Monsterfucking Mechanics

This supplement assumes familiarity with Into the Peril, Harem Tales, or Ryona Royale, and especially the Countdown mechanics of Into the Peril in particular. For any other roleplay, the mechanics here will be of limited use, more of a suggestion or a prompt.

Here are some suggested rules for wayward adventurers to get fucked by horny corrupting monsters! Anyone can lose a fight to a minotaur or orc-babe and break their hips, sure. But when you need to scrub out corrupting slime on a deadline, Or Else, or when a vampire bites your dick or a ghost gangbang pumps ectoplasm into places that aren't holes, what now?

Ranked Remedies

For relatively simple cases of "exposed to corruption", especially if it's a regular occurrence in your story's world (and at least occasional in your story itself), it helps to have a list of remedies on hand for the corrupting substance or being, ideally several for different degrees of severity.

This example will use googirls and slime-queens that can potentially goo-ify their victims, if their effects go untreated.

Exposure / Remedy:
  1. Fucked By Someone Who Got Slimed: just wash off somewhere, any stream will do.
  2. Get Slimed Yourself: find a shower or an actual proper bath.
  3. Fucked By Faceless Goo: you have to dig in deep and get in there to get it all out.
  4. Fucked By a Googirl: you need to drink a curative potion.
  5. Fucked By A Slime Queen: you need to use a restorative talisman.

Each degree of remedy requires that you also perform the preceeding steps. For example, if you get fucked by a Slime Queen, you must Use A Talisman, and all other remedy steps, within six abstractly-defined 'beats', or else A Goo Is You.

If you get fucked by a mere goo, you have to Get In There, Find a Shower, and Wash Off, but as long as you do this before the sixth beat, you're fine.

If you only merely Fuck Someone Who Got Slimed and thus the most incidental exposure, just wash off, before six beats elapse, and you're fine. Unless you don't do that, in which case OHHH NOOOO--

As to these 'beats', use a Countdown with six steps, and a 'Buying Time' deadline, with six ticks before gooification is inevitable. For a more urgent pace (or if you just don't mind becoming a slime), a pace of one tick per half a day should leave at least some hope of salvation. If instead your hero/ine is deep in the wilderness or dungeon, a rate of one tick per day should still be at least a little fraught for more serious slimings, but manageable for lesser threats.

Each remedial measure you take buys one tick of time before the end of the Countdown. So in the 'deep wilderness' scenario, if you do nothing, then you have six days before complete slimetude. You can postpone that by washing off, bathing in a proper bath, digging in deep--

If you can apply a remedy that exceeds what your exposure requires, then that's all you need to do! You've staved off your slime corruption (this time), and are free and clear. If not, then each remedy you can apply will buy you a day of respite--but only once per remedy. Once you've washed off in a stream, that's as much benefit as you can get.

While your character tries to fend off their liquescent fate, they might endure some more temporary slimelike side-effects, a glistening sheen that isn't sweat, changes in appetite, unusual flexibility and unsteadiness, but these revert if you can fully purge the slime corruption.

Multiple Monsterfucking

All that is well and good if there's only a few corruptive creatures. But if the wilderness teems with wild and wicked threats, all eager to bring an unwary hero/ine's adventures to an end, then try the following elaboration:

Each kind of corruptive creature has both its own rate of progression, and its own entire regimen of remedies--and each creature's remedies preclude the remedies of the creature above and below it, on the following table:

Creature Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Conclusion
Slimes Wash Off Find a Shower Get In There Drink a Cure Use a Talisman Bloop, you are a Slime!
Escalation: number of slime encounters
------------ -------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ------------------ ----------------- -----------------------------------
Undead Use an Ointment Scrub With Salt Touch a Relic Get Life Magic Go to a Shrine Cooock, you are a Sex Ghoul!
Escalation: number of undead
------------ -------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ------------------ ----------------- -----------------------------------
Bugs Fish the Bugs Out Tainted Wine Toxic Potion Rest on an Idol Purging Ritual Squelch, you are a Bug Nest!
Escalation: end of scene, next scene, end of night, end of next day
------------ -------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ------------------ ----------------- -----------------------------------
Witches Clear Your Mind Use a Trinket Invoke a Spirit Counter the Hex Nature Ritual Ooooo, you are a Cursed Familiar!
Escalation: enchantments received
------------ -------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ------------------ ----------------- -----------------------------------
Demons Pray Earnestly Perform Penance Get a Blessing Get a Holy Brand Divine Ritual Teehee, you are a Succubus Slut!
Escalation: rapes + pacts made
------------ -------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ------------------ ----------------- -----------------------------------
Draconid Punch the Seed Out Harmful Spell Absorb a Curse Break the Egg Element Counter Groannn, you are Dragon Egged!
Escalation: days elapsed

