Haru does lewd stuff with Dream Kel

Here she was, in white space with her twin brother. When a question occurred to her.
"Brother?" She asked, and he looked up.
"Since this is a dream, and nothing we do here has consequences..."
"...Can I just...take Kel into the wilderness, and do whatever I want with him?" Kiko's eyes had a slightly worrying glint in them.
Omori was taken aback. He never thought about something like that. And that Kiko would...that she would even think of something that...dirty.
He had no idea how to respond, but he...nodded his head. She could do something like that if she wanted.
Kiko's eyes widened, as she lowered her head, seemingly deep in thought. What did she want to do to Kel?
Finally, she looked up at him. "Is it okay if I do this?" She asked.
She was asking for his permission? Well...
Honestly, he didn't really know.
What would she do to Kel?
Should he...tell her no?
Kiko then scooched over and clung to him, surprising him. She begged him to let her, reminding him how much he loved his adorable twin sister, and that she'd do anything for him, that he'd do anything for her,
He relented. He really couldn't say no to either of his siblings, could he...

Kiko told everyone she was going on a secret mission with Kel.
Kel was excited at the prospect, all too happy for a secret adventure, that sounded cool!
Hero didn't want the two kids to go all on there all alone, but Kiko was so excited for this, he couldn't deny her. It was rare to see her so motivated.
Mari was fine with it. She knew they'd be safe if they kept to the Vast Forest, which they promised they would.
Aubrey was a bit curious what they were doing, but wasn't really bothered. Who knows, maybe Kel would get lost finally?
And Basil was fine with it as well. He was going to go take photo's of Vast Forest and the inhabitants in it.

And now, here the two of them were. Out in the wilderness, quite far from the park, but still in the forest. Kel was excited, taking charge, leading them ahead to wherever they were going. When Kiko told him she had no destination in mind, it just made him more excited to just wander around the forest.
Eventually, the two of them reached a clearing far, far away from the park, but still in the Vast Forest. "We should rest here." Kiko suggested, and Kel happily sat down on the grass alongside her.

Kel and Kiko were sitting down, and he was taking about this time he got attacked by 5 bunnies.
When suddenly, Kiko just leaned in, eyes closed, and kissed him. Really kissed him, she dug her tongue deep into his mouth.
Kel was completely caught off guard. His eyes widened, and he froze up. What was she doing?! Kel didn't, or couldn't, resist.
Kiko opened her eyes, and looked into Kel's. His eyes were wide with shock.
Kel looked into Kiko's eyes. There was a clear hunger in them, even Kel couldn't ignore. She wasn't letting him go.
Kiko just kept going. Kel could barely even breath with how much she was going at him.
Finally, she let go, and Kel fell back, gasping for air. "Wha-wha-wha-what?!" He let out, while breathing heavily.
Kiko finally took her shirt off, and her undergarments. Feelings started to well up in Kel, as she started removing his shorts.
Kel sometimes felt emotions he didn't understand, but these feelings were...so very different from anything he had felt before.
Kiko looked down, and saw that his dick, large in front of her. For a moment, she froze up, embarrassment on her face.
She had gone this far, but she never...really knew what she'd do. She had planned this for a while now, and had an hour to think about it, but how was she going to...She never thought she'd get this far. But, she had an idea of what she could try.

She decided to go down, and wrap her mouth around it, to get it wet. Kel let out a whimper in shock. Wait, was she really doing this?! Was she really going this far-what-Kel couldn't really understand what was going on, but he did know a very tiny, little bit about what this was.
"W-wait!" Kel cried out, and Kiko did stop, looking at him, a bit confused.
Oh dear, had she gone too far? Oh no, she never once considered how Kel would feel, she really went too far this time, didn't she? She-
"Isn't this something only people who really love each other should do?!" Kel said at last, still absolutely not knowing how things got to this point.
Oh. That's what he's worried about. That only people who love each other should do this.
Did she love Kel?
Yes, she did, Kiko suddenly realized. She did love Kel. She could of chosen Basil for this, heck, Basil was an incredible pushover, so it would of been easier, yet her first instinct was Kel, even after thinking about it.
A smile returned to Kiko, as she got on top of Kel, letting his penis sink inside her. He let out another yelp, and even she gasped out. It felt...nice?
"Kel...I DO love you." She declared, causing his face to burn up yet again, as she leaned forward, wrapping her arms around him, digging her tongue into his mouth again.
This was a bit of an uncomfortable position. Her laying on top of him, while still having him inside her, and her kissing him as passionately and deeply as she could, all while against the grassy floor of the forest. But she didn't really mind. She was enraptured by kissing, how had she never known how wonderful simply kissing someone could feel?
Kel was still stunned, but what Kiko said was ringing in his ears.
She...loved him? She really loved him?
He...Kel felt something, warm in his chest. He...he couldn't let her down.
Kel let his feelings take over, as he started trying to mimic what she was doing. He wrapped his arms around her as well, and let his tongue into her mouth as well. Instincts took over as he was also thrusting into her.
Kiko's eyes widened, as she was overwhelmed. Oh...oh she likes this. She really, really likes this~!
She was starting to lose the ability to breathe, and tried pulling away. Kel let her do so, and looked into her eyes. That...hunger in them from earlier was faded. She looked...happy. So, so very happy. He had never seen her look like this. She wasn't as expressionless as Omori, but she never really smiled either. She was so beautiful.
"Kel, I love you!" She cried out, bouncing on him, trying to match his movements. She was happier then she'd felt in years, possibly her whole life.

