div (。>﹏<) ⁺ our lovemail ₀₀
⬦ ₊ we love you all so much ,
⁺ updated often (ᴗ _ ᴗ。 )

gio 14/12/21 /r i've written so many things for you but here i am again because no matter what i write my love for you just keeps growing. i love you so much and you mean so much to me, you've been there no matter what happens i've always had you to fall back amd rely on. whenever i'm worried you're right there for me and that means so much. and i'll always be there for you too. you are so silly and funny and you always know how to make me laugh even when i'm crying and at my worst you can still bring a smile to my face. and i love when we laugh together because your eyes shine so prettily when you're happy and i want to be the reason you're happy for now til forever. i say again and again i won't leave but i mean it, you're stuck with me until we're old and grey. ive bought and given you ring after ring but i'm so excited to give you an actual diamond ring and marry you properly. i can't imagine life without you and i never have to because we're in this together. i love you and everything about you; your eyes, your smile, your cute little nose, your smarts on things i'll never understand, your interests and you as a whole. i love movie nights over the phone and in person just watching discographies and silly movies and you answering all my stupid questions. i love how you helped me discover who i am and help me keep doing that, i finally take care of myself and i'm learning to love myself because of you. i could keep typing forever but i feel like i'm getting boring so just remember that i love you sososooo much and thank you for being in my life and for everything.

bonzo 08/04/22 /r where to start, i guess i should start with how much i love you. because i love you so much it hurts, it pains me that it's still years before i can see you in person and spin around til we're both dizzy on the floor. you are so sweet and caring amd the first thing you always ask is if i'm okay and you always hope that i'm okay or better soon and i'll always hope the best for you too. you always look out for me when i forget to look out for myself, i've always got you in my corner no matter what and i'm so happy that it's you with me and not anybody else because you are so funny and sweet and genuinely a wonderful person. you have a great sense of humor and you lighten everyone's mood by just being there let alone all your jokes that make me laugh til i cry again, you brighten everything when you just come online. i love your voice that's slowly loosing it's american accent, i love your hair, i love your smile so much especially when you get shy and try to hide your face, i love your outfits and minecraft pjs and i love your awful meals. i can't wait til we're together when we're older and i can just hug you whenever and remind you how much you mean to me becuase you mean soso much and i love you soooo much. i love our podcasts and happy silences as much as i love our gaming and horrigying movies that make you so happy. never forget that i love you and i always will until i die.

arien /fam we've both jumped between accounts so often i can't remeber when we first spoke, especially as i feel like i've known you so long i can't remember a time before i spoke to you. you mean so much to me and you never fail to make me smile and laugh. seeing you online is such a nice treat because it means that you're still here and around me and that means so much to me really, having you in my life is a dream come true (kind of literally because i was too scared to reach out to you for months) and i'm so happy you're here with me. i love you so much and i love your humor and the way you always have my back against everyone, i can always rely on you to help me feel better and to laugh through the bad things. i love your interests, your jokes, your voice especially when you sing you sound amazing and i love how protective and caring you are. you are such a big part of my life and do so much for me i don't know how i got this far without knowing you. i always want to be here for you and make you happy because you're stuck with me as my silly system family and i want you to feel as happy as you make me. never forget how much you mean to me and remember i'll fight the whole world to protect you my little sysbling.

Pub: 29 Jul 2023 09:53 UTC
Edit: 29 Jul 2023 12:33 UTC
Views: 225