Rather than a single kind of creature, with degrees of severity in corruptive exposure, this table lists many creatures, all equally corruptive at any exposure, but with different rates of progression, and different remedies to prevent whatever doom the creature can inflict.

For Slimes, simply washing off quickly after each encounter should suffice indefinitely--but if you endure multiple Slime encounters, the remedy required grows more burdensome, until only a preservative, protective talisman can save you.

For Undead, if you merely get groped by a single ghoul, you can ward off ill effects with simple herbal ointment. But if you get gangbanged by a gaggle of ghosts, you'll need to Use Ointment, Scrub With Salt, Touch a Relic, Get Life Magic, and Go to a Shrine to bask in its sanctity. And notice, those measures all prevent you washing off from a Slime attack or Bug infestation.

Each time a Witch enchants you, you have to work harder to break even the first of her spells, and then each of the subsequent, if she really seriously lays it on you. If you can't manage to perform a Nature Ritual before she curses you a sixth time, you'll become her thrall.

Demons require divine favor and blessings, but not only when they rape you. If you make any form of pact with them, even "please stop, it's tearing me apart, I'll do anything--" "~Annnnnnything?~", it increases their infernal grip on your soul. After a sixth defiling, degrading ravishment, or pact or agreement, you become their servile sexual slave for eternity.

Dragons are long-lived, but that doesn't make them patient, and they would always rather burden some lesser being with brooding their eggs if they can. Their eggs gestate in under a week, but take ages to hatch--and it's only during that first week, that the poor egg-bearer has any hope of purging or breaking the egg, before it hardens and binds itself to the bearer's life.

And as noted, each creature's course of remedy also precludes the remedies that would work for the creatures immediately above and below it on the table. This means that you could, in principle, work on both purging yourself of Bugs, and cleaning yourself of Slime, at the same time. However, if you're on your way to do a Divine Ritual to save you from becoming a Demon's pet, you're much more vulnerable to Witches and Draconids, should one just so happen to cross your path.

By default, you can use the same 'Buying Time' Countdown as discussed in the 'Ranked Remedies' section above. But, you may find it more fitting to give Bugs an Ironclad Deadline, making them especially unforgiving, or you may wish to give Demons a 'Winnable Rounds' Countdown, in which you can fend off complete corruption--but probabaly can't fend off corruption completely.

Elemental Dominance

The Big Idea Is: elemental affinity wheel, with a 'simple mode', 'double dose', and 'dominance':

  • Simple Mode: there's actually no affinities, just six elements, each element gives one Edge, that then degrades to a Danger when you next get fucked by a monster (of any element).
  • Double Dose: getting fucked by the same element twice has a special enhanced Edge and a special worsened Danger.
  • Dominance: there's actual elemental rochambeau X-beats-Y, and getting fucked by a given element makes you partially subject to what that element beats, and what beats that element, which alters what Edges or Dangers you might otherwise get.
Dominance Cycle:
Element Beats
Lightning Fire and Air
Fire Air and Water
Air Water and Earth
Water Earth and Dark
Earth Dark and Lightning
Dark Lightning and Fire

Each element beats the next two elements in the cycle. This ordering is completely arbitrary, so if you're thinking "why doesn't Lightning shock Water", you are correct, and welcome to make your own elemental interaction setup!

