Oldzen RAMvenge

(wordplay on Ryzen Revenge)

  • Competition between teams
  • Team's single best submission for every stage*
  • All stages start and end at the same time (e.g. Jun 1 - Aug 30)
  • Aim: to explore the underrated memory controller on early Ryzen processors
  1. Joy of the Frequency
    Memory frequency
    Only use AM4/TR4 Zen1/+ CPUs/APUs
  2. Parade of the Threadripper
    y-cruncher Pi-10b
    Only use TR4 CPUs
    Maximum core frequency 4005 MHz (-ish)
  3. Return of the Hynix**
    PYPrime - 2b
    Only use Hynix ICs***
    Only use AM4 Zen1/+ CPUs/APUs
    Maximum core frequency 4005 MHz (-ish)

* I think this is new but could end up fine?
** Can be a different vendor or a different "spicy" idea. What's been historically spicy about Hynix is that it was supposed to hate Ryzen. I can help with ideas but not with partnerships, not yet at least :(
*** Not to spoonfeed this information (it's almost all public anyway) but various means exist to verify this

Pub: 11 Apr 2023 21:35 UTC
Views: 162