The Objectum Dictionary
A dictionary of OS/OR and objectophilic terms.
*Note: Pronunciations are written according to Anglo-American English phonetics and may vary.
Content warning: This dictionary includes terms relating to paraphilias. All exclusively refer to specific inanimate objects, and there is no explicit content. If this is triggering to you, skip the sections "Basic Terms" and "Specific Objectophilias."
Sources/CW: Some sources are from accounts and pages with harmful attitudes or creators. A term or flag's creator being sourced is not agreement with or condoning their beliefs--the only pages being vouched for are labeled as "See: X". Please be cautious when viewing original source links.
Basic Terms
Objectum | "ob-jek-tum" | The attraction to objects, typically romantically or sexually.
Flag coining
Flag redesign coining
See: Objectùm-Sexuality Internationale
See: A study on the relationship between OS and autism/synesthesia
Objectophilia | "ob-jek-toh-fil-ee-ah" | The paraphilic attraction to objects. This falls under the objectum umbrella--however, not all objectum attraction is paraphilic.
OS/OR | "oh-ess oh-ahr" | Short for objectumsexual/objectumromantic, describes the spectrum of individuals who experience objectum attraction.
Public Object | "pub-lik ob-jekt" | An Object of Attraction that is not privately owned by the objectum individual, such as the Eiffel Tower.
Private Object | "pry-vet ob-jekt" | An Object of Attraction that is privately owned by the objectum individual, such as a car.
Objectum Relationships
Object of Attraction | "ob-jekt of at-rak-shun" | The object(s) that an objectum individual is attracted to.
Object4Object | "ob-jekt for ob-jekt" | An object headmate/objectkin/objectendel/etc. who is also objectum.
Oimus/Obimus | "oy-muh-s" / "oh-bee-mus" | An object partner or S/O.
Oiship/Obiship | "oy-ship" / "oh-bee-ship" | A relationship with an object.
Oish/Obiush | "oy-ish" / "oh-bee-ush" | A crush on an object.
Objectum Orientations
Ambigectum | "am-bee-jek-tum" | Experiencing attraction to both objects and non-object beings (humans/alterhumans).
Cupiobjectum | "kyoo-pee-ob-jek-tum" | Not experiencing objectum attraction while still desiring relationships with objects.
Demiobjectum | "deh-mee ob-jek-tum" | Experiencing attraction to an object after forming an emotional bond.
Objectum Alterous | "ob-jek-tum ahl-ter-us" | Experiencing alterous attraction towards objects.
Objectum Enemies | "ob-jek-tum eh-neh-mees" | Having an animus relationship with one or more objects.
Objeflux/Objectumflux | "ob-je-fluks" / "ob-jek-tum-fluks" | Experiencing fluctuating levels of objectum attraction, ranging from intense to none at all.
Panjectum | "pan-jek-tum" | Experiencing attraction to objects regardless of type.
Platonic Objectum | "pluh-ton-ick ob-jek-tum" | Experiencing platonic attraction towards objects.
Queerplatonic Objectum | "kweer-pluh-ton-ick ob-jek-tum" | Experiencing queerplatonic attraction towards objects.
Tobiobjectum | "toh-bee ob-jek-tum" | Experiencing attraction to an object immediately.
Nonspecific Object of Affection Terms
Echobjectum | "ek-ob-jek-tum" | Attraction to objects that one sees as an extension of themself due to neurodivergence resulting in difficulty expressing empathy or low/lack of empathy.
Flag & term coining
Based on echopelu-.
Spiritum | "speer-ih-tum" | When one's object(s) of affection has a spiritual form.
Specific Object of Affection Terms
Object of Affection Categories
Abstractum | "ab-strak-tum" | Attraction to abstract concepts, abstract visuals & representations, minimalist aesthetics, and/or concepts that cannot be fully represented in the material world such as 4D.
Conceptum | "kun-sep-tum" | Being attracted to concepts or ideas.
Term coining
Original flag coining
Flag redesign (1)
Flag redesign coining (2)
Naturum | "nay-chur-um" | Attraction to nature as a concept or things within nature.
