Kaworu pulled the sock up Shinji's plump calf; the other sock was already on. "Up we go, Shinji-kun," he said gently, grabbing Shinji by his chubby wrists. He was surprisingly strong for such a lean and slender boy--because, of course, he was actually an Angel. So he could easily haul Shinji to his feet.

This was impressive, as Shinji was spectacularly fat. He weighed more than 280 kilograms; he might have been 290 by now. Shinji was a big boy, hugely obese, fed and pampered into vast, rippling hoggishness. He waddled forward into the middle of the room. He had a huge belly, sagging past his knees, jutting in front of him in a vast slope. A mountainside of fat, an ocean of blubber. He had hefty boy boobs, big hooters with fat nipples and dark areolas; they sloped to either side of his gut. He had a fat, piggish face, permanently dimpled by his bloated cheeks, and he was so fat that he even had a triple chin. His arms were so fat he couldn't rest them at his sides.

Kaworu returned from the closet with a pair of huge khaki pants. Clown pants, enormously big. He set them on the ground, and Shinji daintily stepped into the legs. Shinji's legs touched to the knee; his thighs were hefty and lardy, and he had wide, womanly hips. Kaworu pulled the pants up Shinji's vast legs, and took special care when he got to the butt section. Shinji had a vast, bloated butt; it was more than 1 1/2 meters wide, with huge, dimpled butt cheeks and deep, dark ass crack. Currently it was swathed in a bariatric diaper, which Shinji always wore these days when they went out. So the pants were specially made to have a big seat, to accommodate men with abnormally large bottoms. Like Shinji.

So Kaworu pulled the pants all the way up, and pulled them up the lower swell of Shinji's drooping belly. His belly bulged through the front of the pants, prominently visible.

It rumbled.

"I'm hungry, Kaworu-san," said Shinji. "I... oooh, I'm so hungry! I feel like I didn't get enough to eat earlier today!"

"Shinji-kun, you had an enormous breakfast, and I made sure to give you plenty of ice cream for your snack. Are you still so hungry?"

"Yes," said Shinji. He smacked his lips, even licked them a little. "Oooh, Kaworu-san, I'm, mmm, I'm ready for lunch! I need it bad."

Kaworu tickled Shinji's belly. Shinji giggled. "Well, Shinji-kun, you're in for a treat. I have something special in mind for today."

"Really?" Shinji's fat face made a confused expression. "But aren't we going to Linda Jane's Diner?"

"We are. That hasn't changed. But Shinji-kun..." Kaworu leaned in close to his ear. "Today, you will not merely eat. You will feast."

Kaworu held open door of the diner for Shinji. Shinji waddled in, belly leading the way, butt bringing up the rear. He could already smell the delicious food. Despite its somewhat kitschy name, Linda Jane's Diner was a delicious establishment, serving all manner of greasy, fried, fattening dishes. It was right in their neighborhood, and getting there was quick. Because of this combined convenience and quality, it had added quite a few inches to Shinji's waistline over the weeks and months.

"Mmm, mmm," he mumbled, filled with hunger, greedily craving to eat. A married couple parted around him as he passed between them, separating them with his girth. His right buttock brushed against a booth's table, though he barely noticed. He was dressed in his enormous khaki pants and a red polo shirt the size of a tent. The bright color made his belly look particularly big--not that it needed the help.

"Well if it isn't Shinji Ikari!" said a friendly waitress.

"H-Hello, Courtney," said Shinji, even now still shy around girls.

"Hello, Kaworu," said Courtney as she saw him approach. "I suppose you boys will want a table?"

"Of course, ma'am," said Kaworu.

"Anything for our best customers! Right this way."

Shinji waddled for the nearby table. Linda pulled out two chairs and set them next to each other.

"Easy does it, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu, gently guiding the huge fat boy into position. With some help from Courtney, Shinji was lowered into the chairs, billowing buttocks settling into the cushioned seats. Even with two whole chairs, the expanse of Shinji's bottom meant he took up all available space. He was even drooping off of either side a little. They pulled the table up to Shinji; it was easier than trying to push him to it.

"What can I get you boys to drink?" asked Courtney.

"Mmm, I'd like, oh, a large Coke to start out with," said Shinji.

"Water, as always," said Kaworu gently.

Courtney left. "S-So, Kaworu-san," said Shinji. His mouth was watering a little. He could smell all the delicious food of the diner and it was making him ravenous. "I was thinking... hmm, what do I want?"

"I shall let you decide for once, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu. He walked around to Shinji and tenderly tucked Shinji's napkin into his collar, like a bib. Then he set the menu in Shinji's pudgy hands. "I know I am usually in charge of our food when we dine out. But this time? As a treat, I will let you order. Order whatever you want."

Shinji swallowed. The menu was full of so many delicious things. He'd come here so many times, eaten everything at least once. It was all so good... so tasty... and now he got to have whatever he wanted.

"Ohh," he moaned. "Oh, it's all... it's all so good... mmm... oh, I could... mmm..." Now he was really watering at the mouth; a dribble of drool was slopping down his chins as he smacked his lips.

"Here you go," said Courtney, setting down Kaworu's water, and then Shinji's Coke.

"Shinji will be doing the ordering this time, Miss Courtney," said Kaworu.

"Oh, boy! What a treat," said Courtney brightly. "So, big boy, what do you want to start out with?"

