Chapter 2: Role

Iroha: Everyone in Denki is so kind, and says I don't have to do something like that. But I want to be of more use to Denki.

Iroha: So... um... COuld you give me some advice about this?

Koyomi: Eh...? Well... if you're find with me, I'll help you out...

Koyomi: (I can't believe that Iroha wants to talk to me about theater...)

Koyomi: ...What did you want some advice about? I'll teach you whatever I'm able to.

Koyomi: ...Alright, no one should be able to hear us here.

Iroha: R-right...!

Iroha: ...How do you go about interpreting your roles?

Koyomi: Interpreting?

Iroha: Um, in Denki, I play characters from some of my favourite anime and manga, but in those cases, I'm unable to put myself in the perspective of the viewers.

Iroha: I usually end up emphasising the parts that I like about the performance, and I usually know the plot, so I sometimes add in strange nuances...

Koyomi: Ahh, that's what you mean.

Koyomi: Hmmm, Lets see...

Koyomi: Things are very different between Gingaza and Denki, so I don't think if my method would be very helpful...

Koyomi: If it's about understanding the role, how about I refer you to a book that I once read?

Koyomi: It covers the basics of theater. But there's a lot you can learn by revisiting some of the contents.

Iroha: A book you say? I haven't really read much these days.

Iroha: IF you don't mind, could you please lend the book to me...

Koyomi: Ahh, I'm sorry. When I was giving some feedback to someone else like this, I had given it to them.

Iroha: Ah... I see.

Iroha: Ehehe, well I guess you casn't lend it to me then.

Iroha: I'll go look in the bookstore for it then. Thanks for everything, Onee-san.

Koyomi: You're welcome. Feel free to talk to me if you need anything.

Iroha: Of course.

Iroha: Well, time to have a bath.

Iroha: ...Haah. This isn't good. When I'm troubled, Onee-san also pampers me...

Iroha: But... I'm glad she was able to give me advice. She really is so lovely.

Iroha: Lets do my best so everyone can have fun.

Iroha: Oh no, I'm been slacking off.

Iroha: Why don't I go to that large bookstore and find the book that Onee-san tole me about yesterday?

Iroha: Umm, The title was --

Senju's Grandma: Koyomi-san. Good work on "The Tale of the White Serpent". I've been told that the performance was on par with the previous generations.

Koyomi: Thank you very much. We were able to sell out all tickets even including the extra performances.

Senju's Grandma: But I'm sure you already know.

Koyomi: ...Yes.

Senju's Grandma: Your mother acted in "The Tale of the White Serpent" at an even younger age than you. And she has made quite the name for herself.

Senju's Grandma: The future of Gingaza and the Senju family is relying on you. Just filling seats will not be enough.

Senju's Grandma: Make sure you understand that every move you make will tie back to the Senju family. You purpose is to become an actor that is worthy of the Sneju name.

Koyomi: Understood.

Koyomi: ...I'm very sorry.

Senju's Grandma: Gingaza is not about the large expanse of stars. It's not childs play nor a playground. It's about the North Star that shines thorugh the zenith.

Senju's Grandma: It's this brilliance that has shaped the world of theater up until now. And will continue to shape the future to come.

Koyomi: ...Understood. And I recognise that it is I that will continue that brilliance for the Senju family.

Senju's Grandma: Very good. I expect good things from you.

Iroha: Onee-san...

Pub: 18 Nov 2024 02:33 UTC
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