Plushum | "plush-um" | Being attracted primarily or exclusively to plush toys.
Soundrum | "sown-drum" | Attraction to sounds and music.
Flag & term coining
Flag redesign coining (1)
Flag redesign coining (2)
Technoum | "tek-noh-um" | Attraction to technology and/or electronics of any kind.
Objects of Affection
Abandum | "uh-ban-dum" | Attraction to all abandoned things.
Flag & term coining
Subtypes include amallune.
Agalmatum | "uh-gal-ma-tum" | Attraction to statues, dolls, mannequins, or similar objects.
Term coining
Similar to agalmatophilia.
Alcoholum/Alcohum | "ahl-ko-hal-um" / "ahl-ko-hum" | Attraction to alcoholic things, especially alcoholic drinks, and/or things related to alcohol.
Amallune | "ah-mah-loon" | Attraction to abandoned malls.
Flag & term coining
Subtype of abandum.
Amusrum | "uh-moos-rum" | Attraction to amusement park rides.
Architectum | "ar-kit-ek-tum" | Attraction to buildings and other man made structures.
Aquajectum | "aw-kwa-jek-tum" | Attraction to a specific body of water, including but not limited to lakes and oceans.
Bunnum | "buh-num" | Attraction to bunny plushies.
Flag & term coining
Subtype of plushum.
Cosmum | "kas-mum" | Attraction to celestial objects.
DIYjectum | "dee-ay-wy jek-tum" or "dy-jek-tum" | Attraction specifically to DIY/altered clothing and objects, such as handmade jewelry, painted clothes, and pin buttons--especially those made by oneself.
Flag & term coining
Subtyle of sculptum.
DIYnim | "dee-ay-wy-nim" or "dy-nim" | Attraction to DIY/altered denim clothing, such as battle jackets or painted jeans.
Flag & term coining
Subtype of DIYjectum and vestiagum.
Autigectum | "aw-tee-jek-tum" | Attraction to an autistic individual's own special interest(s)/hyperfixation(s).
Caelum | "kay-lum" | Attraction to meteorology or anything within it, such as weather events.
Chromajectum | "kroh-muh-jek-tum" | Attraction to colors.
Term coining
Subtype of conceptum.
Cleansum | "klen-sum" | Attraction to objects or concepts relating to cleaning, cleaning supplies, and cleaning tools.
Companium | "kum-pan-ee-um" | Attraction to a company, brand, store, or other trademark.
Crimasum | "kri-ma-sum" | Attraction to the concept of Christmas and/or Christmastime.
Cute Eroticism | "kyoot eh-rot-ih-si-sm" | Sexual attraction to cute aesthetics.
Applicum | "ap-lik-um" | Attraction to any software, program, or application.
Term coining
Less common than applium.
Applium | "ap-lee-um" | Attraction to a digital app.
Automobilum | "ah-to-mo-bih-lum" | Attraction to automobiles, such as cars.
Codum | "koh-dum" | Attraction to coding, coding languages, and/or coding concepts.
Fictweapum | "fikt-weh-pum" | Attraction to fictional weapons, such as laser guns.
Flag & term coining
Subtype of weapum.
Fursuitum | "fur-soot-um" | Attraction to fursuits.
Gameceptum | "gaym-sep-tum" | Attraction to video games.
Flag & term coining
Similar to gamesexual/gameromantic.
Hallowum | "hall-oh-um" | Attraction to Halloween and/or Halloween season.
Inflateajectum | "in-flay-ta-jek-tum" | Attraction to inflatable objects, such as pool toys.
Itemic | "iy-teh-mik" | Attraction to Minecraft items.
Jewlerum | "joo-le-rum" | Attraction to jewelry.
Flag & term coining
Similar to jeuliephilia.
Liminum | "lih-mih-num" | Attraction to liminal spaces or the concept of liminal spaces.
Lingum | "ling-wum" | Attraction to human languages or any language. Includes letters, words, an alphabet, a book, or anything else relating to linguistics.