Finally, they reached their limits. Kiko couldn't hold her voice anymore, and even Kel was letting his leak. Finally, she climaxed, as Kel let it all out in her.
They froze, in absolute ecstasy. Kiko was so glad she did this. So glad she brought Kel out here, that he agreed, that he didn't reject this, so, so happy...
Finally, they stopped, Kiko, still connected to him, laying on top of him, as they both gasped for air, bathing in all these emotions and feelings...
...Kel still had energy in him. He was always energetic after all. And he had an idea.
Kel grabbed Kiko's arms, surprising her, as he spun her around, now she was on the ground.
Her eyes widened "Kel!" She said, not rejecting this, but out of surprise, as Kel started pumping into her.
Kiko was still overwhelmed from earlier, and now she was being overwhelmed by even more pleasure.
She had never thought Kel would take charge like this. He was always energetic, and always extroverted and outgoing, but she never figured he'd try something like this. Kiko felt emotions overwhelming her. THIS is what she wanted, isn't it?! How she'd hoped it would go, how she prayed would happen to her, Kel doing this to her-Kiko was ecstatic Kel was doing this.
"Kel, Kel, Kel, I love you!" Kiko had never felt like this before. She loved him, she loved this, she loved how she felt, and she loved how Kel must of felt the same.

Kel felt something in him. The way Kiko was looking up at him, slight tears in her eyes, yet so clearly happy. How he had never seen her look like this ever, how he might be the first, and only person who would ever see her this way, he couldn't believe this was happening. He loved her?
Oh boy, he really did love her, didn't he?
He kept pumping into her, as she was moaning out his name, and Kel couldn't stop himself from moaning as well. Tears were starting to form in Kel's eyes, too. Mostly from exertion, and all these emotions he couldn't understand overwhelming and consuming him.
Finally, he let out a second wave inside her, as she cried out his name again. This time, it was his turn to collapse on her, as they laid there, a mess of moans, gasps, sexual fluids and sweat.

Kiko tried her best to wrap her arms around him, with the little strength she had.
"Kel...I love you...so much...do you...love me?" She tried to get out, needing to hear this from him.
"I, I love you...too..." Kel spoke out, still catching his breath.
Kiko hugged him even tighter, enjoying this incredible feeling seeping through her mind and body.
"Then...kiss me...!"Kiko gasped out.
Kel turned his head to her, and she went at his tongue again. They kissed like that for several minutes, risking suffocating each other, but they needed the other so much right now.
...This was...so amazing...
Finally, they let go, and rested against the other, before falling asleep.
Basil looked over, his face redder then any tomato could ever hope to become.
He ran through his entire camera's film in the past 10 minutes, watching with complete awe.
He looked at the photo's.
Many of them were out of focus and desperately taken, but a few of them were still somewhat passable.
And of course, the only good photo, the two of them, completely naked, sleeping against each other, complete contentedness on their faces.
Basil was still trying to keep himself from screaming out in absolute shock from what he'd just witnessed. He didn't see the whole thing, but he saw enough, heard their declarations of love, and taken so many photo's.
Wait, photo's...what was he planning to do with these?
He could NEVER show these to ANYONE. But he also didn't want to destroy them, especially that last photo, Kiko and Kel looked so adorable together...
He'd...hide them. Somewhere.
He'd make another photo album, put them in that, and bury it somewhere. A place only he could ever find it.
As for what he just witnessed...he'd just never say. He would never tell anyone what he witnessed, what he just saw, what just happened, ever.
He could do that. Basil considered himself great at keeping secrets, after all.


Sunny and Haru woke up in their bed. Haru's face was flush, she held such avarice in her eyes as well.
"Good dream?" Sunny asked in a dry tone, his voice a tone lower then normal.
"D-did you...see that?" She asked.
"No." Sunny said. He genuinely had no idea what she did to Kel, but he also didn't want to know. At all.
"S-Sunny, could you..." Haru was a bit ashamed to ask, as this was their room, but Sunny nodded.
He got up, and decided to head downstairs and make some steak. He was hungry, anyways.
Haru watched as he left the room. Her body felt so warm, her face must of looked crazed, and she felt...
Once she was sure Sunny was gone, she reached her hands down there, to her lower parts.
"Kel...Kel...Kel...~" She cried out desperately, now realizing how she felt about the boy.

Pub: 21 Mar 2022 15:04 UTC
Views: 543