I'm not interested in writing a full walkthrough for the game, although if someone else wants to do that, go right ahead. In lieu of that, here's a list of everything that affects stats that the game tracks .

Cynthia Love:

At the end of day 5, if you have 10 Cynthia love, you get a lewd scene with her. The other lewd scene just requires you to get her drunk over and over, and has nothing to do with love. If you get the lewd drunk scene, you can't get the lewd love scene on the same playthrough. Cynthia love starts at 0 and can't go negative. I'm not sure what the highest possible love is. I think the highest I ever got while testing was 14.

The first time you go to the coffee shop at the end of the day, you get +1 love.

The first time you go to the bar at the end of the day, you get +1 love.

Choosing "Try to make her feel better" on day 1 in the pokémon center gets you +1 love.

At the pokémon center, when you and Cynthia are stopped by the fan, choosing "Suggest she indulge the fan" and then "Try to save her" gets you +1 love.

When meeting Cynthia in the pokémon center on day 5, choosing "Stay with her" after her argument with Lance gets you +1 love.

When visiting the lighthouse after having already evolved your pokémon, the player will try to intimidate the punks instead of battling them, getting you +1 love and +1 bad karma.

When talking to the punks at the lighthouse, choosing to hype up Cynthia to intimidate them gets you +1 love.

When battling the punks at the lighthouse, choosing to ask Cynthia for advice gets you +1 love.

After the battle at the lighthouse, you get +1 love. If Magnemite did not faint, you get +2 love instead.

When going to the lighthouse with Kate on day 5, if you choose to call Cynthia to ask her who won the battle, you get +1 love.

If the player caught Houndoom, Cynthia will offer to take him off your hands during the party at the end of day 4. If the player chooses to keep Houndoom, you get +1 love.

When meeting Red at the docks on the end of day 2, Cynthia is impressed that you made friends with him and you get +1 love.

When going to driftwood street with Cynthia, after the bouncer gets yelled at by the bar owner, you get +1 love for playing good cop to Cynthia's bad cop.

When going to the gym, if you choose to battle with Cynthia, you get +1 love. It doesn't matter whether you admit defeat or fight to the end.

When choosing new moves for Metang in Cynthia's hotel room, asking Cynthia for suggestions gets you +1 love.

When coming back up to the hotel after stopping Team Aqua with just you and Cynthia alone, you get +1 love.

When going into the Aqua base with just you and Cynthia alone, when the player is cornered by Betsy and Team Aqua, choosing to "stall" gets you +1 love.

When battling Cynthia after evolving Metang, if you choose to fight dirty and then try to get under her skin, you get +1 bad karma and lose 1 love.

The morning after having drunken sex with Cynthia, if your love is not at least 10, you lose 1 love.

When going to meet with Jasmine in the evening after blackmailing her, if you choose to give Cynthia a vague lie, you lose 1 love.

When going to meet with Jasmine in the evening to do the ghostbusting mission, choosing to give Cynthia a vague lie gives you +1 love. However if your love is already 6 or higher, the vague lie causes you to lose 1 love instead.

If Beldum evolves when doing the evening mission with Team Aqua, you can either gain or lose love. If it happens on the night of day 2, the player tells Cynthia it evolved in the morning and you get +1 love. If it happens on the night of day 3 and the player has blackmailed Jasmine, the player tells Cynthia it evolved in the morning and you get +1 love. Otherwise, the player doesn't tell Cynthia it evolved until you go to the pokémon center with Jasmine, and you lose 1 love. (I didn't realize how intricate this condition was until I wrote this down, and I kind of want to change it now.)

Jasmine love:

If you have at least 10 Jasmine love, and your Jasmine love is higher than your Cynthia love, you get a lewd scene with Jasmine at the end of day 5. Jasmine love starts at 0, and it can only go negative if you blackmail her. If you have the "show Jasmine love" cheat turned on and Jasmine's love is negative, the meter will display 0 but the icon will change. I'm not sure what the maximum Jasmine love is. I think the highest I got while testing was 11.

Going to the gym and showing Metang to Jasmine gets you +2 love.

When battling at the gym, if you choose to admit defeat, you get +1 Jasmine love. (It doesn't matter whether you're battling Jasmine or Cynthia)

At the gym, choosing to ask Jasmine for training tips gets you +1 love at the end of it.

When investigating the new gym, telling Jasmine you don't believe in ghosts gets you +1 love.

When leaving the new gym after defeating the ghost, you get +1 love.

If you tell Jasmine you believe in ghosts, and you choose to run away instead of going into the basement, you get +1 love.

When facing off with Betsy in the hotel lobby, you get +1 love for interrupting her fight with Jasmine. (It doesn't matter how the fight ends)

If you defeat Lapras and send out Houndoom to fight Mightyena, the player will recall Houndoom after it acts aggressively towards Jasmine, getting you +1 love.

If you find Amphy down in the aqua base and leave Team Aqua after convincing them to stop the hurricane, you'll give Amphy back to Jasmine and get +2 love.

If you go into the Aqua base with Jasmine and Nelson, you end up partly blocking Jasmine from getting hit by Eelektross's attack, and get +1 love.

At the gym on day 5, trying to persuade Nelson to read Betsy's mind gets you +1 love.

At the police station, after Nelson reads Betsy's mind to get Amphy's whereabouts, you get +2 love.

If you defeat Betsy all by yourself and talk to her at the police station to get Amphy's whereabouts, you get +2 love.

When you and Cynthia go to Jasmine's house after it's been broken into, you'll get +1 love. (Unless you blackmail her)

Blackmailing Jasmine and asking her for money immediately sets your love to negative 5. Blackmailing her and asking her for sex sets your love to zero immediately, and then down to negative 99 after you do it.

