THERE IS NO QUESTION THAT I AM IT ! I am the killer , I am the source , and you will worship me , of course .

Erron Black is literally just me . Keep in mind I do not call these delusions . " KEEP IT TACTICAL , SERGEANT ."

MEErron , Tord , Ghostface , Vincenzo Jack of blades , Samuel Hayden , Slade Wilson , Twilight Sparkle , Shredder , Handsome Jack , Solid Snake , John Marston , Owlman , Ghost , Glitchtrap/Lolbit , Wrench , Bearer of the Curse , Omen , Reaper , Brain Drain , Felix , Scratch , Smoke , Polyblank , Vronos/Gonti , Catnap + UNLISTED ...

I am (most) every iteration of myself in media ! I don't care about 'doubles' — but I most likely won't interact for both our sakes

#01 , #02 , #03 , #04 , #05

I start to understand how you got so hooked on this shit . LOVE & RIGOR MORTIS , USE ME LIKE A WHORE !

Pub: 24 May 2023 10:29 UTC
Edit: 06 Mar 2024 22:05 UTC
Views: 1036