Simple Mode: no real elemental interactions
Element Edge Danger
Lightning: [controlled glow] [luring glow]
Fire: [repulsive heat] [burned out]
Air: [light step] [ragdoll]
Water: [flexible] [jelly-knees]
Earth: [solid footing] [heavy steps]
Dark: [stealthy] [sickly]

Getting fucked by an elemental being gives you an Edge that you can apply to any Action, as if it were one of your character's own Edges. This means it depletes if you put a 1-2 die into it, and the Edge returns after the end of the scene. If you get fucked by a different elemental being, then this Edge becomes a Danger, and you get a new Edge instead.

Double Dose: absorb the same element from two consecutive encounters
Element Edge Danger
Lightning: [zap stuff] [strengthen enemies]
Fire: [actual fire] [in heat]
Air: [actual flight] [fragile]
Water: [purging flush] [gushing]
Earth: [super-senses] [luring nectar]
Dark: [poison] [oblivious]

"What if you get fucked by a being of the same element?" This is what! A more powerful Edge, and a more onerous Danger. You only ever have one (1) elemental Edge and one (1) elemental Danger active at any time: a new elemental Edge pushes your current elemental Edge into becoming a Danger; a new elemental Danger just removes your current elemental Danger (if any).

Dominance: (eg, you got fucked by Earth/Dark, now fucked by Lightning)
Element Edge Danger
Earth/Dark->Lightning: [controlled glow] normally [heavy steps] or [sickly], can choose [luring glow]
Dark/Lightning->Fire: [repulsive heat] normally [sickly] or [luring glow], can choose [burned out]
Lightning/Fire->Air: [light step] normally [luring glow] or [burned out], can choose [ragdoll]
Fire/Air->Water: [flexible] normally [burned out] or [ragdoll], can choose [jelly-kneed]
Air/Water->Earth: [solid footing] normally [ragdoll] or [jelly-kneed], can choose [heavy steps]
Water/Earth->Dark: [stealthy] normally [jelly-knees] or [heavy steps], can choose [sickly]

Let's add in some actual elemental X-beats-Y interactions! This brings a fair bit of complexity, so feel free to stop here if you like. This chart corresponds to your character 'obeying' the dominance-cycle. For example, if you have Lightning imbued in you, then it gives you [controlled glow]. If you use that to help you subdue a Fire being, then you have a little more control over what Danger you take on from the encounter. You get the normal benefit (an Edge for [repulsive heat]), and you normally would get a Danger of [luring glow] from Lightning. But if you prefer [burned out], then you can take that Danger instead, owing to your Lightning dominating Fire.

Submission: (eg, you got fucked by Fire/Air, and now fucked by Lightning)
Element Edge Danger
Fire->Lightning: [stunning climax] [stimulating spasms]
Air->Lightning: [thunderclap] [stimulating spasms]
Air->Fire: [speed] [burning hunger]
Water->Fire: [steaming hot] [burning hunger]
Water->Air: [agile grace] [oversensitive]
Earth->Air: [mating sense] [oversensitive]
Earth->Water: [resilience] [loose grip]
Dark->Water: [slippery] [loose grip]
Dark->Earth: [camouflage] [numb]
Lightning->Earth: [healing] [numb]
Lightning->Dark: [hypnosis] [addicted]
Fire->Dark: [pheromones] [addicted]

Even more complexity, this chart shows what specifically happens, if you get fucked by an element that beats your current element: the new element overrides whatever Danger you normally would have from your elemental Edge, and then provides a new Edge specific to what element you currently have. This reflects your character being viscerally dominated by the element that beats their current element, to give a sense of being owned, claimed, or defeated, and made subordinate to the stronger element.

The Big Complete Table:

Find the element in italics as the element you first got fucked by. Then read horizontally for the element you are now getting fucked by, to find your pair of Edge and Danger for that combination.

