Hey. This is just a back up. I realised this Rently has no use now so. Meh. If you managed to find it, congrats. this means nothing. Though, if you still had doubts on things, I edited little parts of this wich are in bright yellow so you find it quickly.
(I dont have intentions to Summon drama again. Just making sure I left my words clear Witch I didn't before.)

Nvm, Trying to resonate with you would be just a waste of time. Keep lying, Star.

Forget my name, Keep making fun of Mewh & Teddy, But Leave Limbz alone.

Mkay, One last thing. Sorry I'm wasting my time again but this is just stupid, istg.
(Sorry if I'm rude) They said ⇣
How Can You to lie like this, Star. I swear this is just...
You didn't brake up with me, You asked me for some time so things get better (With the thing
i mentioned before, about both going to therapy) AND SO I THOUGHT IT WAS A BRAKE-UP.
AND STARTED JOKING With someone else about getting "married" or being "partners".
And you, ofc, without doing research, told me to kms and blocked me:
"What the fuck Is wrong with you, You shitty sick-o? You're literally "dating" My "BeStFrIEND" And Stupid
[Friend] Plays along with it, I know we broke up But it's surprising how much of an imbecil you can be. I Always trusted you
And that you'd never cheat on me But I was wrong, Like always. I hope You kill yourself. And [friend] Too.
You can be happy as a couple all you want, BUT BEFORE THAT You're simply
disgusting and I want to ask if the reason you did this was To get me jealous, bc if not, You're an idiot. Bro, I just
don't get it. You were obsessed with me and now you're fucking [friend]? Kys/Die.
Fuck you both, fucking cheaters."
After that, in new year...
I send you the final message, that was us, braking up. I told you politely and calmly that This could be a
friendly brake up. Then, how it was new year, you started laughing, celebrating, and not taking me serious.
But, ofc, It was a brake-up, I was sad, almost destroyed by the fact that I'm leaving someone I thought
Was everything I had. And so I got mad. And I got rude. And you took advantage
from it and started saying that I was bad for being rude and shit like this. That's all my crime, getting rude over you
not taking me seriously. I mean. You could at least wait until your "happyness" calms down and reply later.
That was a stupid thing to do, Star. And, sorry if I dare, But you've done it to me already:
You acted like an idiot ☆
See what I mean when I said be both acted wrong.
So! Why don't you add me back and let me look for the proof, if you want to see it. The
only one stopping me from showing you it's yourself. Because you know what you did
and how bad would it look for you after victimizing yourself non stop. Hm?

TW : Mental illnesses, SH, Toxic relation ship, Hitler mention, And cyber stalking !!
Sorry if I misspell something, I'm shaking and dumb, heh.
(Sorry if i don't explain myself properly, I'm bad at communicating)
Okay, You had enough Fun, Star or anyone else that have made this.
Look, I'm not going to try to fully defend myself for two reasons:
One: Being that It'll simply be stupid, Since you blocked me, And leaved me with no source of prove my "innocence"
Two: I'm not that innocent, since, I have to admit, I did stuff wrong, But most of them, You showed me.
Look, What's true it's true, I did said stuff Like "I'm going to cut myself for you <3333aefkfh" And that's nothing you should
justify, There's literally no justification for that. But there's "reasons" I was Too young when I started talking to them, And, That Means I was naive and stupid, a blank canvas, And when they used that "expresion" with me, I didn't hastate on doing the same. Does this makes me 100% good? No, I should have thought for myself and don't say or do such things, fo course. So, The "threats", These were nothing more than a edgy's, friendless, lack of touching
grass, Rexyyb fan, 12 y/o Kid said once (I'm turning 14 in a few months). And I get that they'd vent, even publicly about me during those months when I was really unhealthy and (goodman cringe) But now? Now that they know I've change and grow away from that? This just seem like they're trying to fuck my mental health more than it is. I've been trying to get better, I broke up with them because I knew the relationship wouldn't get better if non of us went to therapy, (Witch I'm taking already.) And got away from them (after some, really bad attempts to get an explanation out of them. Because I really didn't or fully don't understand this. I recognize that was not the smartest thing to do neither), Lost contact with their friends, And some time after, with Their older sibling. So...
Why do you still tracking me down?
Why are you trying so hard to bother me with stuff that had happen, almost a year ago?
Why can't we just sit and discuss this on private if you really think I'm that bad?
Giving dumb and immature excuses won't work now.
Is saying that I'm a bad person, knowing that that was a long time ago going to change something?
Is a lot more people hating me going to change something?
Of course, Now you're making me paranoid thinking that someone's watching everything I do even If I have 0 contact with you or your friends
Is that what you wanted? You did it, so please... Stop.
And before anything is taken bad, or out of context, This isn't a threat or something like it, These are all genuine questions, Questions that I'd like them to be answered By Star or Juliet, If you don't mind. /gen
Okay, Now the things that I've faked DID and Autism.
I recon that I don't Have DID, But I wouldn't call what I did as "faking", Because faking means:
" fake "
And, Unlike they say, I genuinely thought I had DID, Plus, I think This had something to do with my past obsession with them, wanting to be like them, to have stuff in common (cause our relationship was looking real bad at the time already) So, I tricked myself into thinking I had that terrible Illness, Witch I'm really sorry for, That was naïve, stupid and childish of myself, And I apologize if I hurt or offended anyone by my stupid actions.
But also, I think This is Star's case too, But I'm not getting into that.
About Autism,
I'm getting my Autism test(s. They're multiple) this weekend. Wish me luck :)

