is actually a field effect separate from the Signal Orb and Core 2 animations. I hope that made sense.

Why is this character so fucking complicated in paper when it's the most gorilla shit in practice, I hate it.

Rankup Summary

Breakpoint Tl;dr Type - Value Playstyle change? Role change? Priority?
S5 Signature and Core 1 triggers QTEs QoL - Moderate No No Low if using as support (You're Luciamaxxing)
SS Energy gain on Core 2 / Signature damage increase per stack increased Damage > Moderate No No Moderate in balanced comp. Low if using as support (You're Luciamaxxing)
SS3 Doubles Core 3 speed (same total damage) / Signal Orb damage increase Qol - Very High = Damage - High No Kinda -You can technically start using her as the main dps, since Core 3 takes the most time in her rotation you'll be spamming ults for as long as you can generate orbs (will still be weaker than SS/SS3 Alpha) Low if using as support (You're Luciamaxxing) or in balanced comp. High if you want to 21maxx.
SSS Amplifier passive doubled / Extra orbs pinged in Core 1 increase the field damage Damage > Team Damage - Moderate No Kinda - Same as SS3, still loses to alpha as main dps Low in balanced comp or Luciamaxxing° . Moderate if 21maxxing
SSS3 Signature damage increased Damage - Moderate No No Poor Opportunity Cost
SSS6 3-Ping and Core 3 damage increased Damage - Moderate No No Poor Opportunity Cost
SSS+ Core 1 and Core 2 damage increased Damage - Moderate No No Poor Opportunity Cost

Cecilie and her hitbox

Alisa: Echo

Canon bugs you during work meetings

As a disclaimer, Alisa is pretty strong as as a damage dealer, but nowhere near Bianca.

Normal Playstyle:

Hold atk > Ping the special orbs > Enter Core Zone > Ping orbs to fill Core Gauge > Full Core Gauge: Ping a single orb matching color with a special orb (Combo Atk 1) > Ult (this gives a mark) > If still on Core Zone, ping a single orb to Combo Atk 2 > Back to step 1 (you'll most likely switch out though, fucking orb hungry bitch)

When you ping special orbs they get put on top of the normal ones, like Bianca's. These orbs are used by Cecilie (the stand) to attack, and are used for both Combo Atks.
Cecilie also stays behind if you had special orbs left over when switching out of Alisa, and she'll attack shit, one of her attacks heals the fielded character.

Remember you can use BP toilet paper for Alisa shards.

Rankup Summary

Breakpoint Tl;dr Type - Value Playstyle change? Role change? Priority?
S5 Combo Atk 1 & 2 trigger all QTEs QoL No No Low
SS Get a 3-Ping on swap in / Damage increased during Core Zone Qol > Damage - High No No High, because she's a little orb hungry slut.
SS3 Cecile gets special orbs and increased damage when Alisa leaves the field Team QoL > Damage - Moderate No No Low
SSS Amplifier passive doubled / Gets 1/3rd of Core Gauge and Combo 2 Mark when switched into / Combo Atk 2 damage increased QoL - High > Team Damage - Moderate No No Moderate
SSS3 Signature damage increased Damage - Moderate No No Poor Opportunity Cost
SSS6 3-Ping and Cecilie orb damage increased Damage - High No No Poor Opportunity Cost
SSS+ Combo Atk 1 & 2 damage increased Damage - Moderate No No Poor Opportunity Cost

Lamia: Lost Lullaby

SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX Thanks for Killing Coco

Oh boy another essay character that's gorilla in practice, let's break down her kit.
So lamia has:

  • 2 forms: "Legs" and "Tail", I'll refer to them as such for the rest of the section
  • Core stacks (a little number above your gauge): This is used when in Tail
  • A Core Gauge: Divided into 2 sections when Legs, 3 sections when in Tail
  • FIVE fucking special orbs: 2 in Legs, 3 in Tail
  • Two field effects: Both in Legs

You fill the Core gauge by pinging orbs, and get a special orb whenever a section is filled, if you didn't use the special orb and fill another section, it becomes the next special orb, therefore

Legs: Half the gauge gives you "Orb 1", The other half converts it to "Orb 2" (QTE fills this gauge and gives her special orbs accordingly)
Tail: 1/3 gauge gives you "Orb 3", 2/3 gauge gives you "Orb 4", 3/3 gives you "Orb 5"

You can't convert special orbs to the next one if the gauge is full, you gotta use that orb and it will deplete the gauge.