\/Fucked by Lightning Fire Air Water Earth Dark
Lightning zap stuff repulse heat light steps flexible healing hypnosis
buff enemies luring/burn lure/ragdoll luring glow numb addicted
------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------------
Fire stun climax actual fire light steps flexible solid footing pheromones
stim spasms in heat burn/ragdoll burn/jelly burned out addicted
------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------------
Air thunderclap speed actual flight flexible solid footing stealthy
stim spasms burn hunger fragile ragdoll/jelly ragdoll/heavy ragdoll
------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------------
Water control glow steaming hot agile grace purging flush solid footing stealthy
jelly-kneed burn hunger oversensitive gushing jelly/heavy jelly/sickly
------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------------
Earth control glow repulse heat mating sense resilience super-senses stealthy
heavy/lure heavy steps oversensitive loose grip luring nectar heavy/sickly
------------- -------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------------
Dark control glow repulse heat light steps slippery camouflage poison
sickly/lure sickly/burn sickly loose grip numb oblivious

Some abbreviation is necessary for formatting. Find your current elemental effect, as the row along the left; then find what element you've just been fucked by, as the columns along the top. Their intersection is what elemental Edge and Danger you now have. If you have no elemental Edge or Danger at all, then you get the normal default elemental Edge and no Danger (yet). Your Edge will default into becoming an elemental Danger, per 'Simple Mode' above.

Edges and Dangers Expanded:

Normally, Edges and Dangers use a very "vibe with it" approach to applicability: add the die for the Edge or Danger if you think it suits the Action, based on how you interpret the Edge or Danger or what the phrase means in context. But to help, here's a bit of suggestion for the Edges and Dangers listed here:

[controlled glow] - you have a bright but controllable luminance, vital for night-time and caverns
[repulsive heat] - you can emit enough heat to drive things away from touching or grabbing you
[light step] - you have quicker, lighter movements, leaving fewer traces and making less noise
[flexible] - you can bend and contort far more than your usual, and ~stretch~ a lot too
[solid footing] - you feel steady and secure, able to fend off any attack
[stealthy] - you move more quietly and keep a lower profile, harder for others to notice
[zap stuff] - like it says, you can apply shocking sparks of electric current
[actual fire] - you can conjure and emit a pretty noticeable flame to ignite or frighten others
[actual flight] - not fast, or far, or for long, but with a running start or jump, you can fly for a bit
[purging flush] - you can expel toxins (or other substances) and generally recover from ill-effect
[super-senses] - you have keener awareness of your environment and fine details within it
[poison] - you can emit an incapacitating toxin at will
[stunning climax] - you can incapacitate others with a wracking orgasm (yours or theirs, your choice)
[thunderclap] - you can emit a burst of sound to daze and disable others in every direction
[speed] - you have much faster reflexes, movement, and anything else you can think of
[steaming hot] - you become dangerously alluring to others (and also have a very high temperature)
[agile grace] - you have impeccable coordination and physical awareness, and the precision to use it
[mating sense] - you can sense others' mating instincts from any range, as well as make use of it
[resilience] - you can resist and shake off any physical hardship or harm
[slippery] - you can squirm your way out of any effort to restrain you
[camouflage] - you somehow visually blend into your background, harder to notice and track or aim at
[healing] - you can recover from injuries or harm, possibly aiding others as well
[hypnosis] - you can mesmerize others and make them docile, passive, and transfixed
[pheromones] - you can emit pacifying pheromones that defeat others' aggressive impulses

[luring glow] - you radiate a light like a beacon that attracts others to you, usually not peacefully
[burned out] - you feel exhausted and weak and probably frustrated and fed-up
[ragdoll] - you can't resist or repel physical attacks or restraint
[jelly-knees] - you feel dizzy and limp with a mix of pre- and post-orgasmic pique
[heavy steps] - you move slowly, plodding loud and clumsy if you can't simply sit still
[sickly] - you feel fatigued, queasy, weak, and feverish
[strengthen enemies] - your enemies seem stronger, more encouraged, or just much more eager
[in heat] - you feel an irrational need for sex, as sharp and inarguable as thirst
[fragile] - you somehow have especially high odds of getting injured or feeling pain from any event
[gushing] - despite yourself, you can't help climaxing uncontrollably from any trigger
[luring nectar] - you emit a pervasive, irresistable scent that draws creatures to you
[oblivious] - you can't fully concentrate or pay attention to your surroundings or what you do
[stimulating spasms] - your body convulses involuntarily, providing ~extra~ pleasure to others
[burning hunger] - you feel a voracious appetite, and not only for food
[oversensitive] - even the slightest stimulation is almost unbearably intense
[loose grip] - your hands and your mind both find it hard to keep hold of anything
[numb] - regardless of how aroused you become, almost nothing seems to suffice
[addicted] - you can't resist an opportunity to indulge, especially from this creature

