I + II + III

do not interact

you are genuinely the most insufferable person ive ever had this displeasure of knowing. kill yourself. i mean that 1000000%. there is absolutely no good you contribute to the world, except maybe being the standard for what NOT to be.

you killing yourself isnt even enough. you need to erase your molecules from the earth through a nuclear bomb. the idea that i may have once breathed air that has touched you makes me want to remove my lungs.

i would die than come even 20 ft into your radius. youd probably rot .2 seconds after dying because you’re so musty. like i wouldnt be suprised if you were made out of cobwebs. you look like the final stage of rigor mortis. i'm nervous to take forensic science because some of the dead corpses might almost be as ugly as you.

imo the reason it took so long for you to die was because you smelled so bad that no one could even get near you. shoutout to denji for taking one for the team on that one seriously. and speaking of that imagine being killed by DENJI. bro you literally groomed him how did you manage that

i will never get over how embarassing it is to be on the same planet as you. the fact you were born in japan makes me embarassed to be from the continent of asia. literally the ugliest woman alive too you look like a cockroach like you have the same color pallet i'm /srs i've always thought that... i want to curb stomp you but i'd need to remove my entire lower body to prevent your infection from spreading to my brain. the idea that someone could touch you without a 50yrd thick cement wall makes me sick from second hand embarassment.
no one would even consider it bc no one loves you! you're like a fungus-parasite-virus but not even because those are all way too cool to be associated with you. the idea that we may have been born in a similar solar system makes me want to turn around and fly into a black hole.

u probably smell like cat pee irl for someone who was super smell sensitive you somehow couldnt detect how MUSTY you were. i know where you live in fact i live in your walls there are bugs under your skin. i genuinely hope your depression gets worse and you kys you are the worst person alive.

the only people you could ever bag are vulnerable teenagers who eventually turned on you. like srsly youre SOOOO UGLY. the entire csm was a hard read because looking at you felt like putting radioactive material in my eyes.

i hope your skin melts off. i hope your lungs melt too. i deeply and genuinely hope every function of your body fails on you. i would become a doctor JUST for the pleasure of seeing you slowly wither away and prolonging your suffering. i want you to live the rest of your life in unbearable agony.

the scene where you died was my absolute favorite i liked to reread it frequently. you have no friends and no one loves you and if they say they do they are LYINGGG because no one except other pedophiles could love you for who you really are /srs. you are eternally doomed to a life of loneliness and eventually when you die youll realize youve done absolutely nothing with yourself.

ok sorry i keep thinking aboyt how ugly you are FUCK
i cant even explain this but youre the whitest looking poc in the entire world. you look like you've fucked your dog /srs. no one should trust you around pets or children.

if you managed to read this the whole way through i commend you (unless ur makima in which case i doubt you comprehended the first couple of words). thinking about makima this much has deeply rotted my brain. i feel like that guy who touched radioactive material but instead of touching my hand to it i fucking shot myself in the head with the radiation of the sun.

it's been a pain to write this. my fingers hurt. my dick got so flaccid looking at her that it melted off. but listen, this needed to be done. someone needed to take one for the team. i want to stab my eyes out with an ice pick.

i need a lobotomy. theres no hope after seeing her for more than 20 seconds. my last message is to please kys ok bye.

Pub: 19 Apr 2023 17:31 UTC
Edit: 02 Jul 2023 04:01 UTC
Views: 149