The field effects are Downpour and Tempest, and their only real purpose is to do shit for Lamia when she uses her Ult to change forms and give a bonus on SSS. Anyways "Downpour" gives lamia a 3 ping when changing forms and "Tempest" gives her 2 instead.
You activate "Downpour" when pinging [Orb 1], and "Tempest" when pinging either two [Orb 1]s or one [Orb 2]

The core stacks get filled by every orb you ping, normal (only 3 pings) or special, and are consumed when tapping normal attack after pinging orbs in Tail or when holding attack in Tail (this one does more damage based on stacks and has iframes)

Normal Playstyle:

Do 2 fucking 3 pings > Ping the Orb 2 to get "Tempest" > Ult > Ping the shit out of your orbs to get to Orb 5 asap > Use Orb 5 > Hold atk > Ult > back to step 1 or switch out

Don't switch out during Tail, lamia will go back to Legs when you swap back in.
Again, emasculate the piece of shit that made the tooltips

Rankup Summary

Breakpoint Tl;dr Type - Value Playstyle change? Role change? Priority?
S5 Using Orb 2 or Tail Charge Atk triggers all QTEs QoL - High No No High
SS Get Orb 1 on field entry / All Special Orb damage increased / Damage increase when in Tail Damage > QoL - High No No High
SS3 Extra energy gain when pinging Orb 2 (refreshes on entry) / Signal Orb and Basic Atk damage increased in Legs Damage - Moderate No No Moderate
SSS Get Orb 2 on field entry° / Extra energy gain when pinging Orb 2 / Using Signature to switch form during "Tempest" deals HUGE damage / Core stacks doubled°°, Stack gain tripled Damage - Very High No No Moderate
SSS3 Tail Charge Atk damage increased Damage - Moderate No No Poor Opportunity Cost
SSS6 Special Orb and Normal 3-Ping damage increased Damage - High No No Poor Opportunity Cost
SSS+ Tail Signature damage increases based on orbs pinged (up to 16 orbs) Damage - High No No Poor Opportunity Cost


°The toolkit description is that you get "an additional Orb 1", but in application the game just evolves it to Orb 2"
°°Ackshully it's 350 to 600 so not really double

Watanabe: Epitaph

MGS reference man

Can tank, can dps they barely held back on giving him amplifier passives and heals and the patch still sold like shit... uncle...

His kit is relatively simple and the rank ups are as well, the details we need are that:

  • Ult mode can only use reds, all blue/yellow are converted on ult use
  • Has 2 types of red orbs (Normal and "Blaze"), both parry
  • Blaze Orb maxes at 3, excess converted to normal reds or other color
  • Blaze Orbs give stacks that increase Ult Finisher damage
  • 3-Pings and Matrix trigger give him bullets (has a max of 3)
  • Bullets get used up on normal attack and give him a Blaze orb per bullet used (if Blaze orbs are maxed bullets don't get used up)
  • His QTE/Entry gives a bullet, but not Blaze orbs (QTE/Entry is yellow orb)
  • Proccing his QTE multiple times only gives a bullet and energy once, it refreshes when you swap into him. Shares lockout with Entry in 3-Ping.
  • Has a charge atk in ult that uses 3 bullets

Normal Playstyle:

Enter Ult Mode > 3-Ping for bullets > Use bullets to get Blaze Orbs > Spam Blaze orbs > Use your Ult Finisher > Repeat

It's better to switch into or proc his QTE than start the fight with him, as these give enough energy to enter first ult instantly
Because of energy and orb constraints you don't get to use the charge attack much at base S, SS and Signature lets you actually use it without bombing your flow.