These concrete and specific effects should help guide your roleplay and inform the direction of scenes, but always feel free to improvise and interpret these Edges and Dangers to your own liking. Unusual and unforeseen situations are the whole point of collaborative storytelling, after all, and the rules should always encourage your roleplay, rather than restrict it.

Note that these arbitrary elements might just as easily have the same relationships, if you replace them with different genetic traits, fantasy deities, or even the proverbial Deadly Sins, each offering a tainted bargain for some kind of benefit, and tangled complications of dependence, domination, and submission.

Detailed Degeneration

The foregoing mechanics for getting fucked by monsters all use fairly binary states: you are not yet corrupted, or have finally fallen; you have a certain Edge and Danger from the creatures you've fucked or which fuck you, and that determines the next Edge and Danger you might get, and that's about it. For more progressive effects with degrees of corruption, you have a few options.

Into the Peril presents a few instances of 'statuses', which can be Dangers (or rarely Edges) that proceed along a track. You can formalize this more specifically, for monsters which afflict your character with some escalating effect.

If you want to give the 'Ranked Remedies' or 'Multiple Monsterfucking' mechanics a greater sense of weight, you can apply a kind of 'meta-Countdown', a residual corruption that even curing yourself cannot fully fix. For a simple example, using 'Ranked Remedies', repeated encounters with Slimes may reduce the effectiveness of remedies. At first, simply washing off in a stream can at least buy time, if not fully treat mild exposure. But soon, even drinking a curative potion stops giving any benefit, even against 'mild' exposure, until finally even being dripped on is enough to bring your adventures--or at least your solidity--to an end.

For a more complex example, 'Multiple Monsterfucking' presents a variety of villains which all might leave a lasting effect on a hapless adventurer. After repeatedly fending off the effects of undeath, slime absorption, or demonic possession, your character may end up with several statuses reflecting residual deterioration, lingering aftereffects even when they've done all they can to recover.

And for extreme or interesting cases, such as the repeated railings one might get from monsters with 'Elemental Dominance', you may even find it helpful to give your character a Challenge reflecting their mind becoming feral:

  • When you see someone show weakness or vulnerability, Brace against the urge to rip their clothing off, and assert your dominance and 'protection'.
  • When someone else makes you feel weak or vulnerable, Brace against the urge to strip your own clothing off and present in submission--whether they would want that or not.
  • The Danger to either is having to strip down later and find a monster to satiate the impulse you resisted.

If your character really makes the rounds of the horny ecosystem, they may even acquire an entire new Action, possibly beneficial, or possibly not. For an example of spending too much time among venomous Dark creatures, you might gain an Action to produce venom:

  • Salivate: when you think of your predators closing in, to attack while you try to feed on your prey, you can drip poison from your lips to sting, paralyze, or leave others delirious. The Danger is needing to isolate yourself, and gorge on a meal, no matter what other more important things you have to do.
  • Be Honest: when someone confronts you (specifically) about your whereabouts, destination, food and eating, or (generally) any topic you feel protective about, it takes effort to give a clear honest answer. The Danger is irrationally demanding a favor or show of safety from the person asking.

And as you describe the effects of these corruptive influences, both in the moment and unfolding onward, keep your mind on these notes and flavors to address, to emphasize, to contrast, and to appeal to:

Power exchange
Scent, sound, taste, texture
Changes of appearance
Fluid production
Engorging tissue
Slimes, oozes, and goops
Restrictions or alterations of behavior
Restrictions or alterations of movement
Restrictions or alterations of speech
Distraction or obsession
Intrusive hiveserving impulses
Environmental sensitivity
Detrimental or beneficial insensitivity

Pub: 28 Jul 2022 03:34 UTC
Edit: 29 Sep 2023 07:25 UTC
Views: 82