Luxum | "luks-um" | Attraction to things that glow, such as light bulbs.
Mangerum | "mon-jeh-rum" | Attraction to food.
Mathematum | "math-eh-ma-tum" | Attraction to mathematical concepts of any kind, including numbers, types of math, or the entire field of mathematics.
Medictum | "med-ik-tum" | Attraction to medical equipment or items related to medical concepts.
Minemoddum | "myn-mod-um" | Attraction to Minecraft mods.
Flag & term coining
Subtype of moddum.
Moddum | "mod-um" | Attraction to game mods of any kind.
Nectum | "nek-tum" | Attraction to all honey or the concept of honey. Sometimes used to include attraction to nectar.
Noxum | "noks-um" | Attraction to the night and things related to/influenced by nighttime.
Nostalgium | "no-stal-jee-um" | Attraction to the concept of nostalgia.
Onsum | "on-sum" | Attraction to a specific food or recipe.
Flag & term coining
Subtype of mangerum.
Organisum | "or-gah-ny-sum" | Attraction to organisations including (but not limited to): corporations, not-for-profits and social enterprises.
Flag & term coining
AKA organisumsexual.
Orthogonum | "ohr-thoh-gon-um" | Attraction to right angles.
Podcastum | "pawd-kast-um" | Attraction to podcasts.
Flag & term coining
Subtype of soundrum.
Postiagum | "post-ee-ah-jum" | Attraction to signs, such as road signs.
Quantobjectum/Quantconceptum | "kwan-tum-ob-jek-tum" / "kwant-cun-sep-tum" | Attraction to any objects or concepts from the field of quantum physics.
Qulitum | "koo-lih-tum" | Attraction to quilts and blankets.
Flag & term coining
Potentially intended to be quiltum, both spellings popular.
Retrotechnoum/Retechnoum | "reh-troh-tek-noh-um" / "reh-tek-noh-um" | Attraction to older technology.
Flag & term coining
Subtype of technoum.
Sculptum | "skulp-tum" | Attraction to one's own artistic creations, such as sculptures and needlefelted projects.
Skeletum | "skeh-li-tum" | Attraction to skeletons, bones, or skulls.
Skymoddum | "sky-mod-um" | Attraction to Skyrim mods.
Flag & term coining
Subtype of moddum.
Stationum | "stay-shun-um" | Attraction to stationary items, such as paperclips.
Stonerjectum | "stoh-nir-jek-tum" | Attraction to the pieces one smokes weed out of, such as a bong or pipe.
Swampum | "swahm-pum" | Attraction to swamps or the concept of swamps.
Sworditemic | "soh-rd-item-ik" | Attraction to Minecraft swords.
Talitum/Teratum | "tah-lee-tum" / "teh-rah-tum" | Attraction to bladed objects, especially knives.
Techosmum | "tek-os-mum" | Attraction to space technology.
Techtum | "tek-tum" | Attraction to phones/mobile devices, computers, and televisions.
Terramoddum | "teh-ruh-mod-um" | Attraction to mods for the game Terraria.
Flag & term coining
Subtype of moddum.
Theorobjectum | "thee-roh-ob-jek-tum" | Attraction to objects that could only exist theoretically, such as a tesseract.
Toyweapum | "toy-weh-pum" | Attraction to toy weapons, such as water guns.
Flag & term coining
Subtype of weapum.
UFObjectum | "yoo-ef-oh-jek-tum" | Attraction to UFOs, spaceships, scifi alien transportation, or the concept of them.
Universum | "yoo-ni-ver-sum" | Attraction to space or things in space.
Vapenum | "veyp-num" | Attraction to vaping, vape pens, and/or the concept of vaping.
Vestiagum | "vest-ee-a-jum" | Attraction to clothes.
Vestibulum | "vest-ihb-yoo-lum" | Attraction to technology related to being a maker, such as 3D printers, Cricuts, or laser cutters.
Vexillum | "vecks-il-um" | Attraction to flags and/or their designs.