Rankup Summary

Breakpoint Tl;dr Type - Value Playstyle change? Role change? Priority?
S5 Charge Atk and Blaze Orb trigger QTEs QoL - High No No Moderate
SS 70 Energy when getting 3 Signature stacks (refresh on entry)° / Damage increase while on Signature Mode / Get 3 Signature stacks when using Charge Atk Damage - High No No High if you're running him over Lee, Otherwise Moderate.
SS3 Fire Resistance Reduction increased / Get 1 Blaze Orb when using Charge Atk Team Damage > QoL - Moderate No No Moderate
SSS Blaze Orb Animation Speed increased (Yes, animation speed) / Signature stacks increased to 6, Finisher damage per stack increased / First parry on entry gives a Blaze Orb / Fire Resistance Reduction increased (again) / Team Switch Cooldown reduced by 3s Damage > Team Damage - High No No Nice overloaded bullshit Kuro, sure worked out for your sales. (High)
SSS3 Signature Finisher damage increased Damage - Moderate No No Poor Opportunity Cost
SSS6 Charge Atk damage increased Damage - Moderate No No Poor Opportunity Cost
SSS+ Blaze Orb damage increased Damage - Moderate No No Poor Opportunity Cost



  • Wata's Ults cost 15 and 100 energy each to use
  • You run cottie on him which lowers them to 12 and 80
  • The energy gain increase from cottie will result in around 14 energy per 3-Ping/QTE/Blaze Orb and 5 Per bullet used
  • Going through three 3-Pings for bullets, 3 bullets for Blaze orbs and 3 Blaze orbs results in a total of 99 energy. 85 if we triggered matrix and got a "free" Blaze orb.
    Based on this the SS upgrade won't make your first ult faster, instead it lets you do a second rotation before running out of juice, granted that you have the Signature weapon, otherwise you'll be fully out juice by the time you're done with the first rotation (even with ultima awaken).

Qu: Shukra

More ice than Lucia, More plumes than Lucia


Essay to gorilla:

  • When she enters Matrix she has a special state for 4 seconds (移晷) , there's no visual indicator of this. Since it's used in her kit we refer to it as Shift Time (if there's a better wording let me know PLEASE)
  • You enter Core Mode by Pinging any additional orbs during a 3 Ping, and it gives you a feather
  • The sword meter drains when you enter Core Mode
  • 3-Pings give Feathers (max 3), if you basic atk after a 3-Ping Qu does an Empowered Basic Atk.
  • Holding Atk without 3 feathers does a special attack (gonna call this Combo 1), this has increased damage the first time you use it per core mode
  • 3 Feathers get used on Hold Attack (Combo 2) or Hold Dodge and become Diamonds
  • Hold Dodge gives her 2 Ult stacks per 3-Ping during stairs instead of 1 (Can only be used during Shift Time)
  • Hold Atk doubles the damage increase to Chair per stack you get during stairs
  • These two don't stack normally
  • Ult has 2 parts
  • First part is when she climbs the stairs, all diamonds become 3-Pings, 3 Pings become stacks, Max 4. (Referring to it as Ult 1)
  • The 2nd part is when she sits on the chair, all stacks gained increase its base damage (can be cast as soon as she starts climbing the stairs). This will be Ult 2

Normal Playstyle:

3-Ping > Ping another orb (any number works) to enter Core Mode > Hold Atk for Combo 1 > Weave 3-Ping and Basic Atk until 3 Feathers > Hold Atk for Combo 2 > Ult > 3 Ping on stairs > Repeat

If you have the Signature weapon, you can weave Hold Atk and Combo 2 and essentially never run low on orbs, even better with deadline timing.