Things that effect both:

When going to the suspect's house on day 4, if you have Jasmine with you and not Nelson, you get +1 Cynthia love and +1 Jasmine love for being the one who "breaks in" to the house.

During the party at the end of day 4, if the player got Cynthia drunk repeatedly, she'll offer to go off and have sex with you. If you tell her no, she'll ask why not.

If you say it's because you're both drunk, you get +1 Cynthia love and +1 Jasmine love.
If you say it's because you like men, both your Jasmine love and Cynthia love will be reduced down to 5, unless it was already lower.
If you say it's because you like her as a friend, your Cynthia love will be reduced down to 7, unless it was already lower. You will also get +1 Jasmine love, or +2 Jasmine love if your Jasmine love is higher than 7 already.

Bad Karma:

Bad Karma starts at 0, and is required to get some scenes that involve joining up with Team Aqua. Bad Karma is also required for some achievements.

On day 1, if you go to the hotel and choose to be a jerk to the concierge, you get +1 bad karma.

On day 1, if you go to the gym and choose to say something mean to Nelson, you get +1 bad karma.

On day 1, if you go to the bar and try to get Cynthia really drunk, you get +1 bad karma.

When battling at the gym, choosing to keep attacking until Beldum faints gets you +1 bad karma.

If you go inside Jasmine's house while she's not there, you get +1 bad karma.

In Jasmine's bedroom, if you choose to invade her privacy, you get +1 bad karma.

When checking Jasmine's email, choosing to dig into the secret gets you +1 bad karma.

Finding Jasmine's chainmail underwear in her closet gets you +1 bad karma.

If you go to Jasmine's house and find the spare key outside, then go to the gym and give her a vague warning about it, you lose 1 bad karma.

After the blackmail lewd scene with Jasmine, if you steal her Jirachi plushie, you get +1 bad karma.

When visiting the lighthouse after having already evolved your pokémon, the player will try to intimidate the punks instead of battling them, getting you +1 bad karma.

When confronting the punks at the lighthouse, choosing to tell them to get the hell out of your way gets you +1 bad karma.

When battling the punks, if you choose to boast after knocking out one of their pokémon, you get +1 bad karma.

When battling Cynthia after evolving Metang, if you choose to fight dirty and then try to get under her skin, you get +1 bad karma and lose 1 love.

At the pokémon center, when you and Cynthia are stopped by her fan, if you tell him to buzz off, you get +1 bad karma.

When talking to the café owner at the docks, choosing the "bad cop" option gets you +1 bad karma.

When going to driftwood street alone, if you try to pick a fight with the bouncer, you get +1 bad karma.

If you go on the evening mission at the docks with Team Aqua, you get +5 bad karma after it's done. You need to already have at least 5 bad karma when encountering Team Aqua in the bar in order to be offered this mission.

At the start of the conversation where you blackmail Jasmine, if your bad karma is less than 5, it goes up to 5. Then if you ask her for money, you get +5 more bad karma. If you ask her for sexual favors, you will get +5 more bad karma after the deed is done.

The whole scene with Kate on Route 40 plays a little differently if you have at least 5 bad karma at the start of the day. Afterward, if you refuse to give Absol a potion, you get +1 bad karma. If you give Absol a potion, you lose 1 bad karma. If you choose to capture Absol, you get +5 bad karma.

Betsy Affection:

This stat isn't calculated unless you get invited into the Aqua Base and talk to Betsy, so it actually stays at 0 for most of the game. Convincing Team Aqua to stop the hurricane peacefully requires either getting at least 3 Betsy affection, or sewing dissent with every member of Team Aqua and getting at least 1 Betsy affection.

When encountering Betsy at the docks at the end of day 3, if you choose to confront her, you'll get +1 Betsy affection.

If your Cynthia love is at least 7 and you've evolved your pokémon, you'll get +1 Betsy affection. (Betsy respects that Cynthia has a high opinion of you)

If your Jasmine love is less than 0 ,you'll get +1 Betsy affection. (Betsy doesn't like Jasmine very much)

If you've investigated the pokémon center and the lighthouse with Cynthia, you will lose 1 Betsy affection.

When Betsy asks if you want to destroy Olivine City, if you tell her that you have a better plan, you get +1 Betsy affection.

If you went on the mission at the docks, you'll get +2 Betsy affection. If you were invited to the mission but didn't do it, you will lose 1 instead.

When Betsy asks what you think of her;

If you tell her she's pure evil, you get +1 Betsy affection.
If you tell her she's dangerous and scary, you get +1 Betsy affection.
If you tell her she needs professional help, you get +1 Betsy affection.
If you tell her she's sad and pathetic, you will lose 1 Betsy affection.
Since some people have asked, there are no lewd scenes involving Betsy.

Regarding Kate:

There is no love stat for Kate and no lewd scene involving her. There's an ending where she comes with you to Kanto, but it requires you to not get enough Cynthia love, not get enough Jasmine love, and go talk to Kate on day 5 after having basically failed to find Amphy. Yes, that means that you can get Kate as a consolation prize if you just suck at the game.

Kate and Betsy don't get lewd scenes is because that would require art, and I wasn't interested in spending more money to commission a dozen pics of what are basically my own OC's. The only way I would be willing to add a lewd scene for Betsy and/or Kate is if I made enough money through donations to pay for the art, or if an artist was willing to draw them for free. I considered just writing something and putting it on AO3, but I don't think many people would be interested in that. I could also write some epilogues to go with the various different endings the game has, but I don't know who'd even want to read that. I'd rather just work on my next game. It won't be a direct sequel, but it'd basically going to be more of this type of thing but with new characters.

Pub: 05 May 2024 16:21 UTC
Views: 1114