Videlocum | "vih-dee-loh-kum" | Attraction to locations featured in video games.
Vidium | "vih-dee-um" | Attraction to the concept of being filmed or filming.
Virtuosum | "vir-too-oh-sum" | Attraction to art, artistic things, art theory, and/or the concept of them.
Weapum | "weh-pum" | Attraction to weapons.
Flag & term coining
Subtypes include toyweapum and fictweapum.
Specific Objectorientations
Botani- | "boh-tah-nee" | Attraction to plants.
Flag (botanisexual) & term coining
Flag (specific botani- terms) coining
Subtype of naturum.
Die- | "dy" | Attraction to a die or dice.
Faire- | "fair" | Attraction to the ocean or the concept of the ocean.
Flag & term coining
Subtype of naturum.
Flora- | "flo-rah" | Attraction to plants and nature.
Flag & term coining
Subtype of naturum.
Moss- | "mah-ss" | Attraction to moss.
Flag coining
Subtype of naturum.
Musica- | "moos-ik-uh" | Attraction to music, certain musical aesthetics, genres, songs, or specific artists' music.
Flag coining
Subtype of soundrum.
Pelu- | "peh-loo" | Attraction to stuffed animals or toys.
Flag & term coining
Similar to plushum and plushophilia.
Plusho- | "pluh-shoh" | Attraction to stuffed animals and related objects.
Flag coining
Less common than pelu- and plushum.
Toy- | "toy" | Attraction to specifically hard toys and related objects like figurines.
Dollsexual | "dol-sek-shoo-al" | Attraction to dolls.
Echopelu- | "ek-oh-peh-loo" | Attraction to stuffed objects that one sees as an extension of themself due to neurodivergence resulting in difficulty expressing empathy or low/lack of empathy.
Flag & term coining
Subtype of echobjectum.
Gamesexual/Gameromantic | "geym-sek-shoo-al" / "geym-roh-man-tik" | Attraction to video games.
Term coining
Similar to gameceptum.
Herbisexual | "her-bee-sek-shoo-al" | Exclusive attraction to plants.
Term coining
Original coining was likely ironic/satirical.
Subtype of naturum.
Locusexual | "lo-koo-sek-shoo-al" | Attraction to geographical or geopolitical locations.
Mycosexual/Fungasexual/Caposexual | "mi-ko-sek-shoo-al" / "fun-guh-sek-shoo-al" / "cah-po-sek-shoo-al" | Sexual attraction to mushrooms.
Flag & term coining
Subtype of naturum.
Robosexual/Technosexual | "ro-bo-sek-shoo-al" / "tek-no-sek-shoo-al" | Sexual/romantic attraction to robots and/or technology, such as AIs or programs.
Teasexual | "tee-sek-shoo-al" | Attraction to tea.
Specific Objectophilias
*Terms in this section do not refer to inherently disordered attraction. Because of the history of the objectum community, many OS/OR terms and individuals use the -philia suffix.
Agalmatophilia | "ah-gal-mah-toh-fil-ee-ah" | Attraction to statues, mannequins, and immobility.
Flag & term coining
Similar to agalmatum.
Ballaphilia | "bah-lah-fil-ee-ah" | Attraction to balloons.
Beddiphilia | "beh-dih-fil-ee-ah" | Attraction to beds.
Dendrophilia | "den-droh-fil-ee-ah" | Sexual or paraphilic attraction to trees.
Fictophilia | "fik-toh-fil-ee-ah" | Attraction to fictional characters/entities.
Flag & term coining
Flag redesign coining
Similar to fictosexual.
Jeuliephilia | "je-oo-lee-fil-ee-ah" | Attraction to jewelry.
Flag & term coining
Similar to jewlerum.
Plushophilia | "plush-oh-fil-ee-ah" | Attraction to stuffed toys.
Flag & term coining
Symbol coining
Similar to plushum and pelu-.
Polygophilia | "paw-lee-goh-fil-ee-ah" | Attraction to shapes, geometric figures, geometry, and related things.