About the N_zi mentions, This is kind of stupid for me, All this can be cleared up real easy.
There's a videogame we both played called "Epic battle fantasy 5" A mobile game that one of the characters looked
like, well a N_zi. And, Look, I know this can trigger some people, but it was nothing but really gross, and dark humor
If they were so disgusted over it, they should have tell me.
here's the character: (The one in the right.) please
(About me calling their older sibling Hitler, We all did as a joke, Literally all of us, so Idk why is it wrong if I say it :/
(i DON'T Support Nazis, Hitler or anything of that, I just used them as a JOKE. cause they are nothing more than disgusting for me.)
About the dead name:
They Never let that clear for me, And Due to little stupid me trying to be meaningful and "romantic" By calling them
Their IRL name, I used the only one I knew.
I thought this wasn't a deadname 'cause one day, only weeks after we started talking, I asked them their deadname (When they were still a trans boy)
And They said "I don't have a dead name, My name is Unisex" And... I know this could Have change with the time, But they can't pretend that I'd guess out of nowhere that they changed their name. Still, I apologize for that, Even tho if it doesn't really make sense to do so.
About the endogenic sys.
Here is my bad, I didn't know what those were and I started talking like an idiot about stuff I didn't really get.
Now that I do, I don't support them, 'cause, Ofc, Those are non but fake.
They don't show the full screenshot, But I read the thing they send and the apologize, In the group, In front of everyone, and
On Dm.
About... Whatever this thing is...
They said:
" (Eng; "I don't want to look for more evidence but I remember well: Mewh said the rslur to the system for not knowing Japanese and English very well, they defended groomers, stalkers, pedophiles, racists, etc. Also with accusing me of saying the n-word (I don't find the proof help), they openly admitted to harassing me and ALMOST DOXXED ME, they harassed sexually me and the system (and more the littles), they always defended my groomers but then they complained that I talked to my groomers, they messed with several of my friends "as a joke", they made jokes (more to L'man) of the system for our traumas and also that they began to have autism, ocd, bpd, being hypersexual and pretend more disorders for me (they was faking it all) and sexual harassment of my older brother") -their ex-partner "
Okay, First of all. (Idk how many times i have to tell you to not call me "mewh")
Yes, Star, (Or whatever your name is now, I'm not very aware if you changed it. My apologies if you did.) I Know you said you didn't have them, but what I meant, is that it was a little curious about you having screenshots of everything, every little mistake I did but not the really serious stuff. Get me?. And in your reply, you said You didn't find it, but if I know English enough, in this text right above says " I don't want to look for more evidence ". "I don't want" means that you don't feel the need to do something not that you are not able to do so. So the one who needs lo learn how to read is you, fella. But it's fine, we're human and we commit mistakes. ♡

I replied this with very odd words in the past, so I want to be clear. You might have misunderstood my actions.
I didn't defend any of those, your lack of clearness in this text makes it impossible to reply to. But no, I don't recall that. Maybe you're talking about that one groomer I risked my own well being for you to apologize to someone

context: They were telling one of my friends to kill themselves on their back (On my DMs) And I started to ask them to please apologize (Ofc, thinking that this was all a game, cause i didn't let myself think they were like this) And so, I think I started to annoy them, So, They told me "If you don't stop, I'll make you talk with one of my groomers", Like the naïve child I was, I was willing to... Ofc, they didn't and they threat me to block me if I didn't shut up about it. (I don't remember Anything else that could be related with this groomer thing, More than me getting mad at the idea of them willingly talking to them. .)

I might have accused you of using The N-word. But you know in spanish And english this word doesnt have the vey same meaning. It depends in with context you use it, you get it? 'Negro' appart from being a color, is used by everyone as a hint of dark humor, you know it because all of our friend group used to mess with it. That word, wich I'm not going to say a lot because I think you've give it the same meaning as in English and it became triggering for you Witch I respect, doesn't have that strong rely or meaning. Like I said, it's a strong word, but not an evil one if you use it with non but joking intentions and if everyone around was cool with it (no one spoke out about beig bothered and everyone laughed at it, so, I suppose it was fine
Yet so, you did called it to someone who wasn't okay with it, that makes it bad. You called me it even so I told you I wasn't comfortable with it, I told you I was insecure about it before, and that time I told you again not to do it, what was your reply? Saying "OK." And leaving...

Never doxxed or tried to dox you, Only joked about it.
But, unlike me, you remember that your sibling did, proudly, admitted that they know how to dox and send some stuff that had to do with it
personally, I don't know anything about that topic, so I can't confirm or deny their sibling really did, but... kinda suspicious.
(I don't feel like talking about Juliet
Don't get me wrong, I think Vamp are just confused about all this and don't actually mean to make me feel bad.)
We both did stuff real wrong, Bc I didn't mention All the other things you did to me too, Because it'll hypocrite of me, Like I said, I think this kind of stuff should be treated personally only with close friends or in between us, Bc a lot of people in a personal problem won't make more than make things worse ofc.
I think I learned my lesson and better myself as a person (I hope you have too) So, Let's leave this in the past, don't make me disappear from the internet please. Let's be mature and get over each other and simply move on. This would make us both happier, so why not?
I hope you changed. And that you're having a nice day/night. Bye!!

With all of this said... I'd like you to stop placing My rentry in yours, And, srsly, Stop it with the Mewh thing.
Really. Don't reply. Just

Move on!!

It's not that hard.

Pub: 16 Jun 2023 16:47 UTC
Edit: 16 Jun 2023 22:26 UTC
Views: 183