"To... ngh... mmmm, yum yum, to start," Shinji licked his lips, "I'd like two orders of the beef nachos, two, no, three orders of the cheesy fries, an order of the mozzarella sticks, mmm, yummy, and I'd like two orders of the jalapeno poppers."

"Coming right up!"

Courtney left, and Shinji sat there, so excited he was actually getting an erection. He always ate a lot at Linda Jane's, but now he'd get to eat whatever he wanted. He could order whatever he liked, as much as he liked! He couldn't believe it. Already he was looking over the entrees, plotting his next round.

Kaworu smiled. Shinji had an absolutely rapturous look on his face. He was so excited. A greedy, piggy glint was in his beady blue eyes. Shinji was a fed and fattened farm animal. Kaworu had trained him and pampered him into a creature that lived for pleasure, and was especially greedy for food.

"Some bread to start out with," someone said, setting a basket of it down.

"Ohgm," gurgled Shinji as he reached for the basket, drool flecking his lips. He grabbed his knife, grabbed a slice of bread, lathered the knife in butter, buttered the slice of bread heavily, and stuffed it into his mouth. He practically inhaled it. One bite, and it was gone. Shinji grabbed another slice of bread.

The basket was gone in less than ten minutes.

"Appetizers, coming up!" said Courtney, as she and a fellow server set the trays down. The greasy, cheesy, fried, fattening food was spread across two trays, and Shinji almost had a religious experience. The first platter of nachos had barely been set down before Shinji dug in, pulling off a cheesy nacho and cramming it into his mouth.

"Ohhh," he moaned erotically. "Ohgm, Mrmrn," he began to eat. The mozzerella sticks were set down and Shinji grabbed one of them, dunked it in marinara sauce, and crammed it into his mouth just as quickly.

"I know you're a hungry dude, Shinji," said Courtney, when all the food was on the table, " so do you want to go ahead and order entrees?"

"Mrnf, urrrp, yesh," said Shinji, mouth full of food. Expertly he continued to eat with one hand while holding the menu in the other, propping it against the vast slope of his belly. "Ohrm, I'll, smack, I'll have two cheeseburgers, one with bacon, one without. Bring an order of the fried catfish, too. And I'll have an order--two orders---ohhh, no, three orders of the fried chicken! With extra gravy! And two of your country-fried steaks!"

"Any sides?"

"Three... no, ohmn, four of your loaded baked potatoes, an order of the french fries on the side, and two servings of candied bacon." Shinji guzzled down two jalapeno poppers at once. "Oh! And two helpings of the three-cheese mac and cheese!"

"Coming right up."

"And can I have some milkshakes, too? I want one chocolate, one strawberry, one caramel, and one peanut butter. Oh! And one Oreo cookie."

"You got it, big boy."

"Morpf," gurgled Shinji as Courtney left. She wasn't talking to him any more. So all he had to do, all he needed to think about, was to eat.

He ate. He ate. He ate and ate and ate. With joy in his heart and an erection in his pants, Shinji Ikari ate. The food slowly, steadily vanished as Shinji made an absolute pig of himself. Enough food for one person, two people, three people, four. The milkshakes arrived and Shinji chugged the remainder of his Coke so he could start in on them.

"BUUUAARRRP!!!" he belched loudly, then grabbed the peanut butter shake and sucked from its straw. His entrees were arriving then; fortunately, he had almost completely polished off the appetizers. Courtney and two other servers cleared the empty plates away and set new, full ones down. Shinji continued eating, uninterrupted.

Burgers and chicken and steak and fries and potatoes and bacon and macaroni and cheese and milkshake. Food, food, food! Shinji ate and ate and ate and ate and ate and ate and ate. He entered a trance, a state of bliss. He was a pig. He was a hog. The table was his trough, and it was feeding time. Kaworu had fattened him into a prize-winning sow. Shinji loved to eat like nothing else. And for the first time in some time, he was eating to his absolute heart's content. No grazing, no courses, just food, food, food. More. More! He wanted more, and he always got it! Shinji Ikari loved having more.

Finally, the last morsel was done. It was on his fork; a bite of mac and cheese. Shinji scooped it into his mouth. He chewed. He swallowed.

"UUUUAARRRRRRP!!" he belched loudly.

And he finally realized: he was full. He was full in a way he hadn't been in ages. It took so much food to get him full these days. But this was it.

"Ohhh," he moaned. He patted his belly; his shirt was covered in stains and smears. "Hic!" he hiccupped. "Kaworu, I hic I feel so good..." And he smiled a simple, satisfied smile on his fat face.

"Whoa! Nice work, big boy! All of it's gone," said Courtney, walking up to him. "You even polished off the milkshakes."

"Urrrrrrrpp," he belched lowly.

"So did the big fella save room for dessert?" she asked.

Shinji's eyes glinted. He really was full.

But what did that matter?

"I want one slice of chocolate pie, one slice of lemon pie, one slice of cream cake, and one of your hot fudge sundaes."

"Coming right up!"

Kaworu smiled. "Such a good boy," he said gently, stroking Shinji's thigh under the table. "Shinji-kun... you truly were meant for this life."

Shinji barely noticed. He was already licking his lips, eager for something sweet.

Pub: 19 Jul 2022 00:54 UTC
Views: 639