Salixicdendrophilia | "sah-lik-sik-den-droh-fil-ee-ah" | Attraction to willow trees.
Flag & term coining
Based on dendrophilia.
Subtype of dendrophilia.
Tephilia | "teh-fil-ee-ah" | Attraction to tea.
Flag & term coining
Similar to teasexual.
*Terms in this section were explicitly intended to refer to disordered/paraphilic attraction.
Dendrophilia | "den-droh-fil-ee-ah" | Sexual or paraphilic attraction to trees.
Galeoplushophilia | "gey-lee-oh-plush-oh-fil-ee-ah" | Paraphilic attraction to shark plushes.
Hoplophilia | "hop-loh-fil-ee-ah" | Paraphilic attraction centering around guns.
Lacivolánophilia | "la-kih-voh-lah-noh-fil-ee-ah" | Paraphilic attraction to skirts.
Lolitaphilia | "loh-lee-tah-fil-ee-ah" | Paraphilic attraction to lolita aesthetics, fashion, and/or clothing.
Rosaphilia | "roh-suh-fil-ee-ah" | Paraphilic attraction to roses.
Salophilia | "sah-lo-fil-ee-ah" | Paraphilic attraction to salt and/or salty things, such as sweat.
Saxumphilia | "sak-sum-fil-ee-ah | Paraphilic attraction to rocks.
Other Links, Flags, & Terms
Related Terms/Communities
Beholder | "bee-hold-er" | A person who experiences object sentience, or otherwise communicates with sentient objects. A beholder does not have to have any main companions.
Companion | "kum-pan-yon" | A sentient object, or an object that a beholder has a relationship to.
Hoarde | "hord" | A collective-like group consisting of a beholder and their companion(s).
POSIC+ | "paw-sik-plus" | Short for "perception of object sentience, individuality, and consciousness."
Flag & term coining
Official Carrd
Not all objectum individuals are POSIC and vice versa. However, there is significant overlap between the communities.
Relationship Anarchy | "ree-lay-shun-ship an-ar-kee" | A belief in basing relationships on consent above all else, and the rejection of the societal norms pertaining to relationship labels.
Objectum Genders & Misc. Microlabels
Amorumgender | "ah-moh-rum-jen-der" | A gender that is related to one's object(s) of attraction.
Diqueeramaplushum | "dy-kweer-ah-mah-plush-um" | Being in a queerplatonic and romantic relationship with two plushies.
Genderobjectum/Genderconceptum/Genderaesthetum | "jen-der-ob-jek-tum" / "jen-der-kon-sep-tum" / "jen-der-eys-the-tum" | When one's objectum/conceptum/aesthetum identity is so intrinsically tied to one's gender that the two cannot be separated.
Objectumage | "ob-jek-tum ayj" | When one's internal age is in some way related to their objectum orientation.
Objectumcesse | " ob-jek-tum-seh-seh" | A gender connected to being objectum, objectum pride, princess aesthetics, and non-binary girlhood.
Priobjectum | "prih-ob-jek-tum" | A gender connected to being objectum, objectum pride, prince aesthetics, and non-binary boyhood.
Royalobjectum | "roy-ah-lob-jek-tum" | A gender connected to being objectum, objectum pride, royal aesthetics, and being non-binary.
Vitobjectoric | "vy-ob-jek-tor-ik" | A gender related to living and/or sentient objects. May be a kingender in which someone’s gender is influenced by being a living object, an aesthetigender influenced by the aesthetics of a living object, or a gender related to being POSIC+.
Combination Flags
Aromantic Objectum | Someone who is Aromantic (either towards humans or all beings) and objectum.
Asexual Objectum | Someone who is asexual (either towards humans or all beings) and objectum.
Gai Objectum | Someone who is gai (nonbinary and gay) and objectum.
Lesbian Objectum | Someone who is lesbian (towards humans and/or objects) and objectum.
Update August 7 2022: Changed objectophilia sections to separate paraphilic and non paraphilic objectophilias, added some terms.