Rankup Summary

Breakpoint Tl;dr Type - Value Playstyle change? Role change? Priority?
S5 Hold Dodge, Combo 2, Ult 2 triggers QTEs / Successful dodges let you enter Core mode if you use the 4th sequence of Basic Atk, but you won't gain a Feather when entering it this way QoL - High No No Moderate
SS Immediately gain 1 Ult Stack when using Ult1 / When using Hold Dodge, gain 3 Ult stacks per 3-Ping during Ult 1° / Using Combo 1 increases Ult 2's base damage per stack) Damage - High No No High
SS3 Additional damage increased when in Core Mode (lasts 8s) Damage - Moderate No No Poor Opportunity Cost, get signature and cub first
SSS Base damage of Hold Dodge and Combo 2 increase per Feather / Combo 1, Combo 2 and Dodge Hold will use up 1 Diamond to give both buffs during Ult1 and 2 Damage = QoL Very High No No High, removes any orb/damage issue you'd possibly have
SSS3 Combo 1, Combo 2 and Dodge Hold damage increased Damage - High No No Poor Opportunity Cost
SSS6 3-Ping, Ult 1 and Empowered Basic Atk damage increased Damage - High No No Poor Opportunity Cost
SSS+ Ult 2 damage increased Damage - high No No Poor Opportunity Cost


°Because of the previous effect you'll only need 1 3-ping to get all 4 stacks

Luna: Oblivion

Sex, Sex? Yeah Sex, Yep Sex, Sex is good


  • 3 forms (Base, "Main sequence" and "Final Sequence")
  • Only yellows on base form
  • Blues and Reds during Main and Final
  • Orbs and hold atk build up number stack
  • tap ult enters main sequence and hold ult enters final
  • 3 different hold atks (one exclusive to Base form, 2 during both ult forms, referring to them as hold 2 and hold 3)
  • Tap ult (Main Sequence) keeps orbs and gauge 1, when it fills you do Hold 2 to swap into Gauge 2 and fill it to do Hold 3 (some chinks call this rasengan for some reason), then it swaps back and you can repeat. Ult dmg scales on number stacks.
  • Hold ult (Final Sequence) eats all your orbs and gives number stacks based on orbs consumed, puts you in Gauge 2 immediately and Hold 3 damage scales on number stacks, can only use Hold 3 once, gets 1 special orb per basic atk.
  • If you would get hit when holding atk luna will dodge automatically, consumes dodgebar

Core Gauge 1
Core Gauge 2 (exclusive for Hold 3)

Normal Playstyle:

3-Ping/Hold Atk until core passive gauge is full and release > Ult when you can >
If Main Sequence (tap) then: build up gauge with orbs/atk/hold 2 > Hold 2 to change to Gauge 2 > build up gauge with orbs/atks/hold atk > Hold 3 > Ult finisher
If Final Sequence (hold) then: Hold 3 > use orbs or some shit if you want but you might as well ult asap then go back to step 1

Final sequence damage is frontloaded into it's activation cast and hold 3, good for burst, Main Sequence damage is technically spread more evenly and is more orb friendly (backloaded to ult finisher)

Rankup Summary

Breakpoint Tl;dr Type - Value Playstyle change? Role change? Priority?
S5 Hold 3 and both ult finishers proc all QTEs QoL - High No No High
SS Entering either sequence procs matrix if uncooled / in Main Sequence every 10 of number stack increases hold 3 damage / In Final Sequence, Luna does damage when switching out Damage - QoL High No No High
SS3 Ult finisher base damage increased/ Gain Gauge if auto dodge procs / Final Sequence special orbs get a just dodge timing that gives 6 special orbs if you're successful Damage - QoL Moderate No No Poor Opportunity Cost because of how her kit's damage is distributed, essentially just ult base damage. Get signature and cub first, look at other characters, then decide.
SSS Number stacks doubled, gain doubled / Final Sequence entry increases its damage per orb consumed / Shill shield damage increased to 150% (from 100%) Damage = Very High No No Moderate
SSS3 Ult finisher and Final Sequence entry damage increased Damage - High No No Poor Opportunity Cost
SSS6 3-Ping and Final Sequence orb damage increased Damage - High No No Poor Opportunity Cost
SSS+ Hold atk damage increased Damage - high No No Poor Opportunity Cost
Pub: 05 Nov 2023 04:05 UTC
Edit: 11 Feb 2024 18:56 UTC
Views: 1182