mobius/raikov | 22 | he/it | polish
toyhouse | bluesky | tumblr |
may take 10 years to respond back for anything because my brain is eternally running at 99% CPU usage on an old shitty intel processor from the 2000's
(i.e trying to come up with a normal enough response)
also might repeat/skip over words often
bolded = favorite
video games
ridge racer | ace combat | katamari damacy | space harrier | sonic & all-stars racing transformed | daytona usa | various other sega arcade games | snatcher | policenauts | metal gear | touhou project | hyperdimension neptunia | splatoon | pokemon
arcade board hardware/general arcade stuff | console hardware/general console stuff | cars | computers (especially with MSX and NEC stuff) | other old tech
specific cars
Nissan Skyline GT-R (R32) | Lotus Esprit S3 (or just any esprit honestly) | Nissan GT-R | Toyota GT86 | there